Problem: Cannot make part of a popup transparent.
Solution: Add the "mask" option.
How to add highlighting?
- Implement:
flip option
- transparent area, to minimize covering text. Define rectangles?
2. Functions *popup-functions*
+ mask
otherwise ASCII characters are used.
zindex Priority for the popup, default 50. Minimum value is
1, maximum value is 32000.
+ mask A list of lists with coordinates, defining parts of
+ the popup that are transparent. See |popup-mask|.
time Time in milliseconds after which the popup will close.
When omitted |popup_close()| must be used.
moved Specifies to close the popup if the cursor moved:
- "lnum" is always the current line in the list
- "bufnr" is always the buffer of the popup
- "col" is in the Dict instead of a separate argument
-- "transparent" is extra
So we get:
col starting column, counted in bytes, use one for the
first column.
type name of the text property type, as added with
- transparent do not show these characters, show the text under it;
- if there is a border character to the right or below
- it will be made transparent as well
- {not implemented yet}
POPUP FILTER *popup-filter*
If the popup is force-closed, e.g. because the cursor moved or CTRL-C was
pressed, the number -1 is passed to the callback.
+POPUP MASK *popup-mask*
+To minimize the text that the popup covers, parts of it can be made
+transparent. This is defined by a "mask" which is a list of lists, where each
+list has four numbers:
+ col start column, positive for counting from the left, 1 for
+ leftmost, negative for counting from the right, -1 for
+ rightmost
+ endcol last column, like "col"
+ line start line, positive for conting from the top, 1 for top,
+ negative for counting from the bottom, -1 for bottom
+ endline end line, like "line"
+For example, to make the last 10 columns of the last line transparent:
+ [[-10, -1, -1, -1]]
+To make the four corners transparent:
+ [[1, 1, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1]]
3. Examples *popup-examples*
// Array with size Rows x Columns containing zindex of popups.
EXTERN short *popup_mask INIT(= NULL);
EXTERN short *popup_mask_next INIT(= NULL);
+// Array with flags for tansparent cells of current popup.
+EXTERN char *popup_transparent INIT(= NULL);
// Flag set to TRUE when popup_mask needs to be updated.
EXTERN int popup_mask_refresh INIT(= TRUE);
EXTERN int text_prop_frozen INIT(= 0);
+// Set to TRUE if there is any visible popup.
EXTERN int popup_visible INIT(= FALSE);
wp->w_zindex = 32000;
+ di = dict_find(dict, (char_u *)"mask", -1);
+ if (di != NULL)
+ {
+ int ok = TRUE;
+ if (di->di_tv.v_type != VAR_LIST)
+ ok = FALSE;
+ else if (di->di_tv.vval.v_list != NULL)
+ {
+ listitem_T *li;
+ for (li = di->di_tv.vval.v_list->lv_first; li != NULL;
+ li = li->li_next)
+ {
+ if (li->li_tv.v_type != VAR_LIST
+ || li->li_tv.vval.v_list == NULL
+ || li->li_tv.vval.v_list->lv_len != 4)
+ {
+ ok = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ wp->w_popup_mask = di->di_tv.vval.v_list;
+ ++wp->w_popup_mask->lv_refcount;
+ }
+ else
+ semsg(_(e_invargval), "mask");
+ }
#if defined(FEAT_TIMERS)
// Add timer to close the popup after some time.
nr = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"time");
+ * Return TRUE if "col" / "line" matches with an entry in w_popup_mask.
+ * "col" and "line" are screen coordinates.
+ */
+ static int
+popup_masked(win_T *wp, int screencol, int screenline)
+ int col = screencol - wp->w_wincol + 1;
+ int line = screenline - wp->w_winrow + 1;
+ listitem_T *lio, *li;
+ int width, height;
+ if (wp->w_popup_mask == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ width = popup_width(wp);
+ height = popup_height(wp);
+ for (lio = wp->w_popup_mask->lv_first; lio != NULL; lio = lio->li_next)
+ {
+ int cols, cole;
+ int lines, linee;
+ li = lio->li_tv.vval.v_list->lv_first;
+ cols = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (cols < 0)
+ cols = width + cols + 1;
+ if (col < cols)
+ continue;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ cole = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (cole < 0)
+ cole = width + cole + 1;
+ if (col > cole)
+ continue;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ lines = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (lines < 0)
+ lines = height + lines + 1;
+ if (line < lines)
+ continue;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ linee = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (linee < 0)
+ linee = height + linee + 1;
+ if (line > linee)
+ continue;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Set flags in popup_transparent[] for window "wp" to "val".
