show t-shirt text at end of game inventory disclose
hitting with a polearm remembers the position of the last monster you hit
allow showing legal polearm positions when asked for location to hit
+add messages for trying to pick up some terrain features
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (!OBJ_AT(u.ux, {
- There("is nothing here to pick up.");
+ register struct rm *lev = &levl[u.ux][];
+ if (IS_THRONE(lev->typ))
+ pline("It must weigh%s a ton!",
+ lev->looted ? " almost" : "");
+ else if (IS_SINK(lev->typ))
+ pline_The("plumbing connects it to the floor.");
+ else if (IS_GRAVE(lev->typ))
+ You("don't need a gravestone. Yet.");
+ else if (IS_FOUNTAIN(lev->typ))
+ You("could drink the water...");
+ else if (IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && (lev->doormask & D_ISOPEN))
+ pline("It won't come off the hinges.");
+ else There("is nothing here to pick up.");
return 0;
if (!can_reach_floor(TRUE)) {