- /*
- * setup() and teardown() macros to handle the boilerplate around setting up test case. Put arbitrary test code
- * between SETUP and TEARDOWN. "sc" is the ready-to-go SpoofChecker for use in the tests.
- */
- SpoofChecker sc;
- SpoofChecker.Builder builder;
- void setup() {
- builder = new SpoofChecker.Builder();
- sc = builder.build();
- }
- void teardown() {
- sc = null;
- }
* Identifiers for verifying that spoof checking is minimally alive and working.
* Test basic constructor.
public void TestUSpoof() {
- setup();
- teardown();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
logln("Skip this test case because of the IBM Java 5 bug");
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String fileName;
Reader confusables;
Reader confusablesWholeScript;
fileName = "unicode/confusablesWholeScript.txt";
confusablesWholeScript = TestUtil.getDataReader(fileName, "UTF-8");
- SpoofChecker rsc = builder.setData(confusables, confusablesWholeScript).build();
+ SpoofChecker rsc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setData(confusables, confusablesWholeScript).build();
if (rsc == null) {
errln("FAIL: null SpoofChecker");
- }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check that newly built-from-rules SpoofChecker is able to function.
+ checkSkeleton(rsc);
} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
- teardown();
* Set & Get Check Flags
public void TestGetSetChecks1() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS).build();
int t;
- sc = builder.setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS).build();
t = sc.getChecks();
- sc = builder.setChecks(0).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(0).build();
t = sc.getChecks();
| SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE;
- sc = builder.setChecks(checks).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(checks).build();
t = sc.getChecks();
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(checks, t);
- teardown();
* get & setAllowedChars
public void TestGetSetAllowedChars() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
UnicodeSet us;
UnicodeSet uset;
uset = sc.getAllowedChars();
us = new UnicodeSet((int) 0x41, (int) 0x5A); /* [A-Z] */
- sc = builder.setAllowedChars(us).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedChars(us).build();
TEST_ASSERT_NE(us, sc.getAllowedChars());
- teardown();
* get & set Checks
public void TestGetSetChecks() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
int checks;
int checks2;
boolean checkResults;
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS, checks);
checks &= ~(SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT | SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE);
- sc = builder.setChecks(checks).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(checks).build();
checks2 = sc.getChecks();
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(checks, checks2);
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(scMixed);
TEST_ASSERT(false == checkResults);
- teardown();
- * AllowedLoacles
+ * AllowedLocales
- public void TestAllowedLoacles() {
- setup();
+ public void TestAllowedLocales() {
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
Set<ULocale> allowedLocales = new LinkedHashSet<ULocale>();
boolean checkResults;
ULocale ruloc = new ULocale("ru_RU");
- sc = builder.setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
allowedLocales = sc.getAllowedLocales();
* Limit checks to SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT. Some of the test data has whole script confusables also, which we
* don't want to see in this test.
- sc = builder.setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodLatin);
TEST_ASSERT(false == checkResults);
/* Reset with an empty locale list, which should allow all characters to pass */
allowedLocales = new LinkedHashSet<ULocale>();
- sc = builder.setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek);
TEST_ASSERT(false == checkResults);
- teardown();
* AllowedChars set/get the UnicodeSet of allowed characters.
public void TestAllowedChars() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
UnicodeSet set;
UnicodeSet tmpSet;
boolean checkResults;
/* Setting the allowed chars should enable the check. */
- sc = builder.setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS & ~SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS & ~SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).build();
/* Remove a character that is in our good Latin test identifier from the allowed chars set. */
- sc = builder.setAllowedChars(tmpSet).build();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedChars(tmpSet).build();
/* Latin Identifier should now fail; other non-latin test cases should still be OK */
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek, result);
- teardown();
public void TestCheck() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
boolean checkResults;
TEST_ASSERT(false == checkResults);
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(666, result.position);
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, result.checks);
- teardown();
public void TestAreConfusable1() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
int checkResults;
checkResults = sc.areConfusable(scLatin, scMixed);
checkResults = sc.areConfusable(lll_Latin_a, lll_Latin_b);
- teardown();
public void TestGetSkeleton() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String dest;
dest = sc.getSkeleton(SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a);
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(lll_Skel.length(), dest.length());
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(3, dest.length());
- teardown();
* IntlTestSpoof tests for USpoofDetector
public void TestSpoofAPI() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String s = "xyz"; // Many latin ranges are whole-script confusable with other scripts.
// If this test starts failing, consult confusablesWholeScript.txt
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
boolean checkResults = sc.failsChecks(s, result);
TEST_ASSERT(false == checkResults);
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(666, result.position); // not changed
- teardown();
- setup();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String s1 = "cxs";
String s2 = Utility.unescape("\\u0441\\u0445\\u0455"); // Cyrillic "cxs"
int checkResult = sc.areConfusable(s1, s2);
- teardown();
- setup();
+ sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
s = "I1l0O";
String dest = sc.getSkeleton(SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE, s);
- teardown();
+ public void TestSkeleton() {
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
+ checkSkeleton(sc);
+ }
// testSkeleton. Spot check a number of confusable skeleton substitutions from the
// Unicode data file confusables.txt
// Test cases chosen for substitutions of various lengths, and
// membership in different mapping tables.
- public void TestSkeleton() {
+ public void checkSkeleton(SpoofChecker sc) {
int ML = 0;
int MA = SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE;
int SA = SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE;
- setup();
// A long "identifier" that will overflow implementation stack buffers, forcing heap allocations.
// (in the C implementation)
checkSkeleton(sc, SA, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027");
checkSkeleton(sc, ML, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027");
checkSkeleton(sc, MA, "\"", "\\u0027\\u0027");
- teardown();
// Internal function to run a single skeleton test case.
public void TestAreConfusable() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String s1 = "A long string that will overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "
+ "A long string that will overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. ";
String s2 = "A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. "
+ "A long string that wi11 overflow stack buffers. A long string that will overflow stack buffers. ";
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, sc.areConfusable(s1, s2));
- teardown();
public void TestInvisible() {
- setup();
+ SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String s = Utility.unescape("abcd\\u0301ef");
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
result.position = -42;
TEST_ASSERT(true == sc.failsChecks(s3, result));
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(SpoofChecker.INVISIBLE, result.checks);
TEST_ASSERT_EQ(7, result.position);
- teardown();
private String parseHex(String in) {