+ */
+ static void
+update_popup_transparent(win_T *wp, int val)
+ if (wp->w_popup_mask != NULL)
+ {
+ int width = popup_width(wp);
+ int height = popup_height(wp);
+ listitem_T *lio, *li;
+ int cols, cole;
+ int lines, linee;
+ int col, line;
+ for (lio = wp->w_popup_mask->lv_first; lio != NULL; lio = lio->li_next)
+ {
+ li = lio->li_tv.vval.v_list->lv_first;
+ cols = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (cols < 0)
+ cols = width + cols + 1;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ cole = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (cole < 0)
+ cole = width + cole + 1;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ lines = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (lines < 0)
+ lines = height + lines + 1;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ linee = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ if (linee < 0)
+ linee = height + linee + 1;
+ --cols;
+ --lines;
+ for (line = lines; line < linee && line < screen_Rows; ++line)
+ for (col = cols; col < cole && col < screen_Columns; ++col)
+ popup_transparent[(line + wp->w_winrow) * screen_Columns
+ + col + wp->w_wincol] = val;
+ }
+ }
* Update "popup_mask" if needed.
* Also recomputes the popup size and positions.
while ((wp = find_next_popup(TRUE)) != NULL)
+ int height = popup_height(wp);
+ int width = popup_width(wp);
popup_visible = TRUE;
// Recompute the position if the text changed.
for (line = wp->w_winrow;
- line < wp->w_winrow + popup_height(wp)
- && line < screen_Rows; ++line)
+ line < wp->w_winrow + height && line < screen_Rows; ++line)
for (col = wp->w_wincol;
- col < wp->w_wincol + popup_width(wp)
- && col < screen_Columns; ++col)
- mask[line * screen_Columns + col] = wp->w_zindex;
+ col < wp->w_wincol + width && col < screen_Columns; ++col)
+ if (!popup_masked(wp, col, line))
+ mask[line * screen_Columns + col] = wp->w_zindex;
// Only check which lines are to be updated if not already
// zindex is on top of the character.
screen_zindex = wp->w_zindex;
+ // Set flags in popup_transparent[] for masked cells.
+ update_popup_transparent(wp, 1);
// adjust w_winrow and w_wincol for border and padding, since
// win_update() doesn't handle them.
top_off = popup_top_extra(wp);
+ update_popup_transparent(wp, 0);
// Back to the normal zindex.
screen_zindex = 0;
tv.vval.v_partial = wp->w_filter_cb.cb_partial;
abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&tv, copyID, NULL, NULL);
+ if (wp->w_popup_mask != NULL && wp->w_popup_mask->lv_copyID != copyID)
+ {
+ wp->w_popup_mask->lv_copyID = copyID;
+ abort = abort || set_ref_in_list(wp->w_popup_mask, copyID, NULL);
+ }
return abort;
+ * Return TRUE if this position has a higher level popup or this cell is
+ * transparent in the current popup.
+ */
+ static int
+blocked_by_popup(int row, int col)
+ int off;
+ if (!popup_visible)
+ return FALSE;
+ off = row * screen_Columns + col;
+ return popup_mask[off] > screen_zindex || popup_transparent[off];
* Move one "cooked" screen line to the screen, but only the characters that
* have actually changed. Handle insert/delete character.
- // Skip if under a(nother) popup.
- if (popup_mask[row * screen_Columns + col + coloff] > screen_zindex)
+ if (blocked_by_popup(row, col + coloff))
redraw_this = FALSE;
if (redraw_this)
if (coloff + col < Columns)
- if (popup_mask[row * screen_Columns + col + coloff]
- <= screen_zindex)
+ if (!blocked_by_popup(row, col + coloff))
int c;
if ((need_redraw || force_redraw_this)
- && popup_mask[row * screen_Columns + col] <= screen_zindex
+ && !blocked_by_popup(row, col)
- // Skip if under a(nother) popup.
