-# Make sure all needed macro's are defined\r
-# Get the 'head' of the build environment if necessary. This includes default\r
-# targets and paths to tools\r
-ifndef EnvironmentDefined\r
-include $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUhead.inc\r
-# These directories will be at the beginning of the include list, followed by\r
-XINCDIRS += \\r
- $(AP_WORK)/include \\r
- $(NWOS) \\r
- $(AP_WORK)/modules/arch/netware \\r
- $(AP_WORK)/modules/database \\r
- $(APR)/include \\r
- $(APRUTIL)/include \\r
- $(APR) \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These flags will come after CFLAGS\r
-XCFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These defines will come after DEFINES\r
-XDEFINES += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These flags will be added to the link.opt file\r
-XLFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These values will be appended to the correct variables based on the value of\r
-ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "debug"\r
-XINCDIRS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XCFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XDEFINES += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XLFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "noopt"\r
-XINCDIRS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XCFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XDEFINES += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XLFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "release"\r
-XINCDIRS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XCFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XDEFINES += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-XLFLAGS += \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These are used by the link target if an NLM is being generated\r
-# This is used by the link 'name' directive to name the nlm. If left blank\r
-# TARGET_nlm (see below) will be used.\r
-NLM_NAME = authzdbd\r
-# This is used by the link '-desc ' directive. \r
-# If left blank, NLM_NAME will be used.\r
-NLM_DESCRIPTION = Apache $(VERSION_STR) DBD Database Authorization Module\r
-# This is used by the '-threadname' directive. If left blank,\r
-# NLM_NAME Thread will be used.\r
-NLM_THREAD_NAME = AuthzDBD Module\r
-# If this is specified, it will override VERSION value in \r
-# $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUenvironment.inc\r
-# If this is specified, it will override the default of 64K\r
-NLM_STACK_SIZE = 8192\r
-# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-entry' directive\r
-NLM_ENTRY_SYM = _LibCPrelude\r
-# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-exit' directive\r
-NLM_EXIT_SYM = _LibCPostlude\r
-# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-check' directive\r
-# If these are specified it will be used by the link '-flags' directive\r
-# If this is specified it will be linked in with the XDCData option in the def \r
-# file instead of the default of $(NWOS)/apache.xdc. XDCData can be disabled\r
-# by setting APACHE_UNIPROC in the environment\r
-# If there is an NLM target, put it here\r
-TARGET_nlm = \\r
- $(OBJDIR)/authzdbd.nlm \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# If there is an LIB target, put it here\r
-TARGET_lib = \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These are the OBJ files needed to create the NLM target above.\r
-# Paths must all use the '/' character\r
-FILES_nlm_objs = \\r
- $(OBJDIR)/mod_authz_dbd.o \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These are the LIB files needed to create the NLM target above.\r
-# These will be added as a library command in the link.opt file.\r
-FILES_nlm_libs = \\r
- libcpre.o \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# These are the modules that the above NLM target depends on to load.\r
-# These will be added as a module command in the link.opt file.\r
-FILES_nlm_modules = \\r
- aprlib \\r
- libc \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# If the nlm has a msg file, put it's path here\r
-FILE_nlm_msg =\r
- \r
-# If the nlm has a hlp file put it's path here\r
-FILE_nlm_hlp =\r
-# If this is specified, it will override $(NWOS)\copyright.txt.\r
-FILE_nlm_copyright =\r
-# Any additional imports go here\r
-FILES_nlm_Ximports = \\r
- @$(APR)/aprlib.imp \\r
- @$(NWOS)/httpd.imp \\r
- @libc.imp \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
- \r
-# \r
-# Any symbols exported to here\r
-FILES_nlm_exports = \\r
