SYM_EXTERN = 1 << 2 /* if it's declared EXTERN */
} SymVisibility;
-typedef intnum *(*resolve_label_func) (symrec *sym, int withstart);
+/* Resolves a label into an offset, if possible.
+ * Inputs: sym, the label to resolve.
+ * withstart, should the returned offset include the section start
+ * offset?
+ * Returns an intnum value containing the offset, or NULL if it was not
+ * possible to resolve (such as an external value).
+ */
+typedef /*@null@*/ intnum *(*resolve_label_func) (symrec *sym, int withstart);
+/* Converts an expr to its byte representation. Usually implemented by
+ * object formats to keep track of relocations and verify legal expressions.
+ * Inputs:
+ * ep - (double) pointer to the expression to output
+ * bufp - (double) pointer to buffer to contain byte representation
+ * valsize - the size (in bytes) to be used for the byte rep
+ * sect - current section (usually passed into higher-level calling fct)
+ * bc - current bytecode (usually passed into higher-level callign fct)
+ * rel - should the expr be treated as PC/IP-relative? (nonzero=yes)
+ * d - objfmt-specific data (passed into higher-level calling fct)
+ * Returns nonzero if an error occurred, 0 otherwise
+ */
typedef int (*output_expr_func) (expr **ep, unsigned char **bufp,
unsigned long valsize, const section *sect,
const bytecode *bc, int rel, void *d);
SYM_EXTERN = 1 << 2 /* if it's declared EXTERN */
} SymVisibility;
-typedef intnum *(*resolve_label_func) (symrec *sym, int withstart);
+/* Resolves a label into an offset, if possible.
+ * Inputs: sym, the label to resolve.
+ * withstart, should the returned offset include the section start
+ * offset?
+ * Returns an intnum value containing the offset, or NULL if it was not
+ * possible to resolve (such as an external value).
+ */
+typedef /*@null@*/ intnum *(*resolve_label_func) (symrec *sym, int withstart);
+/* Converts an expr to its byte representation. Usually implemented by
+ * object formats to keep track of relocations and verify legal expressions.
+ * Inputs:
+ * ep - (double) pointer to the expression to output
+ * bufp - (double) pointer to buffer to contain byte representation
+ * valsize - the size (in bytes) to be used for the byte rep
+ * sect - current section (usually passed into higher-level calling fct)
+ * bc - current bytecode (usually passed into higher-level callign fct)
+ * rel - should the expr be treated as PC/IP-relative? (nonzero=yes)
+ * d - objfmt-specific data (passed into higher-level calling fct)
+ * Returns nonzero if an error occurred, 0 otherwise
+ */
typedef int (*output_expr_func) (expr **ep, unsigned char **bufp,
unsigned long valsize, const section *sect,
const bytecode *bc, int rel, void *d);