if ([NSApp isOnLeopardOrBetter])
- BOOL badgeDownload = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"BadgeDownloadRate"],
- badgeUpload = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"BadgeUploadRate"];
- float downloadRate = badgeDownload ? tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_DOWN ) : 0.0f;
- float uploadRate = badgeUpload ? tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_UP ) : 0.0f;
+ float downloadRate = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"BadgeDownloadRate"]
+ ? tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_DOWN) : 0.0f;
+ float uploadRate = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey: @"BadgeDownloadRate"]
+ ? tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_UP) : 0.0f;
//only update if the badged values change
if ([(BadgeView *)[[NSApp dockTile] contentView] setRatesWithDownload: downloadRate upload: uploadRate])
//set upload and download rate badges
NSString * downloadRateString = nil, * uploadRateString = nil;
- float downloadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_DOWN );
- float uploadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_UP );
+ float downloadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_DOWN),
+ uploadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_UP);
if (checkDownload && downloadRate >= 0.1)
downloadRateString = [NSString stringForSpeedAbbrev: downloadRate];
if (![fStatusBar isHidden])
//set rates
- float downloadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_DOWN );
- float uploadRate = tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed( fLib, TR_UP );
- [fTotalDLField setStringValue: [NSString stringForSpeed: downloadRate]];
- [fTotalULField setStringValue: [NSString stringForSpeed: uploadRate]];
+ [fTotalDLField setStringValue: [NSString stringForSpeed: tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_DOWN)]];
+ [fTotalULField setStringValue: [NSString stringForSpeed: tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed(fLib, TR_UP)]];
//set status button text
NSString * statusLabel = [fDefaults stringForKey: @"StatusLabel"], * statusString;
<li>Tracker communication uses fewer resources</li>
- <li>More accurate bandwidth management</li>
- <li>Bandwidth limits now include BitTorrent protocol overhead</li>
- <li>Files are preallocated as soon as any data is received for that file</li>
+ <li>More accurate bandwidth limits</li>
+ <li>Reduce disk fragmentation by preallocating files</li>
<li>Stability, security, and performance improvements to the RPC/Web UI server</li>
<li>Support compression when serving Web UI and RPC responses</li>
<li>Simplify the RPC whitelist</li>
<li>Fix bug that prevented handshakes with encrypted BitComet peers</li>
<li>Fix 1.3x bug that could re-download some data unnecessarily</li>
- <li>Lazy bitfields (always on)</li>
+ <li>Lazy bitfields</li>
+ <br>
+ <table class="dots" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="Two column table with heading">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="blue">
+ <h3>Web Client Changes</h3>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The Web Client is now out of beta</li>
+ <li>Minor display fixes</li>
+ <li>On iPhone/iPod touch, launching from the home screen hides the address bar</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<p>For a full list of changes, <a href="http://trac.transmissionbt.com/query?milestone=1.40&group=component&groupdesc=1&order=severity">click here</a>.</p>
<table class="dots" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="Two column table with heading">