: size(n)
, state(new nfa_state_t*[size])
, tvers(new size_t[size])
- , tnorm(new size_t[size])
kernel_t *kernel_t::copy(const kernel_t &k)
kernel_t *kcopy = new kernel_t(n);
memcpy(kcopy->state, k.state, n * sizeof(void*));
memcpy(kcopy->tvers, k.tvers, n * sizeof(size_t));
- memcpy(kcopy->tnorm, k.tnorm, n * sizeof(size_t));
return kcopy;
delete[] state;
delete[] tvers;
- delete[] tnorm;
struct kernel_eq_t
-struct kernel_map_t
+/* note [mapping ignores items with lookahead tags]
+ *
+ * Consider two items X and Y being mapped.
+ *
+ * If tag T belongs to lookahead tags of item X, then all
+ * outgoing transitions from item X update T. Which means
+ * that it doesn't matter what particular version T has in X:
+ * whatever version it has, it will be overwritten by any
+ * outgoing transition.
+ *
+ * Note that lookahead tags are identical for both items
+ * X and Y, because we only try to map DFA states with
+ * identical lookahead tags.
+ */
+bool kernels_t::operator()(const kernel_t *k1, const kernel_t *k2)
- bool operator()(const kernel_t *x, const kernel_t *y) const
- {
- return x->size == y->size
- && memcmp(x->state, y->state, x->size * sizeof(void*)) == 0
- && memcmp(x->tnorm, y->tnorm, x->size * sizeof(size_t)) == 0;
+ // check that kernel sizes and NFA states coincide
+ const bool compatible = k1->size == k2->size
+ && memcmp(k1->state, k2->state, k1->size * sizeof(void*)) == 0;
+ if (!compatible) return false;
+ // map tag versions of one kernel to that of another
+ // and check that lookahead versions (if any) coincide
+ const size_t ntag = tagpool.ntags;
+ std::fill(x2y - max, x2y + max, TAGVER_ZERO);
+ std::fill(y2x - max, y2x + max, TAGVER_ZERO);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < k1->size; ++i) {
+ const tagver_t
+ *xv = tagpool[k1->tvers[i]],
+ *yv = tagpool[k2->tvers[i]];
+ for (size_t t = 0; t < ntag; ++t) {
+ const tagver_t x = xv[t], y = yv[t];
+ // see note [mapping ignores items with lookahead tags]
+ || y == TAGVER_CURSOR || y == TAGVER_BOTTOM) {
+ if (x == y) continue;
+ return false;
+ }
+ tagver_t &x0 = y2x[y], &y0 = x2y[x];
+ if (y0 == TAGVER_ZERO && x0 == TAGVER_ZERO) {
+ x0 = x;
+ y0 = y;
+ x2t[x] = t;
+ } else if (y != y0 || x != x0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
kernels_t::kernels_t(Tagpool &tagp, tcpool_t &tcp)
: lookup()
, maxsize(0) // usually ranges from one to some twenty
, buffer(new kernel_t(maxsize))
- , nform(NULL)
, cap(0)
, max(0)
, mem(NULL)
, x2y(NULL)
, y2x(NULL)
+ , x2t(NULL)
, indeg(NULL)
delete buffer;
delete[] mem;
- delete[] nform;
const size_t n = lookup.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (maxsize < nkern) {
maxsize = nkern * 2; // in advance
delete buffer;
- delete[] nform;
buffer = new kernel_t(maxsize);
- nform = new tagver_t[tagpool.ntags * maxsize];
// +1 to ensure max tag version is not forgotten in loops
n = static_cast<size_t>(cap),
m = 2 * n + 1,
sz_x2y = 2 * m * sizeof(tagver_t),
+ sz_x2t = m * sizeof(size_t),
sz_indeg = n * sizeof(uint32_t);
delete[] mem;
- mem = new char[sz_x2y + sz_indeg];
+ mem = new char[sz_x2y + sz_x2t + sz_indeg];
// point to the center (zero index) of each buffer
// indexes in range [-N .. N] must be valid, where N is capacity
x2y = reinterpret_cast<tagver_t*>(mem) + cap;
y2x = x2y + m;
- indeg = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(mem + sz_x2y);
+ x2t = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(mem + sz_x2y) + cap;
+ indeg = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(mem + sz_x2y + sz_x2t);
// see note [topological ordering of copy commands]
memset(indeg, 0, sz_indeg);
return lookup[idx];
-/* note [kernel normal form]
- *
- * 'Normal form' of the version matrix of the given kernel: versions are
- * renumbered to have consequent natural numbers starting from one; exceptions
- * are 'cursor' and 'bottom' versions which are not normalized (they must
- * coinside for mappable kernels). Order of versions is preserved.
- *
- * The normalized matrix is cut into rows: rows fit nicely into tagpool
- * and we need to index the normal form anyway to perform fast comparison of
- * two normal forms.
