--- /dev/null
+# Generator for on-line documentation.
+# Required tools: cc, dot, awk, ksh, yacc, gs, python.
+# gs and awk are used in ps_to_jpg.sh
+# dot is used in mkarrows.sh, mkshapes.sh, mkstyles.sh, mktapers.sh, mksplines.sh
+# ps_to_png.sh and other make rules rely on netpbm tools
+# and ps2raster, which is part of the GMT library.
+# python is used to run jconvert.py, which converts the json schema
+# graphviz_json_schema.json to html. This also relies on the python
+# package json2html.
+# The main product are 7 web pages:
+# arrows.html - arrow_grammar
+# attrs.html - attrs, types
+# colors.html - color_names svgcolor_names brewer_colors
+# command.html - raw HTML
+# lang.html - grammar
+# output.html - outputs
+# shapes.html - shapelist, html_grammar
+# The files listed after each give the main data files used to
+# generate the page.
+# If shapelist is extended, add entry to SGIF.
+INSTALL_DIR = ../info
+XGIF = forward.gif back.gif both.gif nohead.gif
+MGIF = constraint.gif record.gif html1.gif html2.gif fill.gif round.gif \
+ mrecord.gif html3.gif html4.gif colorlist.gif record2.gif fixed.gif tee.gif
+MJPG = sdlshapes.jpg
+GRADPNG = g_lin0.png g_wlin0.png g_rad0.png g_lin45.png g_wlin45.png g_rad45.png g_lin90.png g_wlin90.png g_rad90.png \
+ g_lin180.png g_wlin180.png g_rad180.png g_lin270.png g_wlin270.png g_rad270.png g_lin360.png g_wlin360.png g_rad360.png
+STYLEPNG = n_solid.png n_dashed.png n_dotted.png n_bold.png n_filled.png n_rounded.png n_striped.png \
+ n_wedged.png n_diagonals.png \
+ e_solid.png e_dashed.png e_dotted.png e_bold.png \
+ c_solid.png c_dashed.png c_dotted.png c_bold.png c_filled.png c_rounded.png c_striped.png
+TAPERPNG = normal_forward.png normal_back.png normal_both.png normal_none.png \
+ none_forward.png none_back.png none_both.png none_none.png
+SPLINEPNG = spline_none.png spline_line.png spline_spline.png spline_ortho.png spline_curved.png spline_polyline.png
+MPNG = plugins.png sdlshapes.png $(GRADPNG) $(STYLEPNG) $(TAPERPNG) $(SPLINEPNG)
+SGIF = Mcircle.gif Mdiamond.gif Msquare.gif box.gif \
+ circle.gif diamond.gif doublecircle.gif \
+ doubleoctagon.gif egg.gif ellipse.gif hexagon.gif house.gif \
+ invhouse.gif invtrapezium.gif invtriangle.gif none.gif underline.gif \
+ octagon.gif oval.gif parallelogram.gif plaintext.gif note.gif \
+ point.gif polygon.gif trapezium.gif triangle.gif cylinder.gif \
+ tripleoctagon.gif pentagon.gif septagon.gif rect.gif plain.gif \
+ rectangle.gif square.gif star.gif tab.gif folder.gif box3d.gif \
+ component.gif promoter.gif cds.gif terminator.gif utr.gif \
+ primersite.gif restrictionsite.gif fivepoverhang.gif \
+ threepoverhang.gif noverhang.gif assembly.gif signature.gif \
+ insulator.gif ribosite.gif rnastab.gif proteasesite.gif \
+ proteinstab.gif rpromoter.gif rarrow.gif larrow.gif lpromoter.gif
+AGIF = a_normal.gif a_inv.gif a_dot.gif a_invdot.gif a_odot.gif \
+ a_invodot.gif a_curve.gif a_icurve.gif a_none.gif \
+ a_tee.gif a_empty.gif a_invempty.gif a_open.gif \
+ a_diamond.gif a_odiamond.gif a_box.gif a_obox.gif a_crow.gif \
+ a_halfopen.gif a_ediamond.gif a_lteeoldiamond.gif
+A2GIF= aa_box.gif aa_lbox.gif aa_rbox.gif aa_obox.gif aa_olbox.gif aa_orbox.gif\
+ aa_crow.gif aa_lcrow.gif aa_rcrow.gif \
+ aa_diamond.gif aa_ldiamond.gif aa_rdiamond.gif aa_odiamond.gif aa_oldiamond.gif aa_ordiamond.gif\
+ aa_dot.gif aa_odot.gif \
+ aa_inv.gif aa_linv.gif aa_rinv.gif aa_oinv.gif aa_olinv.gif aa_orinv.gif\
+ aa_none.gif \
+ aa_normal.gif aa_lnormal.gif aa_rnormal.gif aa_onormal.gif aa_olnormal.gif aa_ornormal.gif\
+ aa_tee.gif aa_ltee.gif aa_rtee.gif \
+ aa_vee.gif aa_lvee.gif aa_rvee.gif \
+ aa_curve.gif aa_lcurve.gif aa_rcurve.gif \
+ aa_icurve.gif aa_licurve.gif aa_ricurve.gif
+GIF = $(SGIF) $(AGIF) $(MGIF) $(A2GIF) $(XGIF)
+DOTS = html2.gv html3.gv html4.gv tee.gv
+HTML = attrs.html colors.html command.html lang.html output.html shapes.html \
+ arrows.html schema.html
