// Any break on this level means that the parent level has been broken
// and we need to avoid bin packing there.
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
- State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ bool JavaScriptFormat = Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript &&
+ Current.is(tok::r_brace) &&
+ State.Stack.size() > 1 &&
+ State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].JSFunctionInlined;
+ if (!JavaScriptFormat) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
+ State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ }
if (PreviousNonComment &&
!PreviousNonComment->isOneOf(tok::comma, tok::semi) &&
PreviousNonComment->Type != TT_TemplateCloser &&
return Current.NestingLevel == 0 ? State.FirstIndent
: State.Stack.back().Indent;
if (Current.isOneOf(tok::r_brace, tok::r_square)) {
+ if (State.Stack.size() > 1 &&
+ State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].JSFunctionInlined)
+ return State.FirstIndent;
if (Current.closesBlockTypeList(Style) ||
(Current.MatchingParen &&
Current.MatchingParen->BlockKind == BK_BracedInit))
// Insert scopes created by fake parenthesis.
const FormatToken *Previous = Current.getPreviousNonComment();
+ // Add special behavior to support a format commonly used for JavaScript
+ // closures:
+ // SomeFunction(function() {
+ // foo();
+ // bar();
+ // }, a, b, c);
+ if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript) {
+ if (Current.isNot(tok::comment) && Previous && Previous->is(tok::l_brace) &&
+ State.Stack.size() > 1) {
+ if (State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].JSFunctionInlined && Newline) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
+ State.Stack[i].NoLineBreak = true;
+ }
+ }
+ State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].JSFunctionInlined = false;
+ }
+ if (Current.TokenText == "function")
+ State.Stack.back().JSFunctionInlined = !Newline;
+ }
// Don't add extra indentation for the first fake parenthesis after
// 'return', assignments or opening <({[. The indentation for these cases
// is special cased.
StartOfFunctionCall(0), StartOfArraySubscripts(0),
NestedNameSpecifierContinuation(0), CallContinuation(0), VariablePos(0),
ContainsLineBreak(false), ContainsUnwrappedBuilder(0),
- AlignColons(true), ObjCSelectorNameFound(false), LambdasFound(0) {}
+ AlignColons(true), ObjCSelectorNameFound(false), LambdasFound(0),
+ JSFunctionInlined(false) {}
/// \brief The position to which a specific parenthesis level needs to be
/// indented.
/// the same token.
unsigned LambdasFound;
+ // \brief The previous JavaScript 'function' keyword is not wrapped to a new
+ // line.
+ bool JSFunctionInlined;
bool operator<(const ParenState &Other) const {
if (Indent != Other.Indent)
return Indent < Other.Indent;
return ContainsLineBreak < Other.ContainsLineBreak;
if (ContainsUnwrappedBuilder != Other.ContainsUnwrappedBuilder)
return ContainsUnwrappedBuilder < Other.ContainsUnwrappedBuilder;
+ if (JSFunctionInlined != Other.JSFunctionInlined)
+ return JSFunctionInlined < Other.JSFunctionInlined;
return false;
return true;
if (NewLine) {
- int AdditionalIndent = State.Stack.back().Indent -
- Previous.Children[0]->Level * Style.IndentWidth;
+ int AdditionalIndent = 0;
+ if (State.Stack.size() < 2 ||
+ !State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].JSFunctionInlined) {
+ AdditionalIndent = State.Stack.back().Indent -
+ Previous.Children[0]->Level * Style.IndentWidth;
+ }
Penalty += format(Previous.Children, DryRun, AdditionalIndent,
return true;
EXPECT_EQ("abc = xyz ? function() { return 1; } : function() { return -1; };",
format("abc=xyz?function(){return 1;}:function(){return -1;};"));
+ verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(\n"
+ " function() { // comment\n"
+ " foo();\n"
+ " bar();\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " this, arg1IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks,\n"
+ " arg3IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks);");
+ verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(function() { // comment\n"
+ " foo();\n"
+ " bar();\n"
+ "}, this);");
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ReturnStatements) {