?? ??? 2004, PHP 5.0.1
11 Aug 2004, PHP 5.0.1RC2
-- Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints to stdout rather then
- returning the value). (Ilia)
- Changed destructor mechanism so that destructors are called prior to request
shutdown. (Marcus)
- Rewritten UNIX and Windows install help files. (Documentation Team)
- Updated several libraries bundled with the windows release which now
includes libxml2-2.6.11, libxslt-1.1.7 and iconv-1.9.1. (Rob, Edin)
- Improved and moved ActiveScript SAPI to PECL. (Wez)
+- Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints to stdout rather then
+ returning the value). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #29577 (MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS undefined) (Georg)
- Fixed bug #29573 (Segmentation fault, when exception thrown within
PHP function called from XSLT). (Christian)
raise an ReflectionException instead of returning NULL on failure.
- Fixed convert.* filters to consume remaining buckets_in on flush. (Sara)
-- Fixed bug in mysqli->client_version (Georg)
+- Fixed bug in mysqli->client_version. (Georg)
13 Jul 2004, PHP 5.0.0
- Updated PCRE to provide better error handling in certain cases. (Andrei)