+++ /dev/null
-$(eval $(call import.MODULE.defs,YASM,yasm))
-$(eval $(call import.CONTRIB.defs,YASM))
-YASM.FETCH.url = https://download.handbrake.fr/handbrake/contrib/yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz
-YASM.FETCH.url += https://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/releases/yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz
-YASM.FETCH.sha256 = 3dce6601b495f5b3d45b59f7d2492a340ee7e84b5beca17e48f862502bd5603f
+++ /dev/null
-$(eval $(call import.MODULE.rules,YASM))
-$(eval $(call import.CONTRIB.rules,YASM))
BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
BuildRequires: glib2-devel, gtk3-devel, webkitgtk3-devel
BuildRequires: gstreamer1-devel, gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel, libgudev1-devel
-BuildRequires: bzip2-devel, intltool, libnotify-devel, libtool, yasm
+BuildRequires: bzip2-devel, intltool, libnotify-devel, libtool
Requires: gtk3, coreutils
%define debug_package %{nil}
-## when defined this gives us the subdir name, or flavor of asm implementation
-ifneq (disabled,$(FEATURE.asm))
-LIBHB.yasm.src/ = $(LIBHB.src/)$(FEATURE.asm)/
-LIBHB.yasm.build/ = $(LIBHB.build/)$(FEATURE.asm)/
-LIBHB.yasm.asm = $(LIBHB.yasm.src/)deinterlace-a.asm
-LIBHB.yasm.o = $(LIBHB.yasm.asm:$(LIBHB.yasm.src/)%.asm=$(LIBHB.yasm.build/)%.o)
-LIBHB.yasm.d = $(wildcard $(LIBHB.yasmsrc/)*.h)
-LIBHB.YASM.I = $(LIBHB.yasm.src/)
-LIBHB.YASM.ASM_O = $(strip $(YASM.exe) \
- -f $(LIBHB.YASM.f) \
- -m $(LIBHB.YASM.m) \
- $(LIBHB.YASM.D:%=-D%) \
- $(LIBHB.YASM.I:%=-I%) \
- -o $(1) $(2))
-LIBHB.out += $(LIBHB.yasm.o)
ifeq (1-mingw,$(BUILD.cross)-$(BUILD.system))
LIBHB.dll = $(LIBHB.build/)hb.dll
libhb.build: $(LIBHB.a)
$(LIBHB.a): | $(dir $(LIBHB.a))
-$(LIBHB.a): $(LIBHB.c.o) $(LIBHB.m.o) $(LIBHB.yasm.o)
+$(LIBHB.a): $(LIBHB.c.o) $(LIBHB.m.o)
$(AR.exe) rsu $@ $^
$(LIBHB.c.o): $(LIBHB.d)
-ifneq (disabled,$(FEATURE.asm))
-$(LIBHB.yasm.o): $(LIBHB.yasm.d)
-$(LIBHB.yasm.o): | $(dir $(LIBHB.yasm.o))
-$(LIBHB.yasm.o): $(LIBHB.yasm.build/)%.o: $(LIBHB.yasm.src/)%.asm
- $(call LIBHB.YASM.ASM_O,$@,$<)
ifeq (1-mingw,$(BUILD.cross)-$(BUILD.system))
libhb.build: $(LIBHB.dll)
$(LIBHB.dll): | $(dirname $(LIBHB.dll) $(LIBHB.lib))
-$(LIBHB.dll): $(LIBHB.c.o) $(LIBHB.yasm.o)
+$(LIBHB.dll): $(LIBHB.c.o)
$(call LIBHB.GCC.DYLIB++,$@,$^ $(LIBHB.dll.libs))
ifeq (none,$(FFMPEG.GCC.g))
$(STRIP.exe) -s $(LIBHB.dll)
grp.add_option( '--minver', default=None, action='store', metavar='VER',
help=h )
- h = IfHost( 'Build and use local yasm', '*-*-*', none=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP ).value
- grp.add_option( '--enable-local-yasm', default=False, action='store_true', help=h )
h = IfHost( 'Build and use local autotools', '*-*-*', none=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP ).value
grp.add_option( '--enable-local-autotools', default=False, action='store_true', help=h )
h = IfHost( 'Build and use local cmake', '*-*-*', none=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP ).value
strip = ToolProbe( 'STRIP.exe', 'strip' )
tar = ToolProbe( 'TAR.exe', 'gtar', 'tar' )
nasm = ToolProbe( 'NASM.exe', 'nasm', abort=False, minversion=[2,13,0] )
- yasm = ToolProbe( 'YASM.exe', 'yasm', abort=False, minversion=[1,2,0] )
autoconf = ToolProbe( 'AUTOCONF.exe', 'autoconf', abort=False )
automake = ToolProbe( 'AUTOMAKE.exe', 'automake', abort=False )
cmake = ToolProbe( 'CMAKE.exe', 'cmake', abort=False )
elif Tools.nasm.version.inadequate():
raise AbortError( 'error: minimum required nasm version is %s and %s is %s\n' % ('.'.join([str(i) for i in Tools.nasm.version.minversion]),Tools.nasm.pathname,Tools.nasm.version.svers) )
- ## enable local yasm when yasm probe fails or version is too old
- ## x264 requires 1.2.0+
- if not options.enable_local_yasm:
- if Tools.yasm.fail:
- stdout.write( 'note: enabling local yasm: missing system yasm\n' )
- options.enable_local_yasm = True
- elif Tools.yasm.version.inadequate():
