1=>1 - 0=>0
1=>1 - 1=>1
-Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d
+Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::current(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d
Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::valid(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d
-Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d
+Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::current(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d
Notice: main(): ArrayIterator::valid(): Array was modified outside object and is no longer an array in %sarray_004.php on line %d