* PHP-7.3:
Fix #79503: Memory leak on duplicate metadata
. Fixed bug #79497 (stream_socket_client() throws an unknown error sometimes
with <1s timeout). (Joe Cai)
++- PCRE:
+ . Upgraded to PCRE2 10.34. (cmb)
+ - Phar:
- . Fix bug #79503 (Memory leak on duplicate metadata). (cmb)
++ . Fixed bug #79503 (Memory leak on duplicate metadata). (cmb)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #69264 (__debugInfo() ignored while extending SPL classes). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #67369 (ArrayObject serialization drops the iterator class).
+ (Alex Dowad)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #79468 (SIGSEGV when closing stream handle with a stream filter