# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script
+dnl ===========================================================================
+# Package name and version number, (as distinct from shared library version)
AC_INIT(graphviz, 2.5)
+# libtool shared library version
+# Increment if the interface has additions, changes, removals.
+# Increment any time the source changes; set to
+# 0 if you increment CURRENT
+# Increment if any interfaces have been added; set to 0
+# if any interfaces have been removed. removal has
+# precedence over adding, so set to 0 if both happened.
+dnl ===========================================================================
man_MANS = $(man)
pdf_DATA = $(pdf)
+libagraph_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libagraph_la_SOURCES = agerror.c apply.c attr.c \
edge.c flatten.c grammar.y graph.c id.c imap.c io.c \
mem.c node.c obj.c pend.c rec.c refstr.c scan.l subg.c \
pkgextrainclude_DATA = $(top_builddir)/ast_common.h
pkgconfig_DATA = libcdt.pc
+libcdt_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libcdt_la_SOURCES = dtclose.c dtdisc.c dtextract.c dtflatten.c \
dthash.c dtlist.c dtmethod.c dtopen.c dtrenew.c dtrestore.c dtsize.c \
dtstat.c dtstrhash.c dttree.c dtview.c dtwalk.c
man_MANS = expr.3
pdf_DATA = expr.pdf
+libexpr_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libexpr_la_SOURCES = excc.c excontext.c exdata.c exerror.c \
exeval.c exexpr.c exlexname.c exopen.c exrewind.c extoken.c \
extype.c exzero.c exparse.y
html_DATA = $(html)
+libgvgd_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:0:0
libgvgd_la_SOURCES = gd.c gdfx.c gd_security.c gd_gd.c gd_gd2.c gd_io.c gd_io_dp.c \
gd_gif_in.c gd_gif_out.c gd_io_file.c gd_io_ss.c gd_jpeg.c gd_png.c \
gd_ss.c gd_topal.c gd_wbmp.c gdcache.c gdfontg.c gdfontl.c gdfontmb.c \
-libgvgd_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:0:0
gd.html: index.html
cp $(top_srcdir)/lib/gd/index.html gd.html
man_MANS = $(man)
pdf_DATA = $(pdf)
+libgraph_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libgraph_la_SOURCES = attribs.c agxbuf.c edge.c graph.c graphio.c lexer.c \
node.c parser.y refstr.c trie.c
pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libgvc.la
pkgconfig_DATA = libgvc.pc
+libgvc_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libgvc_la_SOURCES = gvrender.c gvlayout.c gvtextlayout.c gvdevice.c \
gvcontext.c gvjobs.c gvevent.c gvplugin.c gvconfig.c gvusershape.c \
man_MANS = pack.3
pdf_DATA = pack.pdf
+libpack_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libpack_la_SOURCES = ccomps.c pack.c
man_MANS = $(man)
pdf_DATA = $(pdf)
+libpathplan_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libpathplan_la_SOURCES = cvt.c inpoly.c route.c shortest.c \
shortestpth.c solvers.c triang.c util.c visibility.c
libpathplan_la_LIBADD = @MATH_LIBS@
html_DATA = $(html)
+# need to align pkgIndex.tcl
+#libtcldot_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @VERSION_INFO@ -no-undefined
libtcldot_la_SOURCES = tcldot.c tkgen.c $(top_srcdir)/tclpkg/gdtclft/gdtclft.c
libtcldot_la_LIBADD = \
$(top_builddir)/tclpkg/tclhandle/libtclhandle.la \
$(top_builddir)/tclpkg/tclstubs/libtclstubs.la \