--- /dev/null
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=4: */
+#include <spinehdr.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <quad.h>
+#include <subset.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+static int cmpdeg(const void *v0, const void *v1)
+ Agnode_t *n0 = *(Agnode_t **) v0;
+ Agnode_t *n1 = *(Agnode_t **) v1;
+ if (ND_deg(n0) > ND_deg(n1))
+ return -1;
+ else if (ND_deg(n0) < ND_deg(n1))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+void genQuads(Agraph_t * g, quadfn_t action, void *state)
+ int nnodes = agnnodes(g);
+ Agnode_t **arr = N_NEW(nnodes, Agnode_t *);
+ Agraph_t *cloneg = agsubg(g, "clone", 1);
+ Dt_t **subs = N_NEW(nnodes, Dt_t *);
+ Agnode_t *n;
+ Agnode_t *v;
+ Agnode_t *u;
+ Agnode_t *w;
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ Agedge_t *f;
+ /* make clone graph */
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ agsubnode(cloneg, n, 1);
+ for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
+ agsubedge(cloneg, e, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* sort the vertices by non-increasing degrees */
+ int j, i = 0;
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ arr[i++] = n;
+ ND_deg(n) = agdegree(cloneg, n, 1, 1);
+ }
+ qsort(arr, nnodes, sizeof(Agnode_t *), cmpdeg);
+ /* create index and set for each node */
+ for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
+ if (i < nnodes - 1)
+ assert(ND_deg(arr[i]) >= ND_deg(arr[i + 1]));
+ ND_id(arr[i]) = i;
+ subs[i] = mkSubset();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
+ v = arr[i];
+ /* for each adjacent node u of v */
+ for (e = agfstedge(cloneg, v); e; e = agnxtedge(cloneg, e, v)) {
+ if (agtail(e) == aghead(e))
+ continue;
+ if (agtail(e) == v)
+ u = aghead(e);
+ else
+ u = agtail(e);
+ /* for each adjacent node w != v of u */
+ for (f = agfstedge(cloneg, u); f; f = agnxtedge(cloneg, f, u)) {
+ if (agtail(f) == aghead(f))
+ continue;
+ if (agtail(f) == u)
+ w = aghead(f);
+ else
+ w = agtail(f);
+ addSubset(subs[ND_id(w)], u);
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = i + 1; j < nnodes; j++) {
+ if (sizeSubset(subs[j]) >= 2)
+ /* generate quadrilaterals */
+ action(v, arr[j], subs[j], state);
+ }
+ for (j = i + 1; j < nnodes; j++) {
+ if (sizeSubset(subs[j]) >= 1)
+ clearSubset(subs[j]);
+ }
+ agdelnode(cloneg, v);
+ closeSubset(subs[i]);
+ }
+ agclose(cloneg);
+ free(arr);
+ free(subs);
+#ifdef TEST
+static int walker(Agnode_t * n, int *isFirst)
+ if (*isFirst) {
+ *isFirst = 0;
+ printf("%s", agnameof(n));
+ } else
+ printf(",%s", agnameof(n));
+ return 0;
+static void
+findQuads(Agnode_t * v, Agnode_t * w, Dt_t * subset, void *state)
+ int first = 1;
+ printf("%s %s {", agnameof(v), agnameof(w));
+ walkSubset(subset, (walkfn) walker, &first);
+ printf("}\n");
+int main()
+ Agraph_t *g = agread(stdin, 0);
+ genQuads(g, findQuads, 0);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=4: */
+#include <spinehdr.h>
+#include <subset.h>
+#include <quad.h>
+#include "union_find.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#ifdef MAIN
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include "ingraphs.h"
+typedef struct {
+ FILE *outfp;
+ char **Files;
+ float sparse_ratio;
+ int verbose;
+} opts_t;
+#if 0
+static float ewt(Agedge_t * e)
+ return ED_wt(e);
+static void doEdge(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * v, Agnode_t * w, int *quadcnt)
+ Agedge_t *e = agedge(g, v, w, 0, 0);
+ if (!e)
+ e = agedge(g, w, v, 0, 0);
+ if (!e) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not find edge %s--%s\n", agnameof(v),
+ agnameof(w));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ quadcnt[ED_id(e)] += 1;
+static void
+recordQuads(Agnode_t * v, Agnode_t * w, Dt_t * subset, void *state)
+ Dtlink_t *link0;
+ Dtlink_t *link1;
+ Agnode_t *u0;
+ Agnode_t *u1;
+ int *quadcnt = (int *) state;
+ Agraph_t *g = agroot(v);
+ for (link0 = dtflatten(subset); link0; link0 = dtlink(subset, link0)) {
+ u0 = (Agnode_t *) (((ptritem *) dtobj(subset, link0))->v);
+ for (link1 = dtlink(subset, link0); link1;
