h2_ctx *ctx = h2_ctx_rget(r);
struct h2_task *task = h2_ctx_get_task(ctx);
if (task) {
+ /* FIXME: sometimes, this hook gets called twice for a single request.
+ * This should not be, right? */
/* h2_task connection for a stream, not for h2c */
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE3, 0, r,
"adding h1_to_h2_resp output filter");
if (task->serialize_headers) {
-/* ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H1_TO_H2_RESP");*/
+ ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H1_TO_H2_RESP");
ap_add_output_filter("H1_TO_H2_RESP", task, r, r->connection);
else {
/* replace the core http filter that formats response headers
* in HTTP/1 with our own that collects status and headers */
ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "HTTP_HEADER");
-/* ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H2_RESPONSE");*/
+ ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H2_RESPONSE");
ap_add_output_filter("H2_RESPONSE", task, r, r->connection);
ap_add_output_filter("H2_TRAILERS", task, r, r->connection);