1.30 (2008/mm/dd)
- Mac
- + Status strings are toggled from the action menu (they are no longer clickable)
+ + Status strings are toggled from the action button (they are no longer clickable)
1.20 (2008/05/09)
- (BOOL) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView isItemExpandable: (id) item
return ![item isKindOfClass: [Torrent class]];
while ((torrent = [enumerator nextObject]))
[torrent setGroupValue: groupValue];*/
NSArray * groupTorrents = [item objectForKey: @"Torrents"];
- while (newRow > 0 && [movingTorrents containsObject: [groupTorrents objectAtIndex: newRow-1]])
- newRow--;
- if (newRow > 0)
- topTorrent = [groupTorrents objectAtIndex: newRow-1];
+ for (i = newRow-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Torrent * tempTorrent = [groupTorrents objectAtIndex: i];
+ if (![movingTorrents containsObject: tempTorrent])
+ {
+ topTorrent = tempTorrent;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- while (newRow > 0 && [movingTorrents containsObject: [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: newRow-1]])
- newRow--;
- if (newRow > 0)
- topTorrent = [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: newRow-1];
+ for (i = newRow-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Torrent * tempTorrent = [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: i];
+ if (![movingTorrents containsObject: tempTorrent])
+ {
+ topTorrent = tempTorrent;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
//get all torrents to reorder
[fCollapsedGroups removeIndex: value];
-- (BOOL)shouldCollapseAutoExpandedItemsForDeposited:(BOOL)deposited
- return NO;
- (void) removeAllCollapsedGroups
[fCollapsedGroups removeAllIndexes];