-## REST API Troubleshooting: No Objects Found <a id="troubleshooting-api-no-objects-found"></a>
+### REST API Troubleshooting: No Objects Found <a id="troubleshooting-api-no-objects-found"></a>
Please note that the `404` status with no objects being found can also originate
from missing or too strict object permissions for the authenticated user.
- use an administrative account with full permissions to check whether the objects are actually there.
- verify the permissions on the affected ApiUser object and fix them.
+### Missing Runtime Objects (Hosts, Downtimes, etc.) <a id="troubleshooting-api-missing-runtime-objects"></a>
+Runtime objects consume the internal config packages shared with
+the REST API config packages. Each host, downtime, comment, service, etc. created
+via the REST API is stored in the `_api` package.
+This includes downtimes and comments, which where sometimes stored in the wrong
+directory path, because the active-stage file was empty/truncated/unreadable at
+this point.
+At creation time, the object lives in memory but its storage is broken. Upon restart,
+it is missing and e.g. a missing downtime will re-enable unwanted notifications.
+`abcd-ef12-3456-7890` is the active stage name which wasn't correctly
+read by the Icinga daemon. This information is stored in `/var/lib/icinga2/api/packages/_api/active-stage`.
+2.11 now limits the direct active-stage file access (this is hidden from the user),
+and caches active stages for packages in-memory.
+Bonus on startup/config validation: Icinga now logs a critical message when a deployed
+config package is broken.
+icinga2 daemon -C
+[2019-04-26 12:58:14 +0200] critical/ApiListener: Cannot detect active stage for package '_api'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation.
+In order to fix the broken config package, and mark a deployed stage as active
+again, carefully do the following steps with creating a backup before:
+Navigate into the API package prefix.
+cd /var/lib/icinga2/api/packages
+Change into the broken package directory and list all directories and files
+ordered by latest changes.
+cd _api
+ls -lahtr
+drwx------ 4 michi wheel 128B Mar 27 14:39 ..
+-rw-r--r-- 1 michi wheel 25B Mar 27 14:39 include.conf
+-rw-r--r-- 1 michi wheel 405B Mar 27 14:39 active.conf
+drwx------ 7 michi wheel 224B Mar 27 15:01 abcd-ef12-3456-7890
+drwx------ 5 michi wheel 160B Apr 26 12:47 .
+As you can see, the `active-stage` file is missing. When it is there, verify that its content
+is set to the stage directory as follows.
+If you have more than one stage directory here, pick the latest modified
+directory. Copy the directory name `abcd-ef12-3456-7890` and
+add it into a new file `active-stage`. This can be done like this:
+echo "abcd-ef12-3456-7890" > active-stage
+Re-run config validation.
+icinga2 daemon -C
+The validation should not show an error.
+> **Note**
+> The internal `_api` config package structure may change in the future. Do not modify
+> things in there manually or with scripts unless guided here or asked by a developer.
## Certificate Troubleshooting <a id="troubleshooting-certificate"></a>
has no effect anymore if set. Please use the [MaxConcurrentChecks](17-language-reference.md#icinga-constants-global-config)
constant in [constants.conf](04-configuring-icinga-2.md#constants-conf) instead.
+### REST API <a id="upgrading-to-2-11-api"></a>
+#### Config Packages <a id="upgrading-to-2-11-api-config-packages"></a>
+Deployed configuration packages require an active stage, with many previous
+allowed. This mechanism is used by the Icinga Director as external consumer,
+and Icinga itself for storing runtime created objects inside the `_api`
+This includes downtimes and comments, which where sometimes stored in the wrong
+directory path, because the active-stage file was empty/truncated/unreadable at
+this point.
+2.11 makes this mechanism more stable and detects broken config packages.
+[2019-04-26 12:58:14 +0200] critical/ApiListener: Cannot detect active stage for package '_api'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation.
+In order to fix this, please follow [this troubleshooting entry](15-troubleshooting.md#troubleshooting-api-missing-runtime-objects).
## Upgrading to v2.10 <a id="upgrading-to-2-10"></a>
### Path Constant Changes <a id="upgrading-to-2-10-path-constant-changes"></a>
#include "remote/endpoint.hpp"
#include "remote/jsonrpc.hpp"
#include "remote/apifunction.hpp"
+#include "remote/configpackageutility.hpp"
#include "base/convert.hpp"
#include "base/defer.hpp"
#include "base/io-engine.hpp"
Log(LogWarning, "ApiListener", "Please read the upgrading documentation for v2.8: https://icinga.com/docs/icinga2/latest/doc/16-upgrading-icinga-2/");
+ /* Cache API packages and their active stage name. */
+ UpdateActivePackageStagesCache();
/* set up SSL context */
std::shared_ptr<X509> cert;
try {
return m_LocalEndpoint;
+void ApiListener::UpdateActivePackageStagesCache()
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ActivePackageStagesLock);
+ for (auto package : ConfigPackageUtility::GetPackages()) {
+ String activeStage;
+ try {
+ activeStage = ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStageFromFile(package);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ Log(LogCritical, "ApiListener")
+ << ex.what();
+ continue;
+ }
+ Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener")
+ << "Updating cache: Config package '" << package << "' has active stage '" << activeStage << "'.";
+ m_ActivePackageStages[package] = activeStage;
+ }
+void ApiListener::SetActivePackageStage(const String& package, const String& stage)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ActivePackageStagesLock);
+ m_ActivePackageStages[package] = stage;
+String ApiListener::GetActivePackageStage(const String& package)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ActivePackageStagesLock);
+ if (m_ActivePackageStages.find(package) == m_ActivePackageStages.end())
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Package " + package + " has no active stage."));
+ return m_ActivePackageStages[package];
+void ApiListener::RemoveActivePackageStage(const String& package)
+ /* This is the rare occassion when a package has been deleted. */
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_ActivePackageStagesLock);
+ auto it = m_ActivePackageStages.find(package);
+ if (it == m_ActivePackageStages.end())
+ return;
+ m_ActivePackageStages.erase(it);
void ApiListener::ValidateTlsProtocolmin(const Lazy<String>& lvalue, const ValidationUtils& utils)
ObjectImpl<ApiListener>::ValidateTlsProtocolmin(lvalue, utils);
static Value ConfigUpdateObjectAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params);
static Value ConfigDeleteObjectAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params);
+ /* API config packages */
+ void SetActivePackageStage(const String& package, const String& stage);
+ String GetActivePackageStage(const String& package);
+ void RemoveActivePackageStage(const String& package);
static Value HelloAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params);
static void UpdateObjectAuthority();
void SendRuntimeConfigObjects(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient);
void SyncClient(const JsonRpcConnection::Ptr& aclient, const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint, bool needSync);
+ /* API Config Packages */
+ mutable boost::mutex m_ActivePackageStagesLock;
+ std::map<String, String> m_ActivePackageStages;
+ void UpdateActivePackageStagesCache();
/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */
#include "remote/configpackageutility.hpp"
+#include "remote/apilistener.hpp"
#include "base/application.hpp"
#include "base/exception.hpp"
#include "base/utility.hpp"
if (!Utility::PathExists(path))
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Package does not exist."));
+ ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
+ /* config packages without API make no sense. */
+ if (!listener)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("No ApiListener instance configured."));
+ listener->RemoveActivePackageStage(name);
void ConfigPackageUtility::ActivateStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName)
- String activeStagePath = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active-stage";
- std::ofstream fpActiveStage(activeStagePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc);
- fpActiveStage << stageName;
- fpActiveStage.close();
+ SetActiveStage(packageName, stageName);
return stages;
-String ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage(const String& packageName)
+String ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStageFromFile(const String& packageName)
+ /* Lock the transaction, reading this only happens on startup or when something really is broken. */
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(GetStaticMutex());
String path = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active-stage";
std::ifstream fp;
if (fp.fail())
- return "";
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot detect active stage for package '" + packageName + "'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation."));
return stage.Trim();
+String ConfigPackageUtility::GetActiveStage(const String& packageName)
+ ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
+ /* config packages without API make no sense. */
+ if (!listener)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("No ApiListener instance configured."));
+ String activeStage;
+ /* First use runtime state. */
+ try {
+ activeStage = listener->GetActivePackageStage(packageName);
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ /* Fallback to reading the file, happens on restarts. */
+ activeStage = GetActiveStageFromFile(packageName);
+ /* When we've read something, correct memory. */
+ if (!activeStage.IsEmpty())
+ listener->SetActivePackageStage(packageName, activeStage);
+ else
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot detect active stage for package '" + packageName + "'. Broken config package, check the troubleshooting documentation."));
+ }
+ return activeStage;
+void ConfigPackageUtility::SetActiveStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName)
+ ApiListener::Ptr listener = ApiListener::GetInstance();
+ /* config packages without API make no sense. */
+ if (!listener)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("No ApiListener instance configured."));
+ listener->SetActivePackageStage(packageName, stageName);
+ /* Also update the marker on disk for restarts. */
+ String activeStagePath = GetPackageDir() + "/" + packageName + "/active-stage";
+ std::ofstream fpActiveStage(activeStagePath.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ostream::binary | std::ostream::trunc); //TODO: fstream exceptions
+ fpActiveStage << stageName;
+ fpActiveStage.close();
std::vector<std::pair<String, bool> > ConfigPackageUtility::GetFiles(const String& packageName, const String& stageName)
static String CreateStage(const String& packageName, const Dictionary::Ptr& files = nullptr);
static void DeleteStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName);
static std::vector<String> GetStages(const String& packageName);
+ static String GetActiveStageFromFile(const String& packageName);
static String GetActiveStage(const String& packageName);
+ static void SetActiveStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName);
static void ActivateStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName);
static void AsyncTryActivateStage(const String& packageName, const String& stageName, bool reload);