+ link1 = dtlink(subset, link1)) {
+ u1 = (Agnode_t *) (((ptritem *) dtobj(subset, link1))->v);
+ doEdge(g, v, u0, quadcnt);
+ doEdge(g, w, u0, quadcnt);
+ doEdge(g, v, u1, quadcnt);
+ doEdge(g, w, u1, quadcnt);
+ }
+ }
+static void setEdgeWeights(Agraph_t * g)
+ int *quadcnt = N_NEW(agnedges(g), int);
+ int *que = N_NEW(agnnodes(g), int);
+ Agnode_t *n;
+ /* Agnode_t *v; */
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ int wt;
+ genQuads(g, recordQuads, quadcnt);
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ wt = 0;
+ for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
+ if (aghead(e) == n)
+ continue;
+ wt += quadcnt[ED_id(e)];
+ }
+ for (e = agfstin(g, n); e; e = agnxtin(g, e)) {
+ if (agtail(e) == n)
+ continue;
+ wt += quadcnt[ED_id(e)];
+ }
+ que[ND_id(n)] = wt;
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s quad %d\n", agnameof(n), que[ND_id(n)]);
+ }
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
+ int quadv = quadcnt[ED_id(e)];
+ if (quadv)
+ ED_wt(e) =
+ quadv /
+ sqrt((double) (que[ND_id(n)] * que[ND_id(aghead(e))]));
+ else
+ ED_wt(e) = 0;
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s--%s quadcnt %d wt %f\n",
+ agnameof(n), agnameof(aghead(e)), quadcnt[ED_id(e)],
+ ED_wt(e));
+ }
+ }
+ free(quadcnt);
+ free(que);
+/* Return number in range [0,nedges] */
+static int computeIndex(int nedges, float s)
+ int r = ceilf(nedges * (1 - s));
+ return r;
+static int doBucket(Agedge_t ** edgelist, int idx, Dt_t * M)
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ float weight = ED_wt(edgelist[idx]);
+ while ((e = edgelist[idx]) && (ED_wt(e) == weight)) {
+ idx++;
+ if (UF_find(agtail(e)) != UF_find(aghead(e)))
+ addSubset(M, e);
+ }
+ return idx;
+static int walker(Agedge_t * e, Agraph_t * sg)
+ UF_union(agtail(e), aghead(e));
+ agsubedge(sg, e, 1);
+ return 0;
+static Agraph_t *findUMST(Agraph_t * g, Agedge_t ** edgelist, int nedges)
+ Agraph_t *sg = agsubg(g, "UMST", 1);
+ Dt_t *M = mkSubset();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < nedges) {
+ i = doBucket(edgelist, i, M);
+ /* for each edge in M, add to sg, and union nodes */
+ walkSubset(M, (walkfn) walker, sg);
+ if (i < nedges)
+ clearSubset(M);
+ }
+ closeSubset(M);
+ return sg;
+static int cmpe(const void *v0, const void *v1)
+ Agedge_t *e0 = *(Agedge_t **) v0;
+ Agedge_t *e1 = *(Agedge_t **) v1;
+ if (ED_wt(e0) > ED_wt(e1))
+ return -1;
+ else if (ED_wt(e0) < ED_wt(e1))
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+void genSpine(Agraph_t * g, float sparse_ratio, int verbose)
+ Agraph_t *sg_union;
+ Agnode_t *n;
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ Agedge_t **edgelist;
+ int i, index;
+ int nedges = agnedges(g);
+ float threshhold;
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Graph %s %d nodes %d edges:\n", agnameof(g),
+ agnnodes(g), agnedges(g));
+ aginit(g, AGNODE, "nodeinfo", sizeof(nodeinfo_t), 1);
+ aginit(g, AGEDGE, "edgeinfo", sizeof(edgeinfo_t), 1);
+ int eidx = 0;
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
+ ED_id(e) = eidx++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "setEdgeWeights\n");
+ setEdgeWeights(g);
+ /* sort edges by non-increasing weight */
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "sorting\n");
+ edgelist = N_NEW(nedges + 1, Agedge_t *); /* NULL at end */
+ i = 0;
+ for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
+ for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
+ edgelist[i++] = e;
+ }
+ }
+ qsort(edgelist, nedges, sizeof(Agedge_t *), cmpe);
+#if 0
+ float curwt = -1;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= nedges; i++) {
+ e = edgelist[i];
+ if (e && (ED_wt(e) == curwt))
+ cnt++;
+ else {
+ if (cnt)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%f %d\n", curwt, cnt);
+ if (e) {
+ cnt = 1;
+ curwt = ED_wt(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "heaviest wt %f least wt %f\n", ED_wt(edgelist[0]),
+ ED_wt(edgelist[nedges - 1]));
+ /* compute UMST */
+ sg_union = findUMST(g, edgelist, nedges);
+ int umst_size = agnedges(sg_union);