- if (popup_mask[row * screen_Columns + col] > screen_zindex)
+ if (blocked_by_popup(row, col))
- int start_row,
- int end_row,
- int start_col,
- int end_col,
- int c1,
- int c2,
- int attr)
+ int start_row,
+ int end_row,
+ int start_col,
+ int end_col,
+ int c1,
+ int c2,
+ int attr)
- int row;
- int col;
- int off;
- int end_off;
- int did_delete;
- int c;
- int norm_term;
+ int row;
+ int col;
+ int off;
+ int end_off;
+ int did_delete;
+ int c;
+ int norm_term;
#if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(UNIX)
- int force_next = FALSE;
+ int force_next = FALSE;
if (end_row > screen_Rows) /* safety check */
// Skip if under a(nother) popup.
- && popup_mask[row * screen_Columns + col] <= screen_zindex
+ && !blocked_by_popup(row, col)
short *new_popup_mask;
short *new_popup_mask_next;
+ char *new_popup_transparent;
tabpage_T *tp;
static int entered = FALSE; /* avoid recursiveness */
new_popup_mask = LALLOC_MULT(short, Rows * Columns);
new_popup_mask_next = LALLOC_MULT(short, Rows * Columns);
+ new_popup_transparent = LALLOC_MULT(char, Rows * Columns);
|| new_popup_mask == NULL
|| new_popup_mask_next == NULL
+ || new_popup_transparent == NULL
|| outofmem)
+ VIM_CLEAR(new_popup_transparent);
TabPageIdxs = new_TabPageIdxs;
popup_mask = new_popup_mask;
- popup_mask_next = new_popup_mask_next;
vim_memset(popup_mask, 0, Rows * Columns * sizeof(short));
+ popup_mask_next = new_popup_mask_next;
+ popup_transparent = new_popup_transparent;
+ vim_memset(popup_transparent, 0, Rows * Columns * sizeof(char));
popup_mask_refresh = TRUE;
+ VIM_CLEAR(popup_transparent);
colnr_T w_popup_mincol; // close popup if cursor before this col
colnr_T w_popup_maxcol; // close popup if cursor after this col
int w_popup_drag; // allow moving the popup with the mouse
+ list_T *w_popup_mask; // list of lists for "mask"
# if defined(FEAT_TIMERS)
timer_T *w_popup_timer; // timer for closing popup window
--- /dev/null
+>1+0&#ffffff0|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1| +0&#e0e0e08@12|1+0&#ffffff0|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| +0&#e0e0e08|s|o|m|e| |1+0&#ffffff0|3|x+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|t+0#0000000#e0e0e08| @3|x+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@2|8+0#0000000#ffffff0|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| +0&#e0e0e08|0+0&#ffffff0|1@1|t+0&#e0e0e08|h|1+0&#ffffff0|3|y+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|l+0#0000000#e0e0e08|i|n|e| |y+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@2|8+0#0000000#ffffff0|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| +0&#e0e0e08@8|4+0&#ffffff0|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+@57|1|,|1| @10|T|o|p|
--- /dev/null
+>1+0&#ffffff0|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0| +0&#e0e0e08@12|x+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@1|8+0#0000000#ffffff0|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1| +0&#e0e0e08|s|o|m|e| |3+0&#ffffff0|y+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@1|t+0#0000000#e0e0e08| @3|y+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@1|8+0#0000000#ffffff0|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1| +0&#e0e0e08|1+0&#ffffff0@2|t+0&#e0e0e08|h|3+0&#ffffff0|1|4|l+0&#e0e0e08|i|n|e| |7+0&#ffffff0|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1| +0&#e0e0e08@8|1+0&#ffffff0|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1|0|1@2|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|2|7|2|8|2|9|3|0|3|1|3|2|3@2|4|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0| @3
+|:|c|a|l@1| |p|o|p|u|p|_|m|o|v|e|(|w|i|n|i|d|,| |{|'|c|o|l|'|:| |1@1|,| |'|l|i|n|e|'|:| |3|}|)| @9|1|,|1| @10|T|o|p|
// this goes on top of all popup windows
- screen_zindex = 32000;
+ screen_zindex = CLIP_ZINDEX;
if (col < cbd->min_col)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1580,
#define APC_SAVE_FOR_UNDO 1 // call u_savesub() before making changes
#define APC_SUBSTITUTE 2 // text is replaced, not inserted
+#define CLIP_ZINDEX 32000
#endif /* VIM__H */
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ list_unref(wp->w_popup_mask);
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL