with `mvRule(from, to)` (see below for exact semantics).
Rules have selectors and actions. Current selectors are:
* Source address
* Query type
* Query domain
* Query received over UDP or TCP
Special rules are:
* `AndRule{rule1, rule2}`, which only matches if all of its subrules match
* `OrRule{rule1, rule2}`, which matches if at least one of its subrules match
* `NotRule(rule)`, which matches if its subrule does not match
Current actions are:
* Drop (DropAction)
* Route to a pool (PoolAction)
* Return with TC=1 (truncated, ie, instruction to retry with TCP)
* Modify query to remove RD bit
Rules can be added via:
* addAction(DNS rule, DNS Action)
* addAnyTCRule()
* addDelay(DNS rule, delay in milliseconds)
* addQPSPoolRule(DNS rule, qps limit, destination pool)
A DNS rule can be:
* an AllRule
* an AndRule
* a MaxQPSIPRule
All functions and types
Within `dnsdist` several core object types exist:
* Server: generated with newServer, represents a downstream server
* ComboAddress: represents an IP address and port
* DNSName: represents a domain name
Here are all functions:
* Practical
- * `shutdown()`: shut down `dnsdist`
- * quit or ^D: exit the console
- * `webserver(address, password)`: launch a webserver with stats on that address with that password
+ * `shutdown()`: shut down `dnsdist`
+ * quit or ^D: exit the console
+ * `webserver(address, password)`: launch a webserver with stats on that address with that password
* ACL related:
- * `addACL(netmask)`: add to the ACL set who can use this server
- * `setACL({netmask, netmask})`: replace the ACL set with these netmasks. Use `setACL({})` to reset the list, meaning no one can use us
- * `showACL()`: show our ACL set
+ * `addACL(netmask)`: add to the ACL set who can use this server
+ * `setACL({netmask, netmask})`: replace the ACL set with these netmasks. Use `setACL({})` to reset the list, meaning no one can use us
+ * `showACL()`: show our ACL set
* Network related:
- * `addLocal(netmask, [false])`: add to addresses we listen on. Second optional parameter sets TCP/IP or not.
- * `setLocal(netmask, [false])`: reset list of addresses we listen on to this address. Second optional parameter sets TCP/IP or not.
+ * `addLocal(netmask, [false])`: add to addresses we listen on. Second optional parameter sets TCP/IP or not.
+ * `setLocal(netmask, [false])`: reset list of addresses we listen on to this address. Second optional parameter sets TCP/IP or not.
* Blocking related:
- * `addDomainBlock(domain)`: block queries within this domain
+ * `addDomainBlock(domain)`: block queries within this domain
* Carbon/Graphite/Metronome statistics related:
- * `carbonServer(serverIP, [ourname], [interval])`: report statistics to serverIP using our hostname, or 'ourname' if provided, every 'interval' seconds
+ * `carbonServer(serverIP, [ourname], [interval])`: report statistics to serverIP using our hostname, or 'ourname' if provided, every 'interval' seconds
* Control socket related:
- * `makeKey()`: generate a new server access key, emit configuration line ready for pasting
- * `setKey(key)`: set access key to that key.
- * `testCrypto()`: test of the crypto all works
- * `controlSocket(addr)`: open a control socket on this address / connect to this address in client mode
+ * `makeKey()`: generate a new server access key, emit configuration line ready for pasting
+ * `setKey(key)`: set access key to that key.
