-<<<<<<< local
- Issue #16914: new debuglevel 2 in smtplib adds timestamps to debug output.
- Issue #7159: urllib.request now supports sending auth credentials
- Issue #21217: inspect.getsourcelines() now tries to compute the start and end
lines from the code object, fixing an issue when a lambda function is used as
decorator argument. Patch by Thomas Ballinger and Allison Kaptur.
-- Asyncio issue 222 / PR 231 (Victor Stinner) -- fix @coroutine
- functions without __name__.
-- Issue #9246: On POSIX, os.getcwd() now supports paths longer than 1025 bytes.
- Patch written by William Orr.
-- Issues #24099, #24100, and #24101: Fix free-after-use bug in heapq's siftup
- and siftdown functions.
-- Backport collections.deque fixes from Python 3.5. Prevents reentrant badness
- during deletion by deferring the decref until the container has been restored
- to a consistent state.
-- Issue #23008: Fixed resolving attributes with boolean value is False in pydoc.
-- Fix asyncio issue 235: LifoQueue and PriorityQueue's put didn't
- increment unfinished tasks (this bug was introduced in 3.4.3 when
- JoinableQueue was merged with Queue).
-- Issue #23908: os functions now reject paths with embedded null character
- on Windows instead of silently truncate them.
-- Issue #23728: binascii.crc_hqx() could return an integer outside of the range
- 0-0xffff for empty data.
->>>>>>> other
- Issue #23811: Add missing newline to the PyCompileError error message.
Patch by Alex Shkop.