--- /dev/null
+ test-fc-solve:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - run: sudo apt-get update -qq
+ - run: sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y eatmydata
+ - run: sudo eatmydata apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y asciidoc
+ cmake cpanminus dbtoepub docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-ns gcc libperl-dev
+ librecode-dev make perl valgrind xsltproc xz-utils zip
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; cpanm local::lib
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)"
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; cpanm App::Docmake Code::TidyAll::Plugin::ClangFormat
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Flake8 Code::TidyAll::Plugin::TestCount File::Find::Object
+ List::Util Path::Tiny Perl::Critic Perl::Tidy Test::Code::TidyAll
+ Test::Differences Test::RunValgrind Test::Trap
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; true
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; perl -ln -i -E 'print unless /^\[ClangFormat\]$/../^$/'
+ fortune-mod/.tidyallrc
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; export FORTUNE_TEST_TIDY=1
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; perl CI-testing/continuous-integration-testing.pl
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; rm -fr B
+name: use-github-actions
+- push
+ VERBOSE: "1"
image: Visual Studio 2019
# Trying to disable to check if it is already installed.
--- /dev/null
+ test-fc-solve:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - run: sudo apt-get update -qq
+ - run: sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y eatmydata
+ - run: sudo eatmydata apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y asciidoc
+ cmake cpanminus dbtoepub docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-ns gcc libperl-dev
+ librecode-dev make perl valgrind xsltproc xz-utils zip
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; cpanm local::lib
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)"
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; cpanm App::Docmake Code::TidyAll::Plugin::ClangFormat
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Flake8 Code::TidyAll::Plugin::TestCount File::Find::Object
+ List::Util Path::Tiny Perl::Critic Perl::Tidy Test::Code::TidyAll
+ Test::Differences Test::RunValgrind Test::Trap
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; true
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; perl -ln -i -E 'print unless /^\[ClangFormat\]$/../^$/'
+ fortune-mod/.tidyallrc
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; export FORTUNE_TEST_TIDY=1
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; perl CI-testing/continuous-integration-testing.pl
+ - run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
+ } ; local_lib_shim ; rm -fr B
+name: use-github-actions
+- push
--- /dev/null
+# This file is GENERATED BY
+# CI-testing/translate-travis.yml-to-github-actions.py
+ perl:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Setup perl
+ uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
+ with:
+ distribution: strawberry
+ perl-version: ${{ matrix.perl-version }}
+ - name: Set git to use LF
+ run: 'git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ git config --global core.eol lf
+ '
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - name: perl -V
+ run: perl -V
+ - name: install cpanm and mult modules
+ uses: perl-actions/install-with-cpanm@v1
+ with:
+ install: 'App::Docmake
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::ClangFormat
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Flake8
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::TestCount
+ Env::Path
+ File::Find::Object
+ IO::All
+ List::Util
+ Path::Tiny
+ Perl::Critic
+ Perl::Tidy
+ Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
+ String::ShellQuote
+ Test::Code::TidyAll
+ Test::Differences
+ Test::EOL
+ Test::Pod
+ Test::Pod::Coverage
+ Test::RunValgrind
+ Test::TrailingSpace
+ Test::Trap'
+ - name: install and test_script code
+ run: '@echo on
+ IF NOT EXIST C:\strawberry ( echo "strawberryperl is not installed.
