ReflectionMethod::__construct() tests
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
ReflectionFunction basic tests
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
Bug #37816 (ReflectionProperty does not throw exception when accessing protected attribute)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
-#38217 (ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs() tries to allocate too much memory)
+Bug #38217 (ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs() tries to allocate too much memory)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
Bug #38653 (memory leak in ReflectionClass::getConstant())
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
Bug #38942 (Double old-style-ctor inheritance)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
class foo {
Bug #39001 (ReflectionProperty returns incorrect declaring class for protected properties)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
Bug #39067 (getDeclaringClass() and private properties)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
Bug #39884 (ReflectionParameter::getClass() throws exception for type hint self)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>
class stubParamTest
Bug #40431 (dynamic properties may cause crash in ReflectionProperty methods)
+<?php extension_loaded('reflection') or die('skip'); ?>