- authz_dbd_module \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
- \r
-# \r
-# These are the OBJ files needed to create the LIB target above.\r
-# Paths must all use the '/' character\r
-FILES_lib_objs = \\r
- $(EOLIST)\r
-# implement targets and dependancies (leave this section alone)\r
-libs :: $(OBJDIR) $(TARGET_lib)\r
-nlms :: libs $(TARGET_nlm)\r
-# Updated this target to create necessary directories and copy files to the \r
-# correct place. (See $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUhead.inc for examples)\r
-install :: nlms FORCE\r
-# Any specialized rules here\r
-# Include the 'tail' makefile that has targets that depend on variables defined\r
-# in this makefile\r
-include $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUtail.inc\r
+# Make sure all needed macro's are defined
+# Get the 'head' of the build environment if necessary. This includes default
+# targets and paths to tools
+ifndef EnvironmentDefined
+include $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUhead.inc
+# These directories will be at the beginning of the include list, followed by
+ $(AP_WORK)/include \
+ $(NWOS) \
+ $(AP_WORK)/modules/arch/netware \
+ $(AP_WORK)/modules/database \
+ $(APR)/include \
+ $(APRUTIL)/include \
+ $(APR) \
+# These flags will come after CFLAGS
+# These defines will come after DEFINES
+# These flags will be added to the link.opt file
+# These values will be appended to the correct variables based on the value of
+ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "debug"
+ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "noopt"
+ifeq "$(RELEASE)" "release"
+# These are used by the link target if an NLM is being generated
+# This is used by the link 'name' directive to name the nlm. If left blank
+# TARGET_nlm (see below) will be used.
+NLM_NAME = authzdbd
+# This is used by the link '-desc ' directive.
+# If left blank, NLM_NAME will be used.
+NLM_DESCRIPTION = Apache $(VERSION_STR) DBD Database Authorization Module
+# This is used by the '-threadname' directive. If left blank,
+# NLM_NAME Thread will be used.
+# If this is specified, it will override VERSION value in
+# $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUenvironment.inc
+# If this is specified, it will override the default of 64K
+# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-entry' directive
+NLM_ENTRY_SYM = _LibCPrelude
+# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-exit' directive
+NLM_EXIT_SYM = _LibCPostlude
+# If this is specified it will be used by the link '-check' directive
+# If these are specified it will be used by the link '-flags' directive
+# If this is specified it will be linked in with the XDCData option in the def
+# file instead of the default of $(NWOS)/apache.xdc. XDCData can be disabled
+# by setting APACHE_UNIPROC in the environment
+# If there is an NLM target, put it here
+TARGET_nlm = \
+ $(OBJDIR)/authzdbd.nlm \
+# If there is an LIB target, put it here
+TARGET_lib = \
+# These are the OBJ files needed to create the NLM target above.
+# Paths must all use the '/' character
+FILES_nlm_objs = \
+ $(OBJDIR)/mod_authz_dbd.o \
+# These are the LIB files needed to create the NLM target above.
+# These will be added as a library command in the link.opt file.
+FILES_nlm_libs = \
+ libcpre.o \
+# These are the modules that the above NLM target depends on to load.
+# These will be added as a module command in the link.opt file.
+FILES_nlm_modules = \
+ aprlib \
+ libc \
+# If the nlm has a msg file, put it's path here
+FILE_nlm_msg =
+# If the nlm has a hlp file put it's path here
+FILE_nlm_hlp =
+# If this is specified, it will override $(NWOS)\copyright.txt.
+FILE_nlm_copyright =
+# Any additional imports go here
+FILES_nlm_Ximports = \
+ @$(APR)/aprlib.imp \
+ @$(NWOS)/httpd.imp \
+ @libc.imp \
+# Any symbols exported to here
+FILES_nlm_exports = \
+ authz_dbd_module \
+# These are the OBJ files needed to create the LIB target above.
+# Paths must all use the '/' character
+FILES_lib_objs = \
+# implement targets and dependancies (leave this section alone)
+libs :: $(OBJDIR) $(TARGET_lib)
+nlms :: libs $(TARGET_nlm)
+# Updated this target to create necessary directories and copy files to the
+# correct place. (See $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUhead.inc for examples)
+install :: nlms FORCE
+# Any specialized rules here
+# Include the 'tail' makefile that has targets that depend on variables defined
+# in this makefile
+include $(AP_WORK)\build\NWGNUtail.inc