* Internal function: Integer power with mpd_uint_t exponent. The function
* can fail with MPD_Malloc_error.
+ *
+ * The error is equal to the error incurred in k-1 multiplications. Assuming
+ * the upper bound for the relative error in each operation:
+ *
+ * abs(err) = 5 * 10**-prec
+ * result = x**k * (1 + err)**(k-1)
static inline void
_mpd_qpow_uint(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *base, mpd_uint_t exp,
* Internal function: Integer power with mpd_t exponent, tbase and texp
* are modified!! Function can fail with MPD_Malloc_error.
+ *
+ * The error is equal to the error incurred in k multiplications. Assuming
+ * the upper bound for the relative error in each operation:
+ *
+ * abs(err) = 5 * 10**-prec
+ * result = x**k * (1 + err)**k
static inline void
_mpd_qpow_mpd(mpd_t *result, mpd_t *tbase, mpd_t *texp, uint8_t resultsign,
if (mpd_isodd(texp)) {
mpd_qmul(result, result, tbase, ctx, &workstatus);
*status |= workstatus;
- if (workstatus & (MPD_Overflow|MPD_Clamped)) {
+ if (mpd_isspecial(result) ||
+ (mpd_iszerocoeff(result) && (workstatus & MPD_Clamped))) {
- * The power function for integer exponents.
+ * The power function for integer exponents. Relative error _before_ the
+ * final rounding to prec:
+ * abs(result - base**exp) < 0.1 * 10**-prec * abs(base**exp)
static void
_mpd_qpow_int(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *base, const mpd_t *exp,
workctx.round = MPD_ROUND_HALF_EVEN;
workctx.clamp = 0;
if (mpd_isnegative(exp)) {
+ workctx.prec += 1;
mpd_qdiv(&tbase, &one, base, &workctx, status);
if (*status&MPD_Errors) {
mpd_setspecial(result, MPD_POS, MPD_NAN);