log_err("error ures_getStringByIndex(%d) returned %s\n", idx, u_errorName(errorCode));
- if (uprv_strstr(currLoc, "uz_Arab") != currLoc || !log_knownIssue("10405", "skipping exemplar check: %s", currLoc)) { /* TODO: FIX or REMOVE this test! */
- strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, mergedExemplarSet, TRUE, &badChar);
- if (strIdx >= 0) {
- log_err("getMonthNames(%s, %d) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
- currLoc, idx, strIdx, badChar);
- }
+ strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, mergedExemplarSet, TRUE, &badChar);
+ if (strIdx >= 0) {
+ log_err("getMonthNames(%s, %d) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
+ currLoc, idx, strIdx, badChar);