-PostGIS 2.0.0rc1
+PostGIS 2.0.0rc2
* Testers our unsung heroes *
We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community
who were brave enough to test out the new features in this release.
PostGIS - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
-:Version: 2.0.0rc1
-:Date: 2012-03-DD
+:Version: 2.0.0rc2
+:Date: 2012-04-01
:Website: http://postgis.org
This distribution contains a module which implements GIS simple features, ties
2.0.0beta2 \
2.0.0beta3 \
2.0.0beta4 \
- 2.0.0rc1
+ 2.0.0rc1 \
+ 2.0.0rc2