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, " union of maximum spanning trees: %d edges\n",
+ umst_size);
+ /* Find index of the |E|(1-sparse_ratio)th edge */
+ index = computeIndex(nedges, sparse_ratio);
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, " index %d out of %d\n", index, nedges);
+ /* set of edges with weights above threshhold */
+ /* Add all edges with wt >= wt(edgelist[index]) */
+ /* As edgelist is sorted, first index edges */
+ int extra_edges = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= index; i++) {
+ e = edgelist[i - 1];
+ if (verbose) {
+ if (agsubedge(sg_union, e, 0) == NULL)
+ extra_edges++;
+ }
+ agsubedge(sg_union, e, 1);
+ }
+ /* Add any additional edges with same weight as e */
+ if (index) {
+ threshhold = ED_wt(e);
+ for (; i <= nedges; i++) {
+ e = edgelist[i - 1];
+ if (ED_wt(e) >= threshhold) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ if (agsubedge(sg_union, e, 0) == NULL)
+ extra_edges++;
+ }
+ agsubedge(sg_union, e, 1);
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "number of extra edges not in UMST %d total edges %d\n",
+ extra_edges, agnedges(sg_union));
+ /* layout graph sg_union */
+ Agsym_t *sym = agattr(g, AGEDGE, "weight", "0");
+ int ncnt = 0;
+ int ecnt = 0;
+ for (n = agfstnode(sg_union); n; n = agnxtnode(sg_union, n)) {
+ ncnt++;
+ for (e = agfstout(sg_union, n); e; e = agnxtout(sg_union, e)) {
+ ecnt++;
+ agxset(e, sym, "1");
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "ncnt %d ecnt %d\n", ncnt, ecnt);
+#ifdef MAIN
+static FILE *openFile(char *cmd, char *name, char *mode)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *modestr;
+ fp = fopen(name, mode);
+ if (!fp) {
+ if (*mode == 'r')
+ modestr = "reading";
+ else
+ modestr = "writing";
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not open file %s for %s\n",
+ cmd, name, modestr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return fp;
+static int setFloat(char *s, float *v)
+ char *endp;
+ float f = strtof(s, &endp);
+ if (s == endp) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Option value \"%s\" must be a float\n", s);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ((f < 0) || (f > 1)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Option value \"%s\" must be in the range [0,1]\n",
+ s);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ *v = f;
+ return 0;
+static char *Usage = "Usage: %s [-?] [options]\n\
+ -r<n> : sparsification ratio [0,1] (0.5) \n\
+ -o<outfile> : put output in <outfile> (stdout)\n\
+ -v : verbose mode \n\
+ -? : print usage\n";
+static void usage(char *cmd, int v)
+ fprintf(v ? stderr : stdout, Usage, cmd);
+ exit(v);
+static void doOpts(int argc, char *argv[], opts_t * op)
+ int c;
+ char *cmd = argv[0];
+ op->outfp = NULL;
+ op->Files = NULL;
+ op->verbose = 0;
+ op->sparse_ratio = 0.5;
+ opterr = 0;
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "o:r:v")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'o':
+ op->outfp = openFile(cmd, optarg, "w");
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ op->verbose = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if (setFloat(optarg, &(op->sparse_ratio))) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad value for flag -%c - ignored\n",
+ cmd, c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ if (optopt == '?')
+ usage(cmd, 0);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: option -%c unrecognized - ignored\n",
+ cmd, optopt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ argv += optind;
+ argc -= optind;
+ if (argc)
+ op->Files = argv;
+ if (op->outfp == NULL)
+ op->outfp = stdout;
+ if (op->verbose)
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparse ratio = %f\n", op->sparse_ratio);
+static Agraph_t *gread(FILE * fp)
+ return agread(fp, (Agdisc_t *) 0);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ opts_t opts;
+ ingraph_state ig;
+ Agraph_t *g;
+ doOpts(argc, argv, &opts);
+ newIngraph(&ig, opts.Files, gread);
+ while ((g = nextGraph(&ig)) != 0) {
+ genSpine(g, ops.sparse_ratio, ops.verbose);
+ agwrite(g, ops.outfp);
+ agclose(g);
+ }
+ return 0;