+.SUFFIXES: .gv .gif .dot .png
+.dot.gif :
+ dot -Tgif -o $@ $<
+.gv.gif :
+ dot -Tgif -o $@ $<
+.gv.png :
+ dot -Tpng -o $@ $<
+all : $(HTML) $(GIF) $(MPNG) $(MJPG)
+install : all
+record2.gif : record.dot
+ dot -Tgif -Grankdir=LR -o $@ $<
+sdlshapes.ps : sdlshapes.dot
+ dot -Tps -lsdl.ps sdlshapes.dot > sdlshapes.ps
+sdlshapes.ppm: sdlshapes.ps
+ ps2raster sdlshapes.ps -Tm -A -E800
+sdlshapes.jpg : sdlshapes.ppm
+ cat sdlshapes.ppm | pamscale .1 | pnmtojpeg >sdlshapes.jpg
+sdlshapes.png : sdlshapes.ps
+ ./ps_to_png.sh sdlshapes.ps sdlshapes.png
+attrs.html : attrs.1 attrs types mkattrs.sh mktypes.sh
+ cat attrs.1 > attrs.html
+ ./mkattrs.sh < attrs >> attrs.html
+ ./mktypes.sh < types >> attrs.html
+colors.html : colors.1 colors.n ../../lib/common/color_names ../../lib/common/svgcolor_names ../../lib/common/brewer_colors mkcolors.awk brewer.awk svg.awk
+ mkdir -p colortmp
+ awk -f brewer.awk ../../lib/common/brewer_colors
+ cat colors.1 > colors.html
+ awk -f mkcolors.awk ../../lib/common/color_names >> colors.html
+ echo '<H2><A NAME="svg">The SVG color scheme</A></H2>' >> colors.html
+ awk -f svg.awk ../../lib/common/svgcolor_names > svg
+ awk -f mkcolors.awk svg >> colors.html
+ rm -rf svg
+ echo '<H2><A NAME="brewer">Brewer color schemes</A></H2>' >> colors.html
+ (for f in $$(ls colortmp); do awk -f mkcolors.awk -s colortmp/$$f >> colors.html; done)
+ cat colors.n >> colors.html
+ rm -rf colortmp
+output.html : output.1 output.2 outputs mkoutput.sh plugins.png jconvert.py
+ cat output.1 > output.html
+ ./jconvert.py graphviz_json_schema.json schema.html
+ ./mkoutput.sh < outputs >> output.html
+ cat output.2 >> output.html
+html.html : html.1 html_grammar html.2 html.3 html1.gif html2.gif html3.gif html4.gif mklang
+ ./mklang html_grammar gramtmp
+ cat html.1 > html.html
+ cat gramtmp >> html.html
+ cat html.2 >> html.html
+ cat html1.dot >> html.html
+ cat html.3 >> html.html
+ rm gramtmp
+shapes : shapelist mkshapes.sh
+ ./mkshapes.sh
+ touch shapes
+shapes.html : shapes shapes.1 mkshhtml.sh shapes.2 html.html shapes.3 record.gif record2.gif sdlshapes.png
+ cat shapes.1 > shapes.html
+ ./mkshhtml.sh >> shapes.html
+ cat shapes.2 >> shapes.html
+ cat html.html >> shapes.html
+ cat shapes.3 >> shapes.html
+lang.html : grammar lang.1 lang.2 mklang
+ ./mklang grammar gramtmp
+ cat lang.1 > lang.html
+ cat gramtmp >> lang.html
+ cat lang.2 >> lang.html
+ rm gramtmp
+arrows.html : arrow_grammar arrows.1 arrows.2 mkarrowtbl.sh mklang $(AGIF) $(A2GIF)
+ ./mklang arrow_grammar gramtmp
+ cat arrows.1 > arrows.html
+ cat gramtmp >> arrows.html
+ cat arrows.2 >> arrows.html
+ ./mkarrowtbl.sh $(A2GIF) >> arrows.html
+ rm gramtmp
+mklang : mklang.y
+ yacc mklang.y
+ cc -o mklang y.tab.c
+ rm -rf y.tab.c
+$(SGIF) : mkshapes.sh shapelist
+ ./mkshapes.sh
+$(AGIF) :
+ ./mkarrows.sh $@
+$(A2GIF) :
+ ./mkarrows.sh -s $@
+$(GRADPNG) : mkgrads.sh
+ ./mkgrads.sh $@
+$(STYLEPNG) : mkstyles.sh
+ ./mkstyles.sh $@
+$(TAPERPNG) : mktapers.sh
+ ./mktapers.sh $@
+$(SPLINEPNG) : mksplines.sh
+ ./mksplines.sh $@
+clean :
+ rm -f mklang sdlshapes.ps sdlshapes.ppm html.html
+distclean : clean
+ rm -f attrs.html colors.html output.html shapes.html lang.html arrows.html
+ rm -f $(A2GIF) $(AGIF) $(SGIF) $(MJPG) $(MGIF) $(MPNG) shapes
+ (for s in $$(cat shapelist); do rm -f $$s.gif; done)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(XGIF) mklang.y mkarrows.sh mkattrs.sh mkshapes.sh mkstyles.sh mktapers.sh \
+ mktypes.sh mkarrowtbl.sh mkoutput.sh mkshhtml.sh \
+ ps_to_jpg.sh ps_to_png.sh arrow_grammar grammar html_grammar \
+ shapelist attrs.1 colors.1 colors.n \
+ output.1 output.2 html.1 html.2 html1.dot html.3 \
+ shapes.1 shapes.2 shapes.3 lang.1 lang.2 arrows.1 arrows.2 \
+ brewer.awk mkcolors.awk svg.awk sz.awk \
+ colorlist.dot html1.dot html4.dot round.dot constraint.dot \
+ html2.dot mrecord.dot sdlshapes.dot fill.dot html3.dot record.dot \
+ attrs types X11 outputs eqn.gif plugins.gv