- */
-void kernels_t::normal_form()
- kernel_t *kernel = buffer;
- size_t ntag = tagpool.ntags;
- std::set<tagver_t> used;
- std::set<tagver_t>::const_iterator u;
- for (size_t t = 0; t < ntag; ++t) {
- used.clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kernel->size; ++i) {
- // see note [mapping ignores items with lookahead tags]
- const tagver_t v = tagpool[kernel->tvers[i]][t];
- if (v != TAGVER_CURSOR && v != TAGVER_BOTTOM) {
- used.insert(v);
- }
- }
- tagver_t maxv = 0;
- for (u = used.begin(); u != used.end(); ++u) {
- x2y[*u] = ++maxv;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kernel->size; ++i) {
- const tagver_t v = tagpool[kernel->tvers[i]][t];
- nform[ntag * i + t] = v == TAGVER_CURSOR || v == TAGVER_BOTTOM
- ? v : x2y[v];
- }
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < kernel->size; ++i) {
- kernel->tnorm[i] = tagpool.insert(nform + ntag * i);
- }
/* note [bijective mappings]
* Suppose we have just constructed a new DFA state Y and want to map it
buffer->state[i] = c.state;
buffer->tvers[i] = c.tvers;
- normal_form();
// get kernel hash
uint32_t hash = static_cast<uint32_t>(nkern); // seed
hash = hash32(hash, buffer->state, nkern * sizeof(void*));
- hash = hash32(hash, buffer->tnorm, nkern * sizeof(size_t));
// try to find identical kernel
kernel_eq_t eq;
// else try to find mappable kernel
// see note [bijective mappings]
- kernel_map_t map;
- x = lookup.find_with(hash, buffer, map);
- if (x != index_t::NIL) return result_t(x, commands2(clos, x), false);
+ x = lookup.find_with(hash, buffer, *this);
+ if (x != index_t::NIL) return result_t(x, commands2(clos), false);
// otherwise add new kernel
x = lookup.push(hash, kernel_t::copy(*buffer));
return tcmd_t(save, NULL);
-/* note [mapping ignores items with lookahead tags]
- *
- * Consider two items X and Y being mapped.
- *
- * If tag T belongs to lookahead tags of item X, then all
- * outgoing transitions from item X update T. Which means
- * that it doesn't matter what particular version T has in X:
- * whatever version it has, it will be overwritten by any
- * outgoing transition.
- *
- * Note that lookahead tags are identical for both items
- * X and Y, because we only try to map DFA states with
- * identical lookahead tags.
- */
/* note [save(X), copy(Y,X) optimization]
* save(X) command followed by a copy(Y,X) command can be optimized to
* cannot affect the check.
-tcmd_t kernels_t::commands2(const closure_t &closure, size_t idx)
+tcmd_t kernels_t::commands2(const closure_t &closure)
- // 'buffer' has the kernel corresponding to closure
- cclositer_t c = closure.begin();
- const kernel_t *k = (*this)[idx];
- const size_t ntag = tagpool.ntags;
tagsave_t *save = NULL;
tagcopy_t *copy = NULL;
+ cclositer_t c1 = closure.begin(), c2 = closure.end(), c;
- // map versions of the old kernel to versions of the new one
- std::fill(x2y - max, x2y + max, TAGVER_ZERO);
- std::fill(y2x - max, y2x + max, TAGVER_ZERO);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < k->size; ++i, ++c) {
- const tagver_t
- *xv = tagpool[k->tvers[i]],
- *yv = tagpool[c->tvers],
- *yt = tagpool[c->ttran];
- for (size_t t = 0; t < ntag; ++t) {
- const tagver_t x = xv[t], y = yv[t];
- // see note [mapping ignores items with lookahead tags]
- if (x == TAGVER_CURSOR || x == TAGVER_BOTTOM) continue;
- tagver_t &x0 = y2x[y], &y0 = x2y[x];
- // paranoid checks; normal form should take care of that
- // see note [kernel normal form]
- if (y0 != TAGVER_ZERO || x0 != TAGVER_ZERO) {
- assert(y == y0 && x == x0);
- continue;
- }
- y0 = y; x0 = x;
+ // see note [save(X), copy(Y,X) optimization]
+ for (tagver_t x = -max; x < max; ++x) {
+ const tagver_t y = x2y[x];
+ if (y == TAGVER_ZERO) continue;
- const tagver_t z = yt[t],
- ax = abs(x), ay = abs(y);
- // see note [save(X), copy(Y,X) optimization]
- if (z == y) {
- save = tcpool.make_save(save, ax, z < 0);
- } else if (x != y) {
- assert(ax != ay); // stay paranoid
- copy = tcpool.make_copy(copy, ax, ay);
- }
+ // at most one new cursor and one new bottom version per tag
+ const size_t t = x2t[x];
+ const tagver_t ax = abs(x), ay = abs(y);
+ for (c = c1; c != c2 && tagpool[c->ttran][t] != y; ++c);
+ if (c != c2) {
+ save = tcpool.make_save(save, ax, y < TAGVER_ZERO);
+ } else if (x != y) {
+ assert(ax != ay);
+ copy = tcpool.make_copy(copy, ax, ay);