-disco_sm_items(Acc, _From, To, [], _Lang) ->
+disco_sm_items(Acc, From, To, [], _Lang) ->
%% TODO, use iq_disco_items(Host, [], From)
Host = To#jid.lserver,
LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(To)),
- case tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Host]) of
+ case tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Host, From]) of
[] ->
Nodes ->
{result, Subscriptions} = node_action(Type, get_entity_subscriptions, [Host, JID]),
fun({Node, subscribed}) ->
- case tree_action(Host, get_node, [Host, Node]) of
+ case tree_action(Host, get_node, [Host, Node, JID]) of
#pubsub_node{options = Options} ->
case get_option(Options, send_last_published_item) of
on_sub_and_presence ->
_ ->
- end, tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Owner]))
+ end, tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Owner, JID]))
end, Contacts);
_ ->
Node = string_to_node(SNode),
%% Note: Multiple Node Discovery not supported (mask on pubsub#type)
%% TODO this code is also back-compatible with pubsub v1.8 (for client issue)
- %% TODO make it pubsub v1.10 compliant (this breaks client compatibility)
+ %% TODO make it pubsub v1.12 compliant (breaks client compatibility ?)
%% TODO That is, remove name attribute
Action =
fun(#pubsub_node{type = Type}) ->
{"type", "boolean"},
{"label", translate:translate(Lang, "Allow this JID to subscribe to this pubsub node?")}],
[{xmlelement, "value", [], [{xmlcdata, "false"}]}]}]}]},
- case tree_action(Host, get_node, [Host, Node]) of
+ case tree_action(Host, get_node, [Host, Node, Subscriber]) of
#pubsub_node{owners = Owners} ->
fun(Owner) ->
[invalid] -> invalid;
[] -> none;
[XFields] when is_list(XFields) ->
+ ?DEBUG("XFields: ~p", [XFields]),
case lists:keysearch("FORM_TYPE", 1, XFields) of
- {value, {_, ?NS_PUBSUB_SUB_AUTH}} ->
+ {value, {_, [?NS_PUBSUB_SUB_AUTH]}} ->
_ ->
+%% @spec (Host, JID, Node, Subscription) -> void
+%% Host = mod_pubsub:host()
+%% JID = jlib:jid()
+%% Node = string()
+%% Subscription = atom()
+%% Plugins = [Plugin::string()]
+%% @doc Send a message to JID with the supplied Subscription
+send_authorization_approval(Host, JID, Node, Subscription) ->
+ Stanza = {xmlelement, "message",
+ [],
+ [{xmlelement, "event", [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
+ [{xmlelement, "subscription",
+ [{"node", Node},
+ {"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(JID)},
+ {"subscription", subscription_to_string(Subscription)}],
+ []}]}]},
+ ejabberd_router ! {route, service_jid(Host), JID, Stanza}.
handle_authorization_response(Host, From, To, Packet, XFields) ->
case {lists:keysearch("pubsub#node", 1, XFields),
lists:keysearch("pubsub#subscriber_jid", 1, XFields),
lists:keysearch("pubsub#allow", 1, XFields)} of
- {{value, {_, SNode}}, {value, {_, SSubscriber}},
- {value, {_, SAllow}}} ->
+ {{value, {_, [SNode]}}, {value, {_, [SSubscriber]}},
+ {value, {_, [SAllow]}}} ->
Node = case Host of
{_, _, _} -> [SNode];
_ -> string:tokens(SNode, "/")
%%options = Options,
owners = Owners}) ->
IsApprover = lists:member(jlib:jid_tolower(jlib:jid_remove_resource(From)), Owners),
- Subscription = node_call(Type, get_subscription, [Host, Node, Subscriber]),
+ {result, Subscription} = node_call(Type, get_subscription, [Host, Node, Subscriber]),
not IsApprover ->
{error, ?ERR_FORBIDDEN};
true -> subscribed;
false -> none
+ send_authorization_approval(Host, Subscriber, SNode, NewSubscription),
node_call(Type, set_subscription, [Host, Node, Subscriber, NewSubscription])
publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, uniqid(), Payload);
publish_item(Host, ServerHost, Node, Publisher, ItemId, Payload) ->
Action = fun(#pubsub_node{options = Options, type = Type}) ->
- Features = features(Type),
- PublishFeature = lists:member("publish", Features),
- PublishModel = get_option(Options, publish_model),
- MaxItems = max_items(Options),
- PayloadSize = size(term_to_binary(Payload)),
- PayloadMaxSize = get_option(Options, max_payload_size),
- if
- not PublishFeature ->
- %% Node does not support item publication
- {error, extended_error(?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, unsupported, "publish")};
- PayloadSize > PayloadMaxSize ->
- %% Entity attempts to publish very large payload
- {error, extended_error(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "payload-too-big")};
- %%?? -> iq_pubsub just does that matchs
- %% % Entity attempts to publish item with multiple payload elements or namespace does not match
- %% {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "invalid-payload")};
- %% % Publisher attempts to publish to persistent node with no item
- %% {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "item-required")};
- Payload == "" ->
- %% Publisher attempts to publish to payload node with no payload
- {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "payload-required")};
- %%?? ->
- %% % Publisher attempts to publish to transient notification node with item
- %% {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "item-forbidden")};
- true ->
- node_call(Type, publish_item, [Host, Node, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload])
- end
- end,
+ Features = features(Type),
+ PublishFeature = lists:member("publish", Features),
+ PublishModel = get_option(Options, publish_model),
+ MaxItems = max_items(Options),
+ PayloadCount = payload_elements(xmlelement, Payload),
+ PayloadSize = size(term_to_binary(Payload)),
+ PayloadMaxSize = get_option(Options, max_payload_size),
+ % pubsub#deliver_payloads true
+ % pubsub#persist_items true -> 1 item; false -> 0 item
+ if
+ not PublishFeature ->
+ %% Node does not support item publication
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, unsupported, "publish")};
+ PayloadSize > PayloadMaxSize ->
+ %% Entity attempts to publish very large payload
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "payload-too-big")};
+ PayloadCount > 1 ->
+ %% Entity attempts to publish item with multiple payload elements
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "invalid-payload")};
+ Payload == "" ->
+ %% Publisher attempts to publish to payload node with no payload
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "payload-required")};
+ (MaxItems == 0) and (PayloadSize > 0) ->
+ % Publisher attempts to publish to transient notification node with item
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "item-forbidden")};
+ (MaxItems > 0) and (PayloadSize == 0) ->
+ % Publisher attempts to publish to persistent node with no item
+ {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "item-required")};
+ true ->
+ node_call(Type, publish_item, [Host, Node, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload])
+ end
+ end,
ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_publish_item, ServerHost, [ServerHost, Node, Publisher, service_jid(Host), ItemId, Payload]),
Reply = [],
case transaction(Host, Node, Action, sync_dirty) of
PersistentFeature = lists:member("persistent-items", Features),
DeleteFeature = lists:member("delete-nodes", Features),
- %%?? -> iq_pubsub just does that matchs
+ %%-> iq_pubsub just does that matchs
%% %% Request does not specify an item
%% {error, extended_error(?ERR_BAD_REQUEST, "item-required")};
not PersistentFeature ->
Items ->
case Number of
- last -> lists:sublist(lists:reverse(Items), 1);
+ last -> lists:last(Items);
all -> Items;
N when N > 0 -> lists:nthtail(length(Items)-N, Items);
_ -> Items
end, false, Ss)
+%% @spec (Elem, Payload) -> int()
+%% Elem = atom()
+%% Payload = term()
+%% @doc <p>Count occurence of given element in payload.</p>
+payload_elements(Elem, Payload) -> payload_elements(Elem, Payload, 0).
+payload_elements(_, [], Count) -> Count;
+payload_elements(Elem, [Elem|Tail], Count) -> payload_elements(Elem, Tail, Count+1);
+payload_elements(Elem, [_|Tail], Count) -> payload_elements(Elem, Tail, Count).
%%%%%% broadcast functions
broadcast_publish_item(Host, Node, ItemId, _From, Payload) ->
?SET_STRING_XOPT(type, Value);
set_xoption([{"pubsub#body_xslt", Value} | Opts], NewOpts) ->
?SET_STRING_XOPT(body_xslt, Value);
-set_xoption([_ | _Opts], _NewOpts) ->
+set_xoption([_ | Opts], NewOpts) ->
+ % skip unknown field
+ set_xoption(Opts, NewOpts).
%%%% plugin handling