3. If you want to use the OS'es libevent, edit qtr.pro:
- LIBS += $${TRANSMISSION_TOP}/third-party/libevent/.libs/libevent.a
+ LIBS += -levent
- 4. In the qt/ directory, type "qmake-qt4 qtr.pro"
- 5. In the qt/ directory, type "make"
- 6. In the qt/ directory, as root, type "INSTALL_ROOT=/usr make install"
+ 4. If you built Transmission without DHT, edit qtr.pro:
+ - LIBS += $${TRANSMISSION_TOP}/third-party/dht/libdht.a
+ 5. In the qt/ directory, type "qmake-qt4 qtr.pro"
+ 6. In the qt/ directory, type "make"
+ 7. In the qt/ directory, as root, type "INSTALL_ROOT=/usr make install"
(Feel free to replace /usr with /usr/local or /opt or whatever)