Compile and build instructions follow below.
- CHANGES.0 contains ancient changes.
- CHANGES.$year contains changes for the particular year.
+ CHANGES.0 contains ancient changes
+ CHANGES contains the most recent changes
Makefile.dist is included as the root Makefile in distribution archives
If you don't have nroff and perl and you for some reason don't want to
install them, you can rename the source file src/hugehelp.c.cvs to
- src/hugehelp.c and avoid having to generate this file. This will of course
- give you an older version of the file that isn't up-to-date. That file was
- checked in once and won't be updated very regularly.
+ src/hugehelp.c and avoid having to generate this file. This will give you
+ a stubbed version of the file that doesn't contain actual content.