+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_RecursorCache_ExpungingExpiredEntries) {
+ MemRecursorCache MRC;
+ std::vector<DNSRecord> records;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>> signatures;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>> authRecs;
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ DNSName power1("powerdns.com.");
+ DNSName power2("powerdns-1.com.");
+ time_t ttd = now - 30;
+ std::vector<DNSRecord> retrieved;
+ ComboAddress who("");
+ /* entry for power, which expired 30s ago */
+ DNSRecord dr1;
+ ComboAddress dr1Content("2001:DB8::1");
+ dr1.d_name = power1;
+ dr1.d_type = QType::AAAA;
+ dr1.d_class = QClass::IN;
+ dr1.d_content = std::make_shared<AAAARecordContent>(dr1Content);
+ dr1.d_ttl = static_cast<uint32_t>(ttd);
+ dr1.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER;
+ /* entry for power1, which expired 30 ago too */
+ DNSRecord dr2;
+ ComboAddress dr2Content("2001:DB8::2");
+ dr2.d_name = power2;
+ dr2.d_type = QType::AAAA;
+ dr2.d_class = QClass::IN;
+ dr2.d_content = std::make_shared<AAAARecordContent>(dr2Content);
+ dr2.d_ttl = static_cast<uint32_t>(ttd);
+ dr2.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER;
+ /* insert both entries */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ records.push_back(dr2);
+ MRC.replace(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* the one for power2 having been inserted
+ more recently should be removed last */
+ /* we ask that only entry remains in the cache */
+ MRC.doPrune(1);
+ /* the remaining entry should be power2, but to get it
+ we need to go back in the past a bit */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(ttd - 1, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr2Content.toString());
+ /* check that power1 is gone */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(ttd - 1, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -1);
+ /* clear everything up */
+ MRC.doWipeCache(DNSName("."), true);
+ records.clear();
+ /* insert both entries back */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ records.push_back(dr2);
+ MRC.replace(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* trigger a miss (expired) for power2 */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -now);
+ /* power2 should have been moved to the front of the expunge
+ queue, and should this time be removed first */
+ /* we ask that only entry remains in the cache */
+ MRC.doPrune(1);
+ /* the remaining entry should be power1, but to get it
+ we need to go back in the past a bit */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(ttd - 1, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr1Content.toString());
+ /* check that power2 is gone */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(ttd - 1, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -1);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_RecursorCache_ExpungingValidEntries) {
+ MemRecursorCache MRC;
+ std::vector<DNSRecord> records;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>> signatures;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DNSRecord>> authRecs;
+ time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ DNSName power1("powerdns.com.");
+ DNSName power2("powerdns-1.com.");
+ time_t ttd = now + 30;
+ std::vector<DNSRecord> retrieved;
+ ComboAddress who("");
+ /* entry for power, which will expire in 30s */
+ DNSRecord dr1;
+ ComboAddress dr1Content("2001:DB8::1");
+ dr1.d_name = power1;
+ dr1.d_type = QType::AAAA;
+ dr1.d_class = QClass::IN;
+ dr1.d_content = std::make_shared<AAAARecordContent>(dr1Content);
+ dr1.d_ttl = static_cast<uint32_t>(ttd);
+ dr1.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER;
+ /* entry for power1, which will expire in 30s too */
+ DNSRecord dr2;
+ ComboAddress dr2Content("2001:DB8::2");
+ dr2.d_name = power2;
+ dr2.d_type = QType::AAAA;
+ dr2.d_class = QClass::IN;
+ dr2.d_content = std::make_shared<AAAARecordContent>(dr2Content);
+ dr2.d_ttl = static_cast<uint32_t>(ttd);
+ dr2.d_place = DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER;
+ /* insert both entries */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ records.push_back(dr2);
+ MRC.replace(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* the one for power2 having been inserted
+ more recently should be removed last */
+ /* we ask that only entry remains in the cache */
+ MRC.doPrune(1);
+ /* the remaining entry should be power2 */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), ttd-now);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr2Content.toString());
+ /* check that power1 is gone */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -1);
+ /* clear everything up */
+ MRC.doWipeCache(DNSName("."), true);
+ records.clear();
+ /* insert both entries back */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ records.push_back(dr2);
+ MRC.replace(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* replace the entry for power1 */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* the replaced entry for power1 should have been moved
+ to the back of the expunge queue, so power2 should be at the front
+ and should this time be removed first */
+ /* we ask that only entry remains in the cache */
+ MRC.doPrune(1);
+ /* the remaining entry should be power1 */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), ttd-now);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr1Content.toString());
+ /* check that power2 is gone */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -1);
+ /* clear everything up */
+ MRC.doWipeCache(DNSName("."), true);
+ records.clear();
+ /* insert both entries back */
+ records.push_back(dr1);
+ MRC.replace(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ records.push_back(dr2);
+ MRC.replace(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), records, signatures, authRecs, true, boost::none);
+ records.clear();
+ /* get a hit for power1 */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), ttd-now);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr1Content.toString());
+ /* the entry for power1 should have been moved to the back of the expunge queue
+ due to the hit, so power2 should be at the front and should this time be removed first */
+ /* we ask that only entry remains in the cache */
+ MRC.doPrune(1);
+ /* the remaining entry should be power1 */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power1, QType(dr1.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), ttd-now);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(retrieved.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(getRR<AAAARecordContent>(retrieved.at(0))->getCA().toString(), dr1Content.toString());
+ /* check that power2 is gone */
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(MRC.get(now, power2, QType(dr2.d_type), false, &retrieved, who, nullptr), -1);