prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'regclass int4 text',
prosrc => 'pg_index_column_has_property' },
{ oid => '676', descr => 'return name of given index build phase',
- proname => 'pg_indexam_progress_phasename', provolatile => 'i',
- prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'oid int8',
- prosrc => 'pg_indexam_progress_phasename' },
+ proname => 'pg_indexam_progress_phasename', prorettype => 'text',
+ proargtypes => 'oid int8', prosrc => 'pg_indexam_progress_phasename' },
{ oid => '339',
proname => 'poly_same', prorