Problem: Proto files are not in sync with the source code.
Solution: Update the proto files.
typedef int TEXTMETRIC;
typedef int UINT;
typedef int WCHAR;
+typedef int WNDENUMPROC;
typedef int WORD;
typedef int WPARAM;
typedef void VOID;
void no_write_message(void);
void no_write_message_nobang(buf_T *buf);
int curbuf_reusable(void);
-buf_T *buflist_new(char_u *ffname, char_u *sfname, linenr_T lnum, int flags);
+buf_T *buflist_new(char_u *ffname_arg, char_u *sfname_arg, linenr_T lnum, int flags);
void free_buf_options(buf_T *buf, int free_p_ff);
int buflist_getfile(int n, linenr_T lnum, int options, int forceit);
void buflist_getfpos(void);
linenr_T buflist_findlnum(buf_T *buf);
void buflist_list(exarg_T *eap);
int buflist_name_nr(int fnum, char_u **fname, linenr_T *lnum);
-int setfname(buf_T *buf, char_u *ffname, char_u *sfname, int message);
+int setfname(buf_T *buf, char_u *ffname_arg, char_u *sfname_arg, int message);
void buf_set_name(int fnum, char_u *name);
void buf_name_changed(buf_T *buf);
buf_T *setaltfname(char_u *ffname, char_u *sfname, linenr_T lnum);
void ex_wnext(exarg_T *eap);
void do_wqall(exarg_T *eap);
int not_writing(void);
-int getfile(int fnum, char_u *ffname, char_u *sfname, int setpm, linenr_T lnum, int forceit);
+int getfile(int fnum, char_u *ffname_arg, char_u *sfname_arg, int setpm, linenr_T lnum, int forceit);
int do_ecmd(int fnum, char_u *ffname, char_u *sfname, exarg_T *eap, linenr_T newlnum, int flags, win_T *oldwin);
void ex_append(exarg_T *eap);
void ex_change(exarg_T *eap);
/* ex_getln.c */
+void cmdline_init(void);
char_u *getcmdline(int firstc, long count, int indent);
char_u *getcmdline_prompt(int firstc, char_u *prompt, int attr, int xp_context, char_u *xp_arg);
int text_locked(void);
int read_viminfo_history(vir_T *virp, int writing);
void handle_viminfo_history(garray_T *values, int writing);
void finish_viminfo_history(vir_T *virp);
-void cmdline_init(void);
void write_viminfo_history(FILE *fp, int merge);
void cmd_pchar(int c, int offset);
int cmd_gchar(int offset);
void adjust_cursor_col(void);
int leftcol_changed(void);
void vim_mem_profile_dump(void);
-char_u *alloc(unsigned size);
int alloc_does_fail(long_u size);
+char_u *alloc(unsigned size);
char_u *alloc_id(unsigned size, alloc_id_T id);
char_u *alloc_clear(unsigned size);
char_u *alloc_check(unsigned size);
char_u *deref_func_name(char_u *name, int *lenp, partial_T **partialp, int no_autoload);
int get_func_tv(char_u *name, int len, typval_T *rettv, char_u **arg, linenr_T firstline, linenr_T lastline, int *doesrange, int evaluate, partial_T *partial, dict_T *selfdict);
ufunc_T *find_func(char_u *name);
+void save_funccal(funccal_entry_T *entry);
+void restore_funccal(void);
void free_all_functions(void);
int func_call(char_u *name, typval_T *args, partial_T *partial, dict_T *selfdict, typval_T *rettv);
int call_func(char_u *funcname, int len, typval_T *rettv, int argcount_in, typval_T *argvars_in, int (*argv_func)(int, typval_T *, int), linenr_T firstline, linenr_T lastline, int *doesrange, int evaluate, partial_T *partial, dict_T *selfdict_in);
int *func_dbg_tick(void *cookie);
int func_level(void *cookie);
int current_func_returned(void);
-void save_funccal(funccal_entry_T *entry);
-void restore_funccal(void);
int free_unref_funccal(int copyID, int testing);
hashtab_T *get_funccal_local_ht(void);
dictitem_T *get_funccal_local_var(void);
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 607,