-.. class:: Trace([count=1[, trace=1[, countfuncs=0[, countcallers=0[, ignoremods=()[, ignoredirs=()[, infile=None[, outfile=None]]]]]]]])
+.. class:: Trace([count=1[, trace=1[, countfuncs=0[, countcallers=0[, ignoremods=()[, ignoredirs=()[, infile=None[, outfile=None[, timing=False]]]]]]]]])
Create an object to trace execution of a single statement or expression. All
parameters are optional. *count* enables counting of line numbers. *trace*
*ignoremods* is a list of modules or packages to ignore. *ignoredirs* is a list
of directories whose modules or packages should be ignored. *infile* is the
file from which to read stored count information. *outfile* is a file in which
- to write updated count information.
+ to write updated count information. *timing* enables a timestamp relative
+ to when tracing was started to be displayed.
.. method:: Trace.run(cmd)
import re
import sys
import threading
+import time
import token
import tokenize
import types
with '>>>>>> '.
-s, --summary Write a brief summary on stdout for each file.
(Can only be used with --count or --report.)
+-g, --timing Prefix each line with the time since the program started.
+ Only used while tracing.
Filters, may be repeated multiple times:
--ignore-module=<mod> Ignore the given module(s) and its submodules
class Trace:
def __init__(self, count=1, trace=1, countfuncs=0, countcallers=0,
- ignoremods=(), ignoredirs=(), infile=None, outfile=None):
+ ignoremods=(), ignoredirs=(), infile=None, outfile=None,
+ timing=False):
@param count true iff it should count number of times each
line is executed
@param infile file from which to read stored counts to be
added into the results
@param outfile file in which to write the results
+ @param timing true iff timing information be displayed
self.infile = infile
self.outfile = outfile
self._calledfuncs = {}
self._callers = {}
self._caller_cache = {}
+ self.start_time = None
+ if timing:
+ self.start_time = time.time()
if countcallers:
self.globaltrace = self.globaltrace_trackcallers
elif countfuncs:
key = filename, lineno
self.counts[key] = self.counts.get(key, 0) + 1
+ if self.start_time:
+ print '%.2f' % (time.time() - self.start_time),
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
print "%s(%d): %s" % (bname, lineno,
linecache.getline(filename, lineno)),
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
lineno = frame.f_lineno
+ if self.start_time:
+ print '%.2f' % (time.time() - self.start_time),
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
print "%s(%d): %s" % (bname, lineno,
linecache.getline(filename, lineno)),
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
- opts, prog_argv = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "tcrRf:d:msC:lT",
+ opts, prog_argv = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "tcrRf:d:msC:lTg",
["help", "version", "trace", "count",
"report", "no-report", "summary",
"file=", "missing",
"ignore-module=", "ignore-dir=",
"coverdir=", "listfuncs",
- "trackcalls"])
+ "trackcalls", "timing"])
except getopt.error, msg:
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], msg))
summary = 0
listfuncs = False
countcallers = False
+ timing = False
for opt, val in opts:
if opt == "--help":
listfuncs = True
+ if opt == "-g" or opt == "--timing":
+ timing = True
+ continue
if opt == "-t" or opt == "--trace":
trace = 1
t = Trace(count, trace, countfuncs=listfuncs,
countcallers=countcallers, ignoremods=ignore_modules,
ignoredirs=ignore_dirs, infile=counts_file,
- outfile=counts_file)
+ outfile=counts_file, timing=timing)
t.run('execfile(%r)' % (progname,))
except IOError, err: