The Pylint job was running two checks:
1. Everything, with warning count piped to metrics.txt
2. Everything except the check for FIXMEs, hard failing if there is any
The latter passes. That is, all Graphviz Python code is warning-free with the
exception of FIXMEs. Meanwhile FIXMEs are frequently _intentionally_ introduced
in test code, indicating a known open bug for which a test case is being added.
So metric collection in step 1 above is not relevant; we expect this number
often to go up. This commit removes the collection of this unused metric to
decrease CI complexity.
- docker_build_ubuntu-21.10
- - logfile=`mktemp`
- - python3 -m pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc `find . -name '*.py' | xargs` --exit-zero |& tee $logfile
- - echo "$CI_JOB_NAME-warnings `egrep -c '\<[CRWEF][[:digit:]]{4}\>' $logfile`" | tee metrics.txt
- python3 -m pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc --disable=fixme `find . -name '*.py' | xargs`
- artifacts:
- when: on_success
- expire_in: 1 week
- reports:
- metrics: metrics.txt
- tags