+ * `testCrypto()`: test of the crypto all works
+ * `controlSocket(addr)`: open a control socket on this address / connect to this address in client mode
* Diagnostics and statistics
- * `dumpStats()`: print all statistics we gather
- * `grepq(Netmask|DNS Name|100ms [, n])`: shows the last n queries and responses matching the specified client address or range (Netmask), or the specified DNS Name, or slower than 100ms
- * `grepq({"::1", "powerdns.com", "100ms"} [, n])`: shows the last n queries and responses matching the specified client address AND range (Netmask) AND the specified DNS Name AND slower than 100ms
- * `topQueries(n[, labels])`: show top 'n' queries, as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels
- * `topResponses(n, kind[, labels])`: show top 'n' responses with RCODE=kind (0=NO Error, 2=ServFail, 3=ServFail), as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels
- * `topSlow([top][, limit][, labels])`: show `top` queries slower than `limit` milliseconds, grouped by last `labels` labels
- * `topBandwidth(top)`: show top-`top` clients that consume the most bandwidth over length of ringbuffer
- * `showResponseLatency()`: show a plot of the response time latency distribution
+ * `dumpStats()`: print all statistics we gather
+ * `grepq(Netmask|DNS Name|100ms [, n])`: shows the last n queries and responses matching the specified client address or range (Netmask), or the specified DNS Name, or slower than 100ms
+ * `grepq({"::1", "powerdns.com", "100ms"} [, n])`: shows the last n queries and responses matching the specified client address AND range (Netmask) AND the specified DNS Name AND slower than 100ms
+ * `topQueries(n[, labels])`: show top 'n' queries, as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels
+ * `topResponses(n, kind[, labels])`: show top 'n' responses with RCODE=kind (0=NO Error, 2=ServFail, 3=ServFail), as grouped when optionally cut down to 'labels' labels
+ * `topSlow([top][, limit][, labels])`: show `top` queries slower than `limit` milliseconds, grouped by last `labels` labels
+ * `topBandwidth(top)`: show top-`top` clients that consume the most bandwidth over length of ringbuffer
+ * `showResponseLatency()`: show a plot of the response time latency distribution
* Logging related
- * `infolog(string)`: log at level info
- * `warnlog(string)`: log at level warning
- * `errlog(string)`: log at level error
+ * `infolog(string)`: log at level info
+ * `warnlog(string)`: log at level warning
+ * `errlog(string)`: log at level error
* Server related:
- * `newServer("ip:port")`: instantiate a new downstream server with default settings
- * `newServer({address="ip:port", qps=1000, order=1, weight=10, pool="abuse", retries=5, tcpSendTimeout=30, tcpRecvTimeout=30, checkName="a.root-servers.net.", checkType="A", mustResolve=false, useClientSubnet=true, source="address|interface name|address@interface"})`:
+ * `newServer("ip:port")`: instantiate a new downstream server with default settings
+ * `newServer({address="ip:port", qps=1000, order=1, weight=10, pool="abuse", retries=5, tcpSendTimeout=30, tcpRecvTimeout=30, checkName="a.root-servers.net.", checkType="A", mustResolve=false, useClientSubnet=true, source="address|interface name|address@interface"})`:
instantiate a server with additional parameters
- * `showServers()`: output all servers
- * `getServer(n)`: returns server with index n
- * `getServers()`: returns a table with all defined servers
- * `rmServer(n)`: remove server with index n
- * `rmServer(server)`: remove this server object
+ * `showServers()`: output all servers
+ * `getServer(n)`: returns server with index n
+ * `getServers()`: returns a table with all defined servers
+ * `rmServer(n)`: remove server with index n
+ * `rmServer(server)`: remove this server object
* Server member functions:
- * `addPool(pool)`: add this server to that pool
- * `getOutstanding()`: this *returns* the number of outstanding queries (doesn't print it!)
- * `rmPool(pool)`: remove server from that pool
- * `setQPS(n)`: set the QPS setting to n
- * `setAuto()`: set this server to automatic availability testing
- * `setDown()`: force this server to be down
- * `setUp()`: force this server to be UP
- * `isUp()`: if this server is available
+ * `addPool(pool)`: add this server to that pool
+ * `getOutstanding()`: this *returns* the number of outstanding queries (doesn't print it!)