+ Please fix appveyor.yml" exit 1 ) || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ SET PATH=C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;%PATH%
+ perl -v || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ IF NOT EXIST C:\Perl5 mkdir C:\Perl5 || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1
+ )
+ SET PATH=C:\msys64\bin;C:\Perl5\bin;C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;%PATH%
+ SET PERL5LIB=C:/Perl5/lib/perl5
+ SET PERL_MB_OPT=--install_base C:/Perl5
+ C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe -qgnNdO -l C:\cygwin64\var\cache\setup
+ -R c:\cygwin64 -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -P docbook-xml
+ -P docbook-xsl -P libxml2 -P libxslt || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1
+ )
+ set CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:\strawberry\c\bin\gmake.exe
+ set CPATH=c:\mingw64\include;c:\msys64\mingw64\include
+ set LIBRARY_PATH=c:\mingw64\lib;c:\msys64\mingw64\lib
+ set PATH=%PATH%;c:\mingw64\lib;c:\mingw64\bin;c:\msys64\mingw64\lib;c:\msys64\mingw64\bin
+ SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python35-x64
+ SET DOCMAKE_PATH_PREFIX="C:\cygwin64\bin;"
+ perl CI-testing/continuous-integration-testing.pl --gen="MSYS Makefiles"
+ || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ '
+ shell: cmd
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: true
+ matrix:
+ perl-version:
+ - '5.30'
+name: windows-x64
+- push
--- /dev/null
+# This file is GENERATED BY
+# CI-testing/translate-travis.yml-to-github-actions.py
+ perl:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Setup perl
+ uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
+ with:
+ distribution: strawberry
+ perl-version: ${{ matrix.perl-version }}
+ - name: Set git to use LF
+ run: 'git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ git config --global core.eol lf
+ '
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - name: perl -V
+ run: perl -V
+ - name: install cpanm and mult modules
+ uses: perl-actions/install-with-cpanm@v1
+ with:
+ install: 'App::Docmake
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::ClangFormat
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::Flake8
+ Code::TidyAll::Plugin::TestCount
+ Env::Path
+ File::Find::Object
+ IO::All
+ List::Util
+ Path::Tiny
+ Perl::Critic
+ Perl::Tidy
+ Pod::Coverage::TrustPod
+ String::ShellQuote
+ Test::Code::TidyAll
+ Test::Differences
+ Test::EOL
+ Test::Pod
+ Test::Pod::Coverage
+ Test::RunValgrind
+ Test::TrailingSpace
+ Test::Trap'
+ - name: Set up MinGW
+ uses: egor-tensin/setup-mingw@v2
+ with:
+ platform: x86
+ - name: install and test_script code
+ run: '@echo on
+ SET CC=cc
+ SET CXX=c++
+ IF NOT EXIST C:\strawberry ( echo "strawberryperl is not installed.
+ Please fix appveyor.yml" exit 1 ) || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ SET PATH=C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;%PATH%
+ perl -v || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ IF NOT EXIST C:\Perl5 mkdir C:\Perl5 || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1
+ )
+ SET PATH=C:\msys64\bin;C:\Perl5\bin;C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;%PATH%
+ SET PERL5LIB=C:/Perl5/lib/perl5
+ SET PERL_MB_OPT=--install_base C:/Perl5
+ C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe -qgnNdO -l C:\cygwin64\var\cache\setup
+ -R c:\cygwin64 -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -P docbook-xml
+ -P docbook-xsl -P libxml2 -P libxslt || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1
+ )
+ set CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=C:\strawberry\c\bin\gmake.exe
+ set CPATH=c:\mingw64\include;c:\msys64\mingw64\include
+ set LIBRARY_PATH=c:\mingw64\lib;c:\msys64\mingw64\lib
+ set PATH=%PATH%;c:\mingw64\lib;c:\mingw64\bin;c:\msys64\mingw64\lib;c:\msys64\mingw64\bin
+ SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python35-x64
+ SET DOCMAKE_PATH_PREFIX="C:\cygwin64\bin;"
+ perl CI-testing/continuous-integration-testing.pl --gen="MSYS Makefiles"
+ || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )
+ '
+ shell: cmd
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: true
+ matrix:
+ perl-version:
+ - '5.30'
+name: windows-x86
+- push
dist: focal
# Required to avoid default travis "cpanm ." booboo.
- - true
+ - "true"
language: perl
os: linux
--- /dev/null
+name: windows
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - '*'
+ tags-ignore:
+ - '*'
+ pull_request:
+ perl:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: true
+ matrix:
+ perl-version:
+ - '5.30'
+ # - '5.28'
+ # - '5.26'
+ # - '5.24'
+ # - '5.22'
+ # - '5.20'
+ # - '5.18'
+ # - '5.16'
+ # - '5.14'
+ steps:
+ - name: Setup perl
+ uses: shogo82148/actions-setup-perl@v1
+ with:
+ perl-version: ${{ matrix.perl-version }}
+ distribution: strawberry
+ - name: Set git to use LF
+ run: |
+ git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ git config --global core.eol lf
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: "true"
+ - name: perl -V
+ run: perl -V
+ - name: Install Alien::libuv
+ run: |
+ cpanm ExtUtils::Manifest App::cpanminus
+ cpanm --notest Alien::Base::Wrapper
+ cpanm --notest --installdeps Alien::libuv
+ cpanm --notest Alien::libuv
+ - name: Install Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig
+ run: cpanm --notest Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig
+ - name: Install Dependencies
+ run: cpanm --notest --installdeps -v .
