env |**Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
arguments |**Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
disable_notifications |**Optional.** Whether to disable notifications when this dependency fails. Defaults to true.
ignore_soft_states |**Optional.** Whether to ignore soft states for the reachability calculation. Defaults to true.
period |**Optional.** Time period during which this dependency is enabled.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
states |**Optional.** A list of state filters when this dependency should be OK. Defaults to [ OK, Warning ] for services and [ Up ] for hosts.
Available state filters:
env |**Optional.** A dictionary of macros which should be exported as environment variables prior to executing the command.
vars |**Optional.** A dictionary containing custom attributes that are specific to this command.
timeout |**Optional.** The command timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
arguments |**Optional.** A dictionary of command arguments.
Command arguments can be used the same way as for [CheckCommand objects](6-object-types.md#objecttype-checkcommand-arguments).
comment |**Required.** A comment for the downtime.
fixed |**Optional.** Whether this is a fixed downtime. Defaults to true.
duration |**Optional.** How long the downtime lasts. Only has an effect for flexible (non-fixed) downtimes.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
ScheduledDowntime objects have composite names, i.e. their names are based
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the time period.
update |**Required.** The "update" script method takes care of updating the internal representation of the time period. In virtually all cases you should import the "legacy-timeperiod" template to take care of this setting.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
ranges |**Required.** A dictionary containing information which days and durations apply to this timeperiod.
The `/etc/icinga2/conf.d/timeperiods.conf` file is usually used to define
period |**Optional.** The name of a time period which determines when a notification for this user should be triggered. Not set by default.
types |**Optional.** A set of type filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
states |**Optional.** A set of state filters when this notification should be triggered. By default everything is matched.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
Runtime Attributes:
display_name |**Optional.** A short description of the user group.
groups |**Optional.** An array of nested group names.
- zone |**Optional.** The zone this object is a member of.
## <a id="objecttype-zone"></a> Zone