PHP_FE(usort, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FE(uasort, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FE(uksort, first_arg_force_ref)
+ PHP_FE(shuffle, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FE(array_walk, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FALIAS(sizeof, count, first_arg_allow_ref)
PHP_FE(count, first_arg_allow_ref)
PHP_FE(in_array, NULL)
PHP_FE(extract, NULL)
PHP_FE(compact, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(range, NULL)
PHP_FE(array_push, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FE(array_pop, first_arg_force_ref)
PHP_FE(array_shift, first_arg_force_ref)
/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto array range(int low, int high)
+ Create an array containing the range of integers from low to high (inclusive) */
+ zval *zlow, *zhigh;
+ int low, high;
+ if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 2 || getParameters(ht,2,&zlow,&zhigh) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ convert_to_long(zlow);
+ convert_to_long(zhigh);
+ low = zlow->value.lval;
+ high = zhigh->value.lval;
+ /* allocate an array for return */
+ if (array_init(return_value) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ for (; low <= high; low++) {
+ add_next_index_long(return_value, low);
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static int array_data_shuffle(const void *a, const void*b) {
+ return (
+ /* This is just a little messy. */
+#ifdef HAVE_LRAND48
+ lrand48()
+ random()
+ rand()
+ % 2) ? 1 : -1;
+/* {{{ proto int shuffle(array array_arg)
+ Randomly shuffle the contents of an array */
+ zval **array;
+ if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || getParametersEx(1, &array) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ if ((*array)->type != IS_ARRAY) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING, "Wrong datatype in shuffle() call");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!ParameterPassedByReference(ht,1)) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING, "Array not passed by reference in call to shuffle()");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (zend_hash_sort((*array)->, array_data_shuffle, 1) == FAILURE) {
+ return;
+ }
+/* }}} */
/* HashTable* _phpi_splice(HashTable *in_hash, int offset, int length,
zval ***list, int list_count, HashTable **removed) */