-# Linux makefile for OpenJPEG\r
-VER_MAJOR = 1\r
-VER_MINOR = 0.0\r
-SRCS = ./libopenjpeg/bio.c ./libopenjpeg/cio.c ./libopenjpeg/dwt.c ./libopenjpeg/event.c ./libopenjpeg/image.c ./libopenjpeg/j2k.c ./libopenjpeg/j2k_lib.c ./libopenjpeg/jp2.c ./libopenjpeg/jpt.c ./libopenjpeg/mct.c ./libopenjpeg/mqc.c ./libopenjpeg/openjpeg.c ./libopenjpeg/pi.c ./libopenjpeg/raw.c ./libopenjpeg/t1.c ./libopenjpeg/t2.c ./libopenjpeg/tcd.c ./libopenjpeg/tgt.c\r
-INCLS = ./libopenjpeg/bio.h ./libopenjpeg/cio.h ./libopenjpeg/dwt.h ./libopenjpeg/event.h ./libopenjpeg/fix.h ./libopenjpeg/image.h ./libopenjpeg/int.h ./libopenjpeg/j2k.h ./libopenjpeg/j2k_lib.h ./libopenjpeg/jp2.h ./libopenjpeg/jpt.h ./libopenjpeg/mct.h ./libopenjpeg/mqc.h ./libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h ./libopenjpeg/pi.h ./libopenjpeg/raw.h ./libopenjpeg/t1.h ./libopenjpeg/t2.h ./libopenjpeg/tcd.h ./libopenjpeg/tgt.h ./libopenjpeg/opj_includes.h\r
-INCLUDE = -Ilibopenjpeg\r
-# General configuration variables:\r
-CC = gcc\r
-AR = ar\r
-INSTALLDIR = /usr/lib\r
-# Converts cr/lf to just lf\r
-DOS2UNIX = dos2unix\r
-LIBRARIES = -lstdc++\r
-MODULES = $(SRCS:.c=.o)\r
-TARGET = openjpeg\r
-default: all\r
-all: dist\r
-dist: OpenJPEG\r
- mkdir dist\r
- cp *.a dist/\r
- cp *.so dist/\r
- cp libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h dist/\r
- @$(DOS2UNIX) $(SRCS) $(INCLS)\r
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@\r
- $(AR) r $@ $(MODULES)\r
- $(CC) -s -shared -Wl,-soname,$(LIBNAME) -o $@ $(MODULES) $(LIBRARIES)\r
- install -m 644 -o root -g root $(STATICLIB) $(INSTALLDIR)\r
- install -m 755 -o root -g root $(SHAREDLIB) $(INSTALLDIR)\r
- ldconfig\r
- rm -rf core dist/ u2dtmp* $(MODULES) $(STATICLIB) $(SHAREDLIB) $(LIBNAME)\r
- make -f Makefile.osx\r
- make -f Makefile.osx install\r
- make -f Makefile.osx clean\r
+# Linux makefile for JP3DVM
+VER_MINOR = 1.3.0
+SRCS = ./libjp3dvm/bio.c ./libjp3dvm/cio.c ./libjp3dvm/dwt.c ./libjp3dvm/event.c ./libjp3dvm/jp3d.c ./libjp3dvm/jp3d_lib.c ./libjp3dvm/volume.c ./libjp3dvm/mct.c ./libjp3dvm/mqc.c ./libjp3dvm/openjpeg.c ./libjp3dvm/pi.c ./libjp3dvm/raw.c ./libjp3dvm/t1.c ./libjp3dvm/t1_3d.c ./libjp3dvm/t2.c ./libjp3dvm/tcd.c ./libjp3dvm/tgt.c
+INCLS = ./libjp3dvm/t1_3d.h ./libjp3dvm/bio.h ./libjp3dvm/cio.h ./libjp3dvm/dwt.h ./libjp3dvm/event.h ./libjp3dvm/fix.h ./libjp3dvm/int.h ./libjp3dvm/jp3d.h ./libjp3dvm/jp3d_lib.h ./libjp3dvm/volume.h ./libjp3dvm/mct.h ./libjp3dvm/mqc.h ./libjp3dvm/openjpeg.h ./libjp3dvm/pi.h ./libjp3dvm/raw.h ./libjp3dvm/t1.h ./libjp3dvm/t2.h ./libjp3dvm/tcd.h ./libjp3dvm/tgt.h ./libjp3dvm/opj_includes.h
+INCLUDE = -Ilibjp3dvm
+# General configuration variables:
+CC = gcc
+AR = ar
+PREFIX = /usr
+# Converts cr/lf to just lf
+DOS2UNIX = dos2unix
+COMPILERFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -ffast-math -std=c99 -fPIC
+LIBRARIES = -lstdc++
+MODULES = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
+TARGET = jp3dvm
+default: all
+all: Jp3dVM
+dist: Jp3dVM
+ install -d dist
+ install -m 644 $(STATICLIB) dist
+ install -m 755 $(SHAREDLIB) dist
+ ln -sf $(SHAREDLIB) dist/$(LIBNAME)
+ install libjp3dvm/openjpeg.h dist
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+ $(AR) r $@ $(MODULES)
+ $(CC) -s -shared -Wl,-soname,$(LIBNAME) -o $@ $(MODULES) $(LIBRARIES)
+install: Jp3dVM
+ install -m 644 -o root -g root $(STATICLIB) '$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIBDIR)'
+ install -m 755 -o root -g root $(SHAREDLIB) '$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIBDIR)'
+ install -m 644 -o root -g root libjp3dvm/openjpeg.h '$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)'
+ -ldconfig
+ rm -rf core dist/ u2dtmp* $(MODULES) $(STATICLIB) $(SHAREDLIB) $(LIBNAME)
+ make -f Makefile.osx
+ make -f Makefile.osx install
+ make -f Makefile.osx clean
fprintf(stdout," Set the maximum number of quality layers to decode. If there are\n");\r
fprintf(stdout," less quality layers than the specified number, all the quality layers\n");\r
fprintf(stdout," are decoded. \n");\r
- fprintf(stdout," -O original-file \n");
- fprintf(stdout," This option offers the possibility to compute some quality results \n");
- fprintf(stdout," for the decompressed volume, like the PSNR value achieved or the global SSIM value. \n");
- fprintf(stdout," Needs the original file in order to compare with the new one.\n");
- fprintf(stdout," NOTE: Only valid when -r option is 0,0,0 (both original and decompressed volumes have same resolutions) \n");
- fprintf(stdout," NOTE: If original file is .BIN file, the volume characteristics file shall be defined with the -m option. \n");
+ fprintf(stdout," -O original-file \n");\r
+ fprintf(stdout," This option offers the possibility to compute some quality results \n");\r
+ fprintf(stdout," for the decompressed volume, like the PSNR value achieved or the global SSIM value. \n");\r
+ fprintf(stdout," Needs the original file in order to compare with the new one.\n");\r
+ fprintf(stdout," NOTE: Only valid when -r option is 0,0,0 (both original and decompressed volumes have same resolutions) \n");\r
+ fprintf(stdout," NOTE: If original file is .BIN file, the volume characteristics file shall be defined with the -m option. \n");\r
fprintf(stdout," (i.e. -O original-BIN-file -m original-IMG-file) \n");\r
fprintf(stdout," -BE \n");\r
fprintf(stdout," Define that the recovered volume data will be saved with big endian byte order.\n");\r