+ * `rmPool(pool)`: remove server from that pool
+ * `setQPS(n)`: set the QPS setting to n
+ * `setAuto()`: set this server to automatic availability testing
+ * `setDown()`: force this server to be down
+ * `setUp()`: force this server to be UP
+ * `isUp()`: if this server is available
* Server member data:
- * `upStatus`: if `dnsdist` considers this server available (overridden by `setDown()` and `setUp()`)
- * `order`: order of this server in order-based server selection policies
- * `weight`: weight of this server in weighted server selection policies
+ * `upStatus`: if `dnsdist` considers this server available (overridden by `setDown()` and `setUp()`)
+ * `order`: order of this server in order-based server selection policies
+ * `weight`: weight of this server in weighted server selection policies
* Rule related:
- * `AllRule()`: matches all traffic
- * `AndRule()`: matches if all sub-rules matches
- * `DNSSECRule()`: matches queries with the DO flag set
- * `MaxQPSIPRule(qps, v4Mask=32, v6Mask=64)`: matches traffic exceeding the qps limit per subnet
- * `MaxQPSRule(qps)`: matches traffic not exceeding this qps limit
- * `NetmaskGroupRule()`: matches traffic from the specified network range
- * `NotRule()`: matches if the sub-rule does not match
- * `OrRule()`: matches if at least one of the sub-rules matches
- * `QClassRule(qclass)`: matches queries with the specified qclass (numeric)
- * `QTypeRule(qtype)`: matches queries with the specified qtype
- * `RegexRule(regex)`: matches the query name against the supplied regex
- * `SuffixMatchNodeRule()`: matches based on a group of domain suffixes for rapid testing of membership
- * `TCPRule(tcp)`: matches question received over TCP if `tcp` is true, over UDP otherwise
+ * `AllRule()`: matches all traffic
+ * `AndRule()`: matches if all sub-rules matches
+ * `DNSSECRule()`: matches queries with the DO flag set
+ * `MaxQPSIPRule(qps, v4Mask=32, v6Mask=64)`: matches traffic exceeding the qps limit per subnet
+ * `MaxQPSRule(qps)`: matches traffic not exceeding this qps limit
+ * `NetmaskGroupRule()`: matches traffic from the specified network range
+ * `NotRule()`: matches if the sub-rule does not match
+ * `OrRule()`: matches if at least one of the sub-rules matches
+ * `QClassRule(qclass)`: matches queries with the specified qclass (numeric)
+ * `QTypeRule(qtype)`: matches queries with the specified qtype
+ * `RegexRule(regex)`: matches the query name against the supplied regex
+ * `SuffixMatchNodeRule()`: matches based on a group of domain suffixes for rapid testing of membership
+ * `TCPRule(tcp)`: matches question received over TCP if `tcp` is true, over UDP otherwise
* Rule management related:
- * `showRules()`: show all defined rules (Pool, Block, QPS, addAnyTCRule)
- * `rmRule(n)`: remove rule n
- * `mvRule(from, to)`: move rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule,
+ * `showRules()`: show all defined rules (Pool, Block, QPS, addAnyTCRule)
+ * `rmRule(n)`: remove rule n
+ * `mvRule(from, to)`: move rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule,
in which case the rule will be moved to the last position.
- * `topRule()`: move the last rule to the first position
+ * `topRule()`: move the last rule to the first position
* Built-in Actions for Rules:
- * `AllowAction()`: let these packets go through
- * `DelayAction()`: delay the response by the specified amount of milliseconds (UDP-only)
- * `DisableValidationAction()`: set the CD bit in the question, let it go through
- * `DropAction()`: drop these packets
- * `LogAction()`: Log a line for each query, to the specified file if any, to the console (require verbose) otherwise
- * `NoRecurseAction()`: strip RD bit from the question, let it go through
- * `PoolAction()`: set the packet into the specified pool
- * `QPSPoolAction()`: set the packet into the specified pool only if it does not exceed the specified QPS limits
- * `QPSAction()`: drop these packets if the QPS limits are exceeded
- * `RCodeAction()`: reply immediatly by turning the query into a response with the specified rcode
- * `SpoofAction()`: forge a response with the specified IPv4 (for an A query) or IPv6 (for an AAAA). If you specify two addresses, the first one should be an IPv4 and will be used for A, the second an IPv6 for an AAAA
- * `SpoofCNAMEAction()`: forge a response with the specified CNAME value
- * `TCAction()`: create answer to query with TC and RD bits set, to move to TCP/IP
+ * `AllowAction()`: let these packets go through
+ * `DelayAction()`: delay the response by the specified amount of milliseconds (UDP-only)
+ * `DisableValidationAction()`: set the CD bit in the question, let it go through
+ * `DropAction()`: drop these packets
+ * `LogAction()`: Log a line for each query, to the specified file if any, to the console (require verbose) otherwise
+ * `NoRecurseAction()`: strip RD bit from the question, let it go through
+ * `PoolAction()`: set the packet into the specified pool
+ * `QPSPoolAction()`: set the packet into the specified pool only if it does not exceed the specified QPS limits
+ * `QPSAction()`: drop these packets if the QPS limits are exceeded
+ * `RCodeAction()`: reply immediatly by turning the query into a response with the specified rcode
+ * `SpoofAction()`: forge a response with the specified IPv4 (for an A query) or IPv6 (for an AAAA). If you specify two addresses, the first one should be an IPv4 and will be used for A, the second an IPv6 for an AAAA
+ * `SpoofCNAMEAction()`: forge a response with the specified CNAME value
+ * `TCAction()`: create answer to query with TC and RD bits set, to move to TCP/IP
* Specialist rule generators
- * `addAnyTCRule()`: generate TC=1 answers to ANY queries received over UDP, moving them to TCP
- * `addDomainSpoof(domain, ip[, ip6])`: generate answers for A queries using the ip parameter (AAAA if ip is an IPv6). If ip6 is supplied, generate answers for AAAA queries too
- * `addDomainCNAMESpoof(domain, cname)`: generate CNAME answers for queries using the specified value
- * `addDisableValidationRule(domain)`: set the CD flags to 1 for all queries matching the specified domain
- * `addNoRecurseRule(domain)`: clear the RD flag for all queries matching the specified domain
- * `setDNSSECPool()`: move queries requesting DNSSEC processing to this pool
+ * `addAnyTCRule()`: generate TC=1 answers to ANY queries received over UDP, moving them to TCP
+ * `addDomainSpoof(domain, ip[, ip6])`: generate answers for A queries using the ip parameter (AAAA if ip is an IPv6). If ip6 is supplied, generate answers for AAAA queries too
+ * `addDomainCNAMESpoof(domain, cname)`: generate CNAME answers for queries using the specified value
+ * `addDisableValidationRule(domain)`: set the CD flags to 1 for all queries matching the specified domain
+ * `addNoRecurseRule(domain)`: clear the RD flag for all queries matching the specified domain
+ * `setDNSSECPool()`: move queries requesting DNSSEC processing to this pool
* Policy member data:
- * `name`: the policy name
- * `policy`: the policy function
+ * `name`: the policy name
+ * `policy`: the policy function
* Pool related:
- * `addPoolRule(domain, pool)`: send queries to this domain to that pool
- * `addPoolRule({domain, domain}, pool)`: send queries to these domains to that pool
- * `addPoolRule(netmask, pool)`: send queries to this netmask to that pool
- * `addPoolRule({netmask, netmask}, pool)`: send queries to these netmasks to that pool
- * `addQPSPoolRule(x, limit, pool)`: like `addPoolRule`, but only select at most 'limit' queries/s for this pool
- * `getPoolServers(pool)`: return servers part of this pool
+ * `addPoolRule(domain, pool)`: send queries to this domain to that pool
+ * `addPoolRule({domain, domain}, pool)`: send queries to these domains to that pool
+ * `addPoolRule(netmask, pool)`: send queries to this netmask to that pool
+ * `addPoolRule({netmask, netmask}, pool)`: send queries to these netmasks to that pool
+ * `addQPSPoolRule(x, limit, pool)`: like `addPoolRule`, but only select at most 'limit' queries/s for this pool
+ * `getPoolServers(pool)`: return servers part of this pool
* Lua Action related:
- * `addLuaAction(x, func)`: where 'x' is all the combinations from `addPoolRule`, and func is a
+ * `addLuaAction(x, func)`: where 'x' is all the combinations from `addPoolRule`, and func is a
function with parameters remote, qname, qtype, dh and len, which returns an action to be taken
on this packet. Good for rare packets but where you want to do a lot of processing.
* Server selection policy related:
- * `setServerPolicy(policy)`: set server selection policy to that policy
- * `setServerPolicyLua(name, function)`: set server selection policy to one named 'name' and provided by 'function'
- * `showServerPolicy()`: show name of currently operational server selection policy
- * `newServerPolicy(name, function)`: create a policy object from a Lua function
+ * `setServerPolicy(policy)`: set server selection policy to that policy
+ * `setServerPolicyLua(name, function)`: set server selection policy to one named 'name' and provided by 'function'
+ * `showServerPolicy()`: show name of currently operational server selection policy
+ * `newServerPolicy(name, function)`: create a policy object from a Lua function
* Available policies:
- * `firstAvailable`: Pick first server that has not exceeded its QPS limit, ordered by the server 'order' parameter
- * `whashed`: Weighted hashed ('sticky') distribution over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter
- * `wrandom`: Weighted random over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter
- * `roundrobin`: Simple round robin over available servers
- * `leastOutstanding`: Send traffic to downstream server with least outstanding queries, with the lowest 'order', and within that the lowest recent latency
+ * `firstAvailable`: Pick first server that has not exceeded its QPS limit, ordered by the server 'order' parameter
+ * `whashed`: Weighted hashed ('sticky') distribution over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter
+ * `wrandom`: Weighted random over available servers, based on the server 'weight' parameter
+ * `roundrobin`: Simple round robin over available servers
+ * `leastOutstanding`: Send traffic to downstream server with least outstanding queries, with the lowest 'order', and within that the lowest recent latency
* Shaping related:
- * `addQPSLimit(domain, n)`: limit queries within that domain to n per second
- * `addQPSLimit({domain, domain}, n)`: limit queries within those domains (together) to n per second
- * `addQPSLimit(netmask, n)`: limit queries within that netmask to n per second
- * `addQPSLimit({netmask, netmask}, n)`: limit queries within those netmasks (together) to n per second
+ * `addQPSLimit(domain, n)`: limit queries within that domain to n per second
+ * `addQPSLimit({domain, domain}, n)`: limit queries within those domains (together) to n per second
+ * `addQPSLimit(netmask, n)`: limit queries within that netmask to n per second
+ * `addQPSLimit({netmask, netmask}, n)`: limit queries within those netmasks (together) to n per second
* Delaying related:
- * `addDelay(domain, n)`: delay answers within that domain by n milliseconds
- * `addDelay({domain, domain}, n)`: delay answers within those domains (together) by n milliseconds
- * `addDelay(netmask, n)`: delay answers within that netmask by n milliseconds
- * `addDelay({netmask, netmask}, n)`: delay answers within those netmasks (together) by n milliseconds
+ * `addDelay(domain, n)`: delay answers within that domain by n milliseconds
+ * `addDelay({domain, domain}, n)`: delay answers within those domains (together) by n milliseconds
+ * `addDelay(netmask, n)`: delay answers within that netmask by n milliseconds
+ * `addDelay({netmask, netmask}, n)`: delay answers within those netmasks (together) by n milliseconds
* Answer changing functions:
- * `truncateTC(bool)`: if set (default) truncate TC=1 answers so they are actually empty. Fixes an issue for PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.22.
- * `fixupCase(bool)`: if set (default to no), rewrite the first qname of the question part of the answer to match the one from the query. It is only useful when you have a downstream server that messes up the case of the question qname in the answer
+ * `truncateTC(bool)`: if set (default) truncate TC=1 answers so they are actually empty. Fixes an issue for PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.22.
