* Breaking Changes *
- #3888, Raster support now available as a separate extension
(Sandro Santilli)
+ - #3807, Extension library files no longer include the minor version.
+ Use New configure switch --with-library-minor-version
+ if you need the old behavior (Regina Obe)
* New Features *
- #2902, postgis_geos_noop (Sandro Santilli)
- #4128, ST_AsMVT support for Feature ID (Stepan Kuzmin)
* Enhancements and fixes *
- #4153, ST_Segmentize now splits segments proportionally (Darafei
- #4162, ST_DWithin documentation examples for storing geometry and
radius in table (Darafei Praliaskouski, github user Boscop).
- - #4163, MVT: Fix resource leak when the first geometry is NULL (Raúl Marín)
- #4161, MVT: Drop geometries smaller than the resolution (Raúl Marín)
- - #4172, Fix memory leak in lwgeom_offsetcurve (Raúl Marín)
- - #4173, Fix undefined behaviour in ptarray_segmentize2d (Raúl Marín)
- #4176, ST_Intersects supports GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (Darafei Praliaskouski)
- - #4177, Postgres 12 disallows variable length arrays in C (Laurenz Albe)
- - #4160, Use qualified names in topology extension install (Raúl Marín)
- #4181, St_AsMVTGeom: Avoid type changes due to validation (Raúl Marín)
PostGIS 2.5.0
+dnl =====================================================
+dnl Include minor version in postgis extension libraries
+dnl =====================================================
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--without-interrupt-tests],
+ [Disable the interrupt tests (for CI servers)])],
+ [], [])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-library-minor-version],
+ [Include minor version in the PostgreSQL PostGIS library files])],
+if test "x$with-library-minor-version" = "xno"; then
dnl Liblwgeom version information imported from Version.config
AC_MSG_RESULT([ SQL preprocessor: ${SQLPP}])
AC_MSG_RESULT([ -------------- Additional Info ------------- ])
+if test "x$LIBINCLUDEMINORVERSION" = "xyes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([ POSTGIS lib file includes minor: ENABLED])
if test "x$INTERRUPTTESTS" = "xyes"; then
AC_MSG_RESULT([ Interrupt Tests: ENABLED])
AC_MSG_RESULT([ Interrupt Tests: DISABLED use: --with-interrupt-tests to enable])
AC_MSG_RESULT([ -------------- Dependencies -------------- ])
- SFCGAL, version 1.1 (or higher) could be used to provide additional 2D and 3D advanced analysis functions to PostGIS cf <xref linkend="reference_sfcgal" />. And also allow to use SFCGAL rather than GEOS for some 2D functions provided by both backends (like ST_Intersection or ST_Area, for instance). A PostgreSQL configuration variable <code>postgis.backend</code> allow end user to control which backend he want to use if SFCGAL is installed (GEOS by default). Nota: SFCGAL 1.2 require at least CGAL 4.3 and Boost 1.54 (cf: <ulink url="http://oslandia.github.io/SFCGAL/installation.html">http://oslandia.github.io/SFCGAL/installation.html</ulink>)
+ SFCGAL, version 1.1 (or higher) could be used to provide additional 2D and 3D advanced analysis functions to PostGIS cf <xref linkend="reference_sfcgal" />. And also allow to use SFCGAL rather than GEOS for some 2D functions provided by both backends (like ST_Intersection or ST_Area, for instance). A PostgreSQL configuration variable <code>postgis.backend</code> allow end user to control which backend he want to use if SFCGAL is installed (GEOS by default). Nota: SFCGAL 1.2 require at least CGAL 4.3 and Boost 1.54 (cf: <ulink url="http://oslandia.github.io/SFCGAL/installation.html">http://oslandia.github.io/SFCGAL/installation.html</ulink>)
<ulink url="https://github.com/Oslandia/SFCGAL">https://github.com/Oslandia/SFCGAL</ulink>.
<para>This section includes general compilation instructions, if you are compiling for Windows etc
or another OS, you may find additional more detailed help at <ulink url="http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiInstall">PostGIS User contributed compile guides</ulink> and <ulink url="http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/DevWikiMain">PostGIS Dev Wiki</ulink>.</para>
<para>Pre-Built Packages for various OS are listed in <ulink url="http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiPackages">PostGIS Pre-built Packages</ulink></para>
- <para>If you are a windows user, you can get stable builds via Stackbuilder or <ulink url="http://www.postgis.org/download/windows/">PostGIS Windows download site</ulink>
- We also have <ulink url="http://www.postgis.org/download/windows/experimental.php">very bleeding-edge windows experimental builds</ulink> that are built usually once or twice a week or whenever anything exciting happens. You can
+ <para>If you are a windows user, you can get stable builds via Stackbuilder or <ulink url="https://postgis.net/windows_downloads">PostGIS Windows download site</ulink>
+ We also have <ulink url="https://postgis.net/windows_downloads">very bleeding-edge windows experimental builds</ulink> that are built usually once or twice a week or whenever anything exciting happens. You can
use these to experiment with the in progress releases of PostGIS</para>
several parameters for those who have the required libraries and
programs in non-standard locations.
The following list shows only the most commonly used parameters. For a
complete list, use the <command>--help</command> or
+ <term><command>--with-library-minor-version</command></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Starting with PostGIS 3.0, the library files generated by default will no longer have the minor version
+ as part of the file name. This means all PostGIS 3 libs will end in <code>postgis-3</code>.
+ This was done to make pg_upgrade easier, with downside that you can only install
+ one version PostGIS 3 series in your server.
+ To get the old behavior of file including the minor version: e.g. <code>postgis-3.0</code>
+ add this switch to your configure statement.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
- This is the location the PostGIS libraries and SQL scripts will be
- installed to. By default, this location is the same as the
+ This is the location the PostGIS loader executables and shared libs will be installed.
+ By default, this location is the same as the
detected PostgreSQL installation.
EXTENSION = postgis
MICRO_NUMBER = $(shell echo $(EXTVERSION) | \
EXTENSION = postgis_raster
MICRO_NUMBER = $(shell echo $(EXTVERSION) | \
EXTENSION = postgis_sfcgal
MICRO_NUMBER = $(shell echo $(EXTVERSION) | \
EXTENSION = postgis_topology
MICRO_NUMBER = $(shell echo $(EXTVERSION) | sed "s/[0-9]\.[0-9]\.\([0-9]*\)[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*/\1/")
# **********************************************************************
+ifeq (@HAVE_BRIN@,yes)
+BRIN_OBJ= brin_2d.o brin_nd.o brin_common.o
# Files to be copied to the contrib/ directory
SQL_built=postgis.sql postgis_for_extension.sql uninstall_postgis.sql postgis_upgrade.sql postgis_upgrade_for_extension.sql postgis_proc_set_search_path.sql legacy.sql uninstall_legacy.sql legacy_minimal.sql legacy_gist.sql
# replace @extschema@. with nothing, this is only used as placeholder for extension install
%.sql: %.sql.in
$(SQLPP) -I../libpgcommon $< | grep -v '^#' | \
- $(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$$libdir/postgis-@POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION@.@POSTGIS_MINOR_VERSION@'g;s'@extschema@\.''g" > $@
+ $(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$(MODULEPATH)'g;s'@extschema@\.''g" > $@
postgis_upgrade_for_extension.sql: postgis_drop_before.sql postgis_upgrade_for_extension.sql.in postgis_drop_after.sql
#strip BEGIN/COMMIT since these are not allowed in extensions
postgis_for_extension.sql: postgis.sql.in
$(SQLPP) -I../libpgcommon $< | grep -v '^#' | \
$(PERL) -lpe \
| $(PERL) -pe 's/BEGIN\;//g ; s/COMMIT\;//g' > $@
#this is redundant but trying to fold in with extension just hangs
# Files to be copied to the contrib/ directory
DATA_built=rtpostgis.sql rtpostgis_for_extension.sql rtpostgis_upgrade_for_extension.sql rtpostgis_upgrade.sql rtpostgis_proc_set_search_path.sql uninstall_rtpostgis.sql rtpostgis_legacy.sql
# replace @extschema@. with nothing, this is only used as placeholder for extension install
%.sql: %.sql.in
$(SQLPP) -I../../postgis/ -I../../ $< | grep -v '^#' | \
- $(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$$libdir/rtpostgis-@POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION@.@POSTGIS_MINOR_VERSION@'g;s'@extschema@\.''g" > $@
+ $(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$(MODULEPATH)'g;s'@extschema@\.''g" > $@
rtpostgis_for_extension.sql: rtpostgis.sql.in
$(SQLPP) -I../../postgis/ -I../../ $< | grep -v '^#' | \
+ $(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$(MODULEPATH)'g" > $@
$(MAKE) -C ../../liblwgeom
# *
# * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
# * http://postgis.net
-# *
+# *
# * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Sandro Santilli <strk@kbt.io>
# * Copyright (C) 2008 Mark Cave-Ayland
# * Copyright (C) 2005 Refractions Research Inc.
# Files to be copied to the contrib/ directory
DATA_built=topology.sql topology_upgrade.sql uninstall_topology.sql
EXTRA_CLEAN=$(SQL_OBJS) topology_upgrade.sql.in
# PGXS information
# NO_TEMP_INSTALL is a workaround for a 9.5dev bug. See:
# http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAB7nPqTsR5o3g-fBi6jbsVdhfPiLFWQ_0cGU5=94Rv_8W3qvFA@mail.gmail.com
-# Generate any .sql file from .sql.in.c files by running them through the SQL pre-processor
+# Generate any .sql file from .sql.in.c files by running them through the SQL pre-processor
%.sql: %.sql.in
$(SQLPP) $< | grep -v '^#' | \
$(PERL) -lpe "s'MODULE_PATHNAME'\$$libdir/postgis_topology-@POSTGIS_MAJOR_VERSION@.@POSTGIS_MINOR_VERSION@'g" > $@
../postgis/sqldefines.h \
-uninstall_topology.sql: topology.sql ../utils/create_undef.pl
+uninstall_topology.sql: topology.sql ../utils/create_undef.pl
$(PERL) ../utils/create_undef.pl $< $(POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION) > $@
check: topology.sql