+ - name: Run Tests
+ run: cpanm --testonly -v .
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim:fenc=utf-8
+# Copyright © 2021 Shlomi Fish < https://www.shlomifish.org/ >
+# Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
+CI-testing/translate-travis.yml-to-github-actions.py :
+This program translates fc-solve's .travis.yml to GitHub actions
+and ACT workflows ( https://github.com/nektos/act ).
+While ostensibly FOSS, it most probably is not generic enough
+for your use cases.
+import re
+import yaml
+def _add_condition_while_excluding_gh_actions(job_dict, is_act):
+ """
+ See:
+ https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/480
+ Workflow level `env` does not work properly in all fields. · Issue #480
+ """
+ if is_act:
+ job_dict['if'] = \
+ "${{ ! contains(env.ACT_SKIP, matrix.env.WHAT) }}"
+def generate(output_path, is_act):
+ """docstring for main"""
+ env_keys = set()
+ def _process_env(env):
+ ret = {}
+ for line in env:
+ m = re.match(
+ '\\A([A-Za-z0-9_]+)=([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\Z',
+ line)
+ key = m.group(1)
+ val = m.group(2)
+ assert key not in ret
+ ret[key] = val
+ env_keys.add(key)
+ return ret
+ with open("./.travis.yml", "rt") as infh:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(infh)
+ steps = []
+ steps.append({
+ "uses": ("actions/checkout@v2"),
+ "with": {
+ "submodules": "true",
+ },
+ })
+ if 0:
+ steps.append({
+ "run":
+ ("cd workflow ; (ls -lrtA ; false)"), })
+ elif 0:
+ steps.append({
+ "run":
+ ("cd . ; (ls -lrtA ; false)"), })
+ steps.append({"run": ("sudo apt-get update -qq"), })
+ steps.append({
+ "run": ("sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y " +
+ " ".join(["eatmydata"])
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ steps.append({
+ "run": ("sudo eatmydata apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y " +
+ " ".join(data['addons']['apt']['packages'])
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ local_lib_shim = 'local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl ' + \
+ '-Mlocal::lib=$HOME/' + \
+ 'perl_modules)"; } ; local_lib_shim ; '
+ for arr in ['before_install', 'install', 'script']:
+ steps += [{"run": local_lib_shim + x} for x in data[arr]]
+ job = 'test-fc-solve'
+ o = {'jobs': {job: {'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest',
+ 'steps': steps, }},
+ 'name': 'use-github-actions', 'on': ['push', ], }
+ if 'matrix' in data:
+ if 'include' in data['matrix']:
+ o['jobs'][job]['strategy'] = {'matrix': {'include': [
+ {'env': _process_env(x['env']), }
+ for x in data['matrix']['include']
+ ], }, }
+ o['jobs'][job]['env'] = {
+ x: "${{ matrix.env." + x + " }}"
+ for x in env_keys
+ }
+ _add_condition_while_excluding_gh_actions(
+ job_dict=o['jobs'][job],
+ is_act=is_act,
+ )
+ else:
+ assert False
+ with open(output_path, "wt") as outfh:
+ # yaml.safe_dump(o, outfh)
+ yaml.safe_dump(o, stream=outfh, canonical=False, indent=4, )
+def generate_windows_yaml(plat, output_path, is_act):
+ """docstring for main"""
+ env_keys = set()
+ def _process_env(env):
+ ret = {}
+ for line in env:
+ m = re.match(
+ '\\A([A-Za-z0-9_]+)=([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\Z',
+ line)
+ key = m.group(1)
+ val = m.group(2)
+ assert key not in ret
+ ret[key] = val
+ env_keys.add(key)
+ return ret
+ with open("./.appveyor.yml", "rt") as infh:
+ data = yaml.safe_load(infh)
+ with open("./CI-testing/gh-actions--" +
+ "windows-yml--from-p5-UV.yml", "rt") as infh:
+ skel = yaml.safe_load(infh)
+ steps = skel['jobs']['perl']['steps']
+ while steps[-1]['name'] != 'perl -V':
+ steps.pop()
+ cpanm_step = {
+ "name": "install cpanm and mult modules",
+ "uses": "perl-actions/install-with-cpanm@v1",
+ }
+ steps.append(cpanm_step)
+ # if True: # plat == 'x86':
+ if plat == 'x86':
+ mingw = {
+ "name": "Set up MinGW",
+ "uses": "egor-tensin/setup-mingw@v2",
+ "with": {
+ "platform": plat,
+ },
+ }
+ steps.append(mingw)
+ # See:
+ #
+ # https://github.com/sithlord48/blackchocobo/actions/runs/1207252836/workflow#L100
+ # https://github.community/t/windows-actions-suddenly-fail-needing-a-nuspec-file/199483
+ cpack_fix = {
+ "if": "runner.os == 'Windows'",
+ "name": "Remove Chocolatey's CPack",
+ "run": "Remove-Item -Path " +
+ "C:\\ProgramData\\Chocolatey\\bin\\cpack.exe -Force",
+ }
+ cpack_fix_needed = False
+ if cpack_fix_needed:
+ steps.append(cpack_fix)
+ def _calc_batch_code(cmds):
+ cmds = [(x['cmd'] if isinstance(x, dict) else x) for x in cmds]
+ batch = ""
+ batch += "@echo on\n"
+ for k, v in sorted(data['environment']['global'].items()):
+ # batch += "SET " + k + "=\"" + v + "\"\n"
+ batch += "SET " + k + "=" + v + "\n"
+ if plat == 'x86':
+ idx = 0
+ cmds.insert(idx, "SET CXX=c++")
+ cmds.insert(idx, "SET CC=cc")
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ if cmd.startswith("cpanm "):
+ words = cmd.split(' ')[1:]
+ dw = []
+ for w in words:
+ if not w.startswith("-"):
+ dw.append(w)
+ nonlocal cpanm_step
+ cpanm_step['with'] = {"install": "\n".join(dw), }
+ continue
+ if re.search("copy.*?python\\.exe", cmd):
+ continue
+ if "choco install strawberryperl" not in cmd:
+ if 0:
+ r = re.sub(
+ "curl\\s+-o\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)",
+ "lwp-download \\2 \\1",
+ cmd)
+ elif plat == 'x86':
+ if cmd.startswith("perl ../source/run-tests.pl"):
+ continue
+ r = re.sub(
+ "--dbm=kaztree",
+ "--dbm=none",
+ cmd
+ )
+ else:
+ r = cmd
+ # See:
+ # https://serverfault.com/questions/157173
+ shim = ''
+ if not (r.lower().startswith("set ")):
+ shim = " || ( echo Failed & exit /B 1 )"
+ batch += r + shim + "\n"
+ return batch
+ if 0:
+ steps.append({'name': "install code", "run": _calc_batch_code(
+ cmds=data['install']), "shell": "cmd", })
+ steps.append({
+ 'name': "install and test_script code",
+ "run": _calc_batch_code(
+ cmds=(data['install']+data['test_script'])
+ ),
+ "shell": "cmd",
+ })
+ def _myfilt(path):
+ is32 = ("\\pkg-build\\" in path)
+ return (is32 if plat == 'x86' else (not is32))
+ skel['name'] = ("windows-x86" if plat == 'x86' else 'windows-x64')
+ skel['on'] = ['push']
+ with open(output_path, "wt") as outfh:
+ # yaml.safe_dump(o, outfh)
+ outfh.write(
+ "# This file is GENERATED BY\n" +
+ "# CI-testing/" +
+ "translate-travis.yml-to-github-actions.py\n")
+ yaml.safe_dump(skel, stream=outfh, canonical=False, indent=4, )
+def main():
+ generate(
+ output_path=".github/workflows/use-github-actions.yml",
+ is_act=False,
+ )
+ generate(
+ output_path=".act-github/workflows/use-github-actions.yml",
+ is_act=True,
+ )
+ generate_windows_yaml(
+ plat='x86',
+ output_path=".github/workflows/windows-x86.yml",
+ is_act=False,
+ )
+ generate_windows_yaml(
+ plat='x64',
+ output_path=".github/workflows/windows-x64.yml",
+ is_act=False,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()