+ * `fixupCase(bool)`: if set (default to no), rewrite the first qname of the question part of the answer to match the one from the query. It is only useful when you have a downstream server that messes up the case of the question qname in the answer
* Dynamic Block related:
- * `maintenance()`: called every second by dnsdist if defined, call functions below from it
- * `clearDynBlocks()`: clear all dynamic blocks
- * `showDynBlocks()`: show dynamic blocks in force
- * `addDynBlocks(addresses, message[, seconds])`: block the set of addresses with message `msg`, for `seconds` seconds (10 by default)
- * `exceedServFails(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exceed `rate` servails/s over `seconds` seconds
- * `exceedNXDOMAINs(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exceed `rate` NXDOMAIN/s over `seconds` seconds
- * `exceedRespByterate(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exeeded `rate` bytes/s answers over `seconds` seconds
- * `exceedQRate(rate, seconds)`: get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s over `seconds` seconds
- * `exceedQTypeRate(type, rate, seconds)`: get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s for queries of type `type` over `seconds` seconds
+ * `maintenance()`: called every second by dnsdist if defined, call functions below from it
+ * `clearDynBlocks()`: clear all dynamic blocks
+ * `showDynBlocks()`: show dynamic blocks in force
+ * `addDynBlocks(addresses, message[, seconds])`: block the set of addresses with message `msg`, for `seconds` seconds (10 by default)
+ * `exceedServFails(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exceed `rate` servails/s over `seconds` seconds
+ * `exceedNXDOMAINs(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exceed `rate` NXDOMAIN/s over `seconds` seconds
+ * `exceedRespByterate(rate, seconds)`: get set of addresses that exeeded `rate` bytes/s answers over `seconds` seconds
+ * `exceedQRate(rate, seconds)`: get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s over `seconds` seconds
+ * `exceedQTypeRate(type, rate, seconds)`: get set of address that exceed `rate` queries/s for queries of type `type` over `seconds` seconds
* Advanced functions for writing your own policies and hooks
- * ComboAddress related:
- * `newCA(address)`: return a new ComboAddress
- * `getPort()`: return the port number
- * `tostring()`: return in human-friendly format
- * `toString()`: alias for `tostring()`
- * `tostringWithPort()`: return in human-friendly format, with port number
- * `toStringWithPort()`: alias for `tostringWithPort()`
- * DNSName related:
- * `newDNSName(name)`: make a DNSName based on this .-terminated name
- * member `isPartOf(dnsname)`: is this dnsname part of that dnsname
- * member `tostring()`: return as a human friendly . terminated string
- * member `toString()`: alias for `tostring()`
- * DNSQuestion related:
- * member `dh`: DNSHeader
- * member `len`: the question length
- * member `localaddr`: ComboAddress of the local bind this question was received on
- * member `qname`: DNSName of this question
- * member `qclass`: QClass (as an unsigned integer) of this question
- * member `qtype`: QType (as an unsigned integer) of this question
- * member `remoteaddr`: ComboAddress of the remote client
- * member `rcode`: RCode of this question
- * member `size`: the total size of the buffer starting at `dh`
- * member `tcp`: whether this question was received over a TCP socket
- * DNSHeader related
- * member `getRD()`: get recursion desired flag
- * member `setRD(bool)`: set recursion desired flag
- * member `setTC(bool)`: set truncation flag (TC)
- * member `setQR(bool)`: set Query Response flag (setQR(true) indicates an *answer* packet)
- * member `getCD()`: get checking disabled flag
- * member `setCD(bool)`: set checking disabled flag
- * NetmaskGroup related
- * function `newNMG()`: returns a NetmaskGroup
- * member `addMask(mask)`: adds `mask` to the NetmaskGroup
- * member `match(ComboAddress)`: checks if ComboAddress is matched by this NetmaskGroup
- * member `clear()`: clears the NetmaskGroup
- * member `size()`: returns number of netmasks in this NetmaskGroup
- * QPSLimiter related:
- * `newQPSLimiter(rate, burst)`: configure a QPS limiter with that rate and that burst capacity
- * member `check()`: check if this QPSLimiter has a token for us. If yes, you must use it.
- * SuffixMatchNode related:
- * `newSuffixMatchNode()`: returns a new SuffixMatchNode
- * member `check(DNSName)`: returns true if DNSName is matched by this group
- * member `add(DNSName)`: add this DNSName to the node
+ * ComboAddress related:
+ * `newCA(address)`: return a new ComboAddress
+ * `getPort()`: return the port number
+ * `tostring()`: return in human-friendly format
+ * `toString()`: alias for `tostring()`
+ * `tostringWithPort()`: return in human-friendly format, with port number
+ * `toStringWithPort()`: alias for `tostringWithPort()`
+ * DNSName related:
+ * `newDNSName(name)`: make a DNSName based on this .-terminated name
+ * member `isPartOf(dnsname)`: is this dnsname part of that dnsname
+ * member `tostring()`: return as a human friendly . terminated string
+ * member `toString()`: alias for `tostring()`
+ * DNSQuestion related:
+ * member `dh`: DNSHeader
+ * member `len`: the question length
+ * member `localaddr`: ComboAddress of the local bind this question was received on
+ * member `qname`: DNSName of this question
+ * member `qclass`: QClass (as an unsigned integer) of this question
+ * member `qtype`: QType (as an unsigned integer) of this question
+ * member `remoteaddr`: ComboAddress of the remote client
+ * member `rcode`: RCode of this question
+ * member `size`: the total size of the buffer starting at `dh`
+ * member `tcp`: whether this question was received over a TCP socket
+ * DNSHeader related
+ * member `getRD()`: get recursion desired flag
+ * member `setRD(bool)`: set recursion desired flag
+ * member `setTC(bool)`: set truncation flag (TC)
+ * member `setQR(bool)`: set Query Response flag (setQR(true) indicates an *answer* packet)
+ * member `getCD()`: get checking disabled flag
+ * member `setCD(bool)`: set checking disabled flag
+ * NetmaskGroup related
+ * function `newNMG()`: returns a NetmaskGroup
+ * member `addMask(mask)`: adds `mask` to the NetmaskGroup
+ * member `match(ComboAddress)`: checks if ComboAddress is matched by this NetmaskGroup
+ * member `clear()`: clears the NetmaskGroup
+ * member `size()`: returns number of netmasks in this NetmaskGroup
+ * QPSLimiter related:
+ * `newQPSLimiter(rate, burst)`: configure a QPS limiter with that rate and that burst capacity
+ * member `check()`: check if this QPSLimiter has a token for us. If yes, you must use it.