- stdout.write( 'note: enabling local yasm: minimum required version is %s and %s is %s\n' % ('.'.join([str(i) for i in Tools.yasm.version.minversion]),Tools.yasm.pathname,Tools.yasm.version.svers) )
- options.enable_local_yasm = True
## enable local autotools when any of { autoconf, automake, libtool } probe fails
if not options.enable_local_autotools and (Tools.autoconf.fail or Tools.automake.fail or Tools.libtool.fail):
stdout.write( 'note: enabling local autotools\n' )
doc.add( 'PREFIX/', cfg.prefix_final + os.sep )
- doc.add( 'FEATURE.local_yasm', int( options.enable_local_yasm ))
doc.add( 'FEATURE.local_autotools', int( options.enable_local_autotools ))
doc.add( 'FEATURE.local_cmake', int( options.enable_local_cmake ))
doc.add( 'FEATURE.local_pkgconfig', int( options.enable_local_pkgconfig ))
elif build.match( 'amd64-*' ):
doc.add( 'LIBHB.GCC.D', 'ARCH_X86_64', append=True )
- if options.enable_asm and ( not Tools.yasm.fail or options.enable_local_yasm ):
+ if options.enable_asm and ( not Tools.nasm.fail ):
asm = ''
if build.match( 'i?86-*' ):
asm = 'x86'
doc.add( 'LIBHB.GCC.D', 'HAVE_MMX', append=True )
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.D', 'ARCH_X86', append=True )
- if build.match( '*-*-darwin*' ):
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.f', 'macho32' )
- else:
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.f', 'elf32' )
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.m', 'x86' )
elif build.match( 'x86_64-*' ) or build.match( 'amd64-*' ):
asm = 'x86'
doc.add( 'LIBHB.GCC.D', 'HAVE_MMX ARCH_X86_64', append=True )
- if build.match( '*-*-darwin*' ):
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.D', 'ARCH_X86_64 PIC', append=True )
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.f', 'macho64' )
- else:
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.D', 'ARCH_X86_64', append=True )
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.f', 'elf64' )
- doc.add( 'LIBHB.YASM.m', 'amd64' )
doc.update( 'FEATURE.asm', asm )
## add exports to make
MODULES += contrib/fribidi
MODULES += contrib/freetype
MODULES += contrib/libass
- MODULES += contrib/yasm
ifeq (1,$(FEATURE.fdk_aac))
MODULES += gtk
-ifeq (1,$(FEATURE.local_yasm))
- MODULES += contrib/yasm
MODULES += pkg
# functions
function print_fail_and_exit {
printf "Downloading [%02i/%02i] %s " "6" "${TOTAL}" "nasm 2.13.02"
curl -Lf --connect-timeout 30 https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.02/nasm-2.13.02.tar.bz2 -o "nasm-2.13.02.tar.bz2" >/dev/null 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
echo -en "${CREL}"
- printf "Downloading [%02i/%02i] %s " "7" "${TOTAL}" "yasm 1.3.0"
- curl -Lf --connect-timeout 30 https://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/releases/yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz -o "yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz" >/dev/null 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- echo -en "${CREL}"
printf "Downloading [%02i/%02i] complete.\n" "${TOTAL}" "${TOTAL}"
# autoconf
${SUDO} make install >>../nasm-2.13.02.log 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
echo -en "${CREL}"
- # yasm
- cd "${TEMP_DIR}"
- printf "Building [%02i/%02i] %s " "7" "${TOTAL}" "yasm 1.3.0"
- [[ "${SUDO}" != "" ]] && ${SUDO} -v
- tar -xf yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz >/dev/null 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- cd yasm-1.3.0 >/dev/null 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- ./configure --prefix="${PREFIX}" >../yasm-1.3.0.log 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- make --jobs="${MAKEJOBS}" >>../yasm-1.3.0.log 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- ${SUDO} make install >>../yasm-1.3.0.log 2>&1 || print_fail_and_exit
- echo -en "${CREL}"
# done
printf "Building [%02i/%02i] complete.\n" "${TOTAL}" "${TOTAL}"
rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}"