using as hints some already identified characters of the charset. Some
examples will help introducing the idea.
-Let's presume here that Recode is run in an ISO-8859-1 locale, and
+Let's presume here that Recode is run in a UTF-8 locale, and
that @code{DEFAULT_CHARSET} is unset in the environment.
Suppose you have guessed that code 130 (decimal) of the unknown charset
represents a lower case @samp{e} with an acute accent. That is to say
you should obtain a listing similar to:
-AtariST atarist
-CWI cphu cwi cwi2
-IBM437 437 cp437 ibm437
-IBM850 850 cp850 ibm850
-IBM851 851 cp851 ibm851
-IBM852 852 cp852 ibm852
-IBM857 857 cp857 ibm857
-IBM860 860 cp860 ibm860
-IBM861 861 cp861 cpis ibm861
-IBM863 863 cp863 ibm863
-IBM865 865 cp865 ibm865
+CWI cp-hu CWI-2
+IBM437/CR-LF 437/CR-LF CP437/CR-LF
+IBM850/CR-LF 850/CR-LF CP850/CR-LF
+IBM851/CR-LF 851/CR-LF CP851/CR-LF
+IBM852/CR-LF 852/CR-LF CP852/CR-LF pcl2 pclatin2
+IBM857/CR-LF 857/CR-LF CP857/CR-LF
+IBM860/CR-LF 860/CR-LF CP860/CR-LF
+IBM861/CR-LF 861/CR-LF CP861/CR-LF cp-is
+IBM863/CR-LF 863/CR-LF CP863/CR-LF
+IBM865/CR-LF 865/CR-LF CP865/CR-LF
@end example
You can give more than one clue at once, to restrict the list further.
you should obtain:
-IBM850 850 cp850 ibm850
-IBM852 852 cp852 ibm852
-IBM857 857 cp857 ibm857
+IBM850/CR-LF 850/CR-LF CP850/CR-LF
+IBM852/CR-LF 852/CR-LF CP852/CR-LF pcl2 pclatin2
+IBM857/CR-LF 857/CR-LF CP857/CR-LF
@end example
The usual charset may be overridden by specifying one non-option argument.
and get:
-AtariST atarist
-CWI cphu cwi cwi2
-IBM437 437 cp437 ibm437
-IBM850 850 cp850 ibm850
-IBM851 851 cp851 ibm851
-IBM852 852 cp852 ibm852
-IBM857 857 cp857 ibm857
-IBM860 860 cp860 ibm860
-IBM861 861 cp861 cpis ibm861
-IBM863 863 cp863 ibm863
-IBM865 865 cp865 ibm865
+CWI cp-hu CWI-2
+IBM437/CR-LF 437/CR-LF CP437/CR-LF
+IBM850/CR-LF 850/CR-LF CP850/CR-LF
+IBM851/CR-LF 851/CR-LF CP851/CR-LF
+IBM852/CR-LF 852/CR-LF CP852/CR-LF pcl2 pclatin2
+IBM857/CR-LF 857/CR-LF CP857/CR-LF
+IBM860/CR-LF 860/CR-LF CP860/CR-LF
+IBM861/CR-LF 861/CR-LF CP861/CR-LF cp-is
+IBM863/CR-LF 863/CR-LF CP863/CR-LF
+IBM865/CR-LF 865/CR-LF CP865/CR-LF
@end example
code_to_ucs2 (RECODE_CONST_SYMBOL charset, unsigned code)
+ /* FIXME: if no specific UCS-2 translation, assume an identity map. */
+ if (charset->data_type != RECODE_STRIP_DATA)
+ return code;
const struct strip_data *data = (const struct strip_data *) charset->data;
const recode_ucs2 *pool = data->pool;
unsigned offset = data->offset[code / STRIP_SIZE];
int left;
int right;
- /* Reject the charset if no UCS-2 translation known for it. */
- if (before->data_type != RECODE_STRIP_DATA
- || after->data_type != RECODE_STRIP_DATA)
- return true;
for (pair = outer->pair_restriction;
pair < outer->pair_restriction + outer->pair_restrictions;