+ * SuffixMatchNode related:
+ * `newSuffixMatchNode()`: returns a new SuffixMatchNode
+ * member `check(DNSName)`: returns true if DNSName is matched by this group
+ * member `add(DNSName)`: add this DNSName to the node
* Tuning related:
- * `setTCPRecvTimeout(n)`: set the read timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
- * `setTCPSendTimeout(n)`: set the write timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
- * `setMaxTCPClientThreads(n)`: set the maximum of TCP client threads, handling TCP connections
- * `setMaxUDPOutstanding(n)`: set the maximum number of outstanding UDP queries to a given backend server. This can only be set at configuration time
+ * `setTCPRecvTimeout(n)`: set the read timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
+ * `setTCPSendTimeout(n)`: set the write timeout on TCP connections from the client, in seconds
+ * `setMaxTCPClientThreads(n)`: set the maximum of TCP client threads, handling TCP connections
+ * `setMaxUDPOutstanding(n)`: set the maximum number of outstanding UDP queries to a given backend server. This can only be set at configuration time
* DNSCrypt related:
- * `addDNSCryptBind("", "provider name", "/path/to/resolver.cert", "/path/to/resolver.key"):` listen to incoming DNSCrypt queries on port 8443, with a provider name of "provider name", using a resolver certificate and associated key stored respectively in the `resolver.cert` and `resolver.key` files
- * `generateDNSCryptProviderKeys("/path/to/providerPublic.key", "/path/to/providerPrivate.key"):` generate a new provider keypair
- * `generateDNSCryptCertificate("/path/to/providerPrivate.key", "/path/to/resolver.cert", "/path/to/resolver.key", serial, validFrom, validUntil):` generate a new resolver private key and related certificate, valid from the `validFrom` timestamp until the `validUntil` one, signed with the provider private key
- * `printDNSCryptProviderFingerprint("/path/to/providerPublic.key")`: display the fingerprint of the provided resolver public key
- * `showDNSCryptBinds():`: display the currently configured DNSCrypt binds
+ * `addDNSCryptBind("", "provider name", "/path/to/resolver.cert", "/path/to/resolver.key"):` listen to incoming DNSCrypt queries on port 8443, with a provider name of "provider name", using a resolver certificate and associated key stored respectively in the `resolver.cert` and `resolver.key` files
+ * `generateDNSCryptProviderKeys("/path/to/providerPublic.key", "/path/to/providerPrivate.key"):` generate a new provider keypair
+ * `generateDNSCryptCertificate("/path/to/providerPrivate.key", "/path/to/resolver.cert", "/path/to/resolver.key", serial, validFrom, validUntil):` generate a new resolver private key and related certificate, valid from the `validFrom` timestamp until the `validUntil` one, signed with the provider private key
+ * `printDNSCryptProviderFingerprint("/path/to/providerPublic.key")`: display the fingerprint of the provided resolver public key
+ * `showDNSCryptBinds():`: display the currently configured DNSCrypt binds
All hooks