local fd;
if (~dotty.lservers[lserver] | tablesize (dotty.lservers[lserver]) == 0) {
- if (~((fd = openio ('pipe', lserver, 'r+')) >= 0)) {
+ if (~((fd = openio ('pipe', lserver, 'r+', '%e -Txdot')) >= 0)) {
dotty.message (0, concat ('cannot start ', lserver));
return null;
for (fd in dotty.lservers[lserver]) {
- dotty.lservers[lserver][fd].count =
- dotty.lservers[lserver][fd].count + 1;
+ dotty.lservers[lserver][fd].count = dotty.lservers[
+ lserver
+ ][fd].count + 1;
dotty.lservers.inuse[fd] = dotty.lservers[lserver][fd];
remove (fd, dotty.lservers[lserver]);
return fd;
if ((fd = openio ('file', 'dottybug.dot', 'w+')) >= 0) {
writegraph (fd, gt.graph, 0);
closeio (fd);
- dotty.message (0,
- concat ('graph that causes ', gt.lserver));
- dotty.message (0,
- 'to fail has been saved in file dottybug.dot');
- dotty.message (0,
- 'please fill out a bug report at http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/bugform.html');
+ dotty.message (
+ 0, concat ('graph that causes ', gt.lserver)
+ );
+ dotty.message (
+ 0, 'to fail has been saved in file dottybug.dot'
+ );
+ dotty.message (
+ 0, 'please fill out a bug report at'
+ );
+ dotty.message (
+ 0, 'http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/bugform.html'
+ );
dotty.popbusy (gt, gt.views);
gt.layoutpending = 0;
gt.haveinput = 0;
return 1;
- dotty.message (1,
- concat ('lost connection to ', gt.lserver, ', restarting...'));
+ dotty.message (
+ 1, concat ('lost connection to ', gt.lserver, ', restarting...')
+ );
lpt.fd = dotty.grablserver (gt.lserver);
writegraph (lpt.fd, gt.graph, 1);
if (gt.layoutmode == 'async')
dotty.protogt.unpacklayout = function (gt, graph2) {
- local graph, gid, sgraph1, sgraph2, nid, node1, node2;
- local t1, t2, t3, n2, i, j, k, l, m, eid, edge1, edge2, points;
- local pa1, pa2, pb1, pb2, la, lb;
+ local graph, gid, sgraph1, sgraph2, nid, node1, node2, eid, edge1, edge2;
+ local t1, pos, size;
graph = gt.graph;
for (gid in graph2.graphdict) {
if (~(sgraph1 = graph.graphs[graph.graphdict[gid]]))
sgraph2 = graph2.graphs[graph2.graphdict[gid]];
- if (sgraph2.graphattr.bb & sgraph2.graphattr.bb ~= '') {
- t1 = split (sgraph2.graphattr.bb, ',');
- sgraph1.rect = [
- 0 = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- 1 = ['x' = ston (t1[2]); 'y' = ston (t1[3]);];
- ];
- } else
- sgraph1.rect = [];
- if (sgraph2.graphattr.lp & sgraph2.graphattr.lp ~= '') {
- t1 = split (sgraph2.graphattr.lp, ',');
- sgraph1.lp = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- } else
- sgraph1.lp = [];
+ sgraph1.draws = gt.unpackalldraw (gt, sgraph2.graphattr);
for (nid in graph2.nodedict) {
if (~(node1 = graph.nodes[graph.nodedict[nid]]))
node2 = graph2.nodes[graph2.nodedict[nid]];
+ node1.draws = gt.unpackalldraw (gt, node2.attr);
t1 = split (node2.attr.pos, ',');
- node1.pos = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- node1.size.x = ston (node2.attr.width) * 72;
- node1.size.y = ston (node2.attr.height) * 72;
- if (node2.attr.rects)
- node1.fields = parsegraphlabel (node2.attr.label, node2.attr.rects);
+ pos = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
+ size = [
+ 'x' = ston (node2.attr.width) * 72;
+ 'y' = ston (node2.attr.height) * 72;
+ ];
+ node1.pos = pos;
+ node1.size = size;
+ node1.rect = [
+ 0 = ['x' = pos.x - size.x / 2; 'y' = pos.y - size.y / 2;];
+ 1 = ['x' = pos.x + size.x / 2; 'y' = pos.y + size.y / 2;];
+ ];
for (eid in graph2.edges) {
edge2 = graph2.edges[eid];
} else if (graph == graph2)
edge1 = edge2;
- if (edge2.attr.pos) {
- points = [];
- remove ('sp', edge1);
- remove ('ep', edge1);
- t2 = split (edge2.attr.pos, ';');
- for (k = 0; t2[k]; k = k + 1) {
- t3 = split (t2[k], ' ');
- n2 = tablesize (t3);
- j = 0;
- i = 0;
- t1 = split (t3[0], ',');
- while (t1[0] == 's' | t1[0] == 'e') {
- if (t1[0] == 's')
- edge1.sp = ['x' = ston (t1[1]); 'y' = ston (t1[2]);];
- else # (t1[0] == 'e')
- edge1.ep = ['x' = ston (t1[1]); 'y' = ston (t1[2]);];
- i = i + 1;
- t1 = split (t3[i], ',');
- }
- points[k][j] = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- i = i + 1;
- j = j + 1;
- while (i < n2) {
- t1 = split (t3[i], ',');
- points[k][j] = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- j = j + 1;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- }
- if (k > 1) { # concentrators
- l = k;
- while (l > 1) {
- la = tablesize (points[0]);
- pa1 = points[0][0];
- pa2 = points[0][la - 1];
- for (k = 1; points[k]; k = k + 1) {
- lb = tablesize (points[k]);
- pb1 = points[k][0];
- pb2 = points[k][lb - 1];
- if (pa1.x == pb2.x & pa1.y == pb2.y) {
- for (m = 1; m < la; m = m + 1) {
- points[k][lb] = points[0][m];
- lb = lb + 1;
- }
- points[0] = points[l - 1];
- remove (l - 1, points);
- break;
- } else if (pa2.x == pb1.x & pa2.y == pb1.y) {
- for (m = 1; m < lb; m = m + 1) {
- points[0][la] = points[k][m];
- la = la + 1;
- }
- points[k] = points[l - 1];
- remove (l - 1, points);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (points[l - 1]) {
- dotty.message (1, 'failed to match edge points');
- break;
- }
- l = l - 1;
- }
- }
- edge1.points = points[0];
- }
- if (edge2.attr.lp) {
- t1 = split (edge2.attr.lp, ',');
- edge1.lp = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- }
+ edge1.draws = gt.unpackalldraw (gt, edge2.attr);
+ graph.draws = gt.unpackalldraw (gt, graph2.graphattr);
t1 = split (graph2.graphattr.bb, ',');
graph.rect[0].x = ston (t1[0]);
graph.rect[0].y = ston (t1[1]);
graph.rect[1].x = ston (t1[2]);
graph.rect[1].y = ston (t1[3]);
- if (graph2.graphattr.lp & graph2.graphattr.lp ~= '') {
- t1 = split (graph2.graphattr.lp, ',');
- graph.lp = ['x' = ston (t1[0]); 'y' = ston (t1[1]);];
- } else
- graph.lp = [];
if (gt.graph ~= graph2)
# strip position and size info from the attributes
for (gid in graph2.graphdict) {
sgraph2 = graph2.graphs[graph2.graphdict[gid]];
+ gt.removealldraw (gt, sgraph2.graphattr);
if (sgraph2.graphattr.bb)
remove ('bb', sgraph2.graphattr);
for (nid in graph2.nodedict) {
node2 = graph2.nodes[graph2.nodedict[nid]];
+ gt.removealldraw (gt, node2.attr);
if (node2.attr.rects)
remove ('rects', node2.attr);
remove ('pos', node2.attr);
for (eid in graph2.edges) {
edge2 = graph2.edges[eid];
+ gt.removealldraw (gt, edge2.attr);
if (edge2.attr.pos)
remove ('pos', edge2.attr);
if (edge2.attr.lp)
remove ('lp', edge2.attr);
+ gt.removealldraw (gt, graph2.graphattr);
remove ('bb', graph2.graphattr);
if (graph2.graphattr.lp)
remove ('lp', graph2.graphattr);
+# draw directive parsing
+dotty.protogt.unpackalldraw = function (gt, attr) {
+ local o, did;
+ o = [];
+ if (attr._draw_)
+ o._draw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._draw_);
+ if (attr._ldraw_)
+ o._ldraw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._ldraw_);
+ if (attr._hdraw_)
+ o._hdraw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._hdraw_);
+ if (attr._tdraw_)
+ o._tdraw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._tdraw_);
+ if (attr._hldraw_)
+ o._hldraw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._hldraw_);
+ if (attr._tldraw_)
+ o._tldraw_ = gt.unpackdraw (attr._tldraw_);
+ for (did in o)
+ if (o[did].ep) {
+ o.ep = o[did].ep;
+ break;
+ }
+ return o;
+dotty.protogt.removealldraw = function (gt, attr) {
+ if (attr._draw_)
+ remove ('_draw_', attr);
+ if (attr._ldraw_)
+ remove ('_ldraw_', attr);
+ if (attr._hdraw_)
+ remove ('_hdraw_', attr);
+ if (attr._tdraw_)
+ remove ('_tdraw_', attr);
+ if (attr._hldraw_)
+ remove ('_hldraw_', attr);
+ if (attr._tldraw_)
+ remove ('_tldraw_', attr);
+dotty.protogt.unpackdraw = function (attr) {
+ local oo, o, tt, t, n, i, j, s, l, ep;
+ oo = [];
+ t = split (attr, ' ', 0);
+ n = tablesize (t);
+ if (t[n - 1] == '') {
+ remove (n - 1, t);
+ n = n - 1;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < n) {
+ o = [];
+ if (t[i] == 'E') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.c.x = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ o.c.y = ston (t[i + 2]);
+ o.s.x = ston (t[i + 3]);
+ o.s.y = ston (t[i + 4]);
+ i = i + 5;
+ } else if (t[i] == 'e') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.c.x = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ o.c.y = ston (t[i + 2]);
+ o.s.x = ston (t[i + 3]);
+ o.s.y = ston (t[i + 4]);
+ i = i + 5;
+ } else if (t[i] == 'P') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.n = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ for (j = 0; j < o.n; j = j + 1) {
+ o.ps[j].x = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2]);
+ o.ps[j].y = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2 + 1]);
+ }
+ i = i + 2 + o.n * 2;
+ o.ps[o.n] = o.ps[0];
+ o.n = o.n + 1;
+ } else if (t[i] == 'p') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.n = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ for (j = 0; j < o.n; j = j + 1) {
+ o.ps[j].x = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2]);
+ o.ps[j].y = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2 + 1]);
+ }
+ i = i + 2 + o.n * 2;
+ o.ps[o.n] = o.ps[0];
+ o.n = o.n + 1;
+ } else if (t[i] == 'L') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.n = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ for (j = 0; j < o.n; j = j + 1) {
+ o.ps[j].x = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2]);
+ o.ps[j].y = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2 + 1]);
+ }
+ i = i + 2 + o.n * 2;
+ if (~ep)
+ ep = copy (o.ps[1]);
+ } else if (t[i] == 'B') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.n = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ for (j = 0; j < o.n; j = j + 1) {
+ o.ps[j].x = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2]);
+ o.ps[j].y = ston (t[i + 2 + j * 2 + 1]);
+ }
+ i = i + 2 + o.n * 2;
+ if (~ep)
+ ep = copy (o.ps[1]);
+ } else if (t[i] == 'T') {
+ o.type = t[i];
+ o.p.x = ston (t[i + 1]);
+ o.p.y = ston (t[i + 2]);
+ o.j = ston (t[i + 3]);
+ if (o.j == -1)
+ o.j = 'lb';
+ else if (o.j == 1)
+ o.j = 'rb';
+ else if (o.j == 0)
+ o.j = 'cb';
+ o.w = ston (t[i + 4]);
+ o.n = ston (t[i + 5]);
+ i = i + 6;
+ s = t[i];
+ i = i + 1;
+ l = strlen (s) - 1;
+ while (l < o.n) {
+ s = concat (s, ' ', t[i]);
+ l = l + 1 + strlen (t[i]);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ tt = split (s, '');
+ l = tablesize (tt);
+ s = '';
+ for (j = 1; j < l; j = j + 1)
+ s = concat (s, tt[j]);
+ o.s = s;
+ } else {
+ dotty.message (0, concat ('draw language parser error: ', t[i]));
+ return null;
+ }
+ oo[tablesize (oo)] = o;
+ }
+ oo.ep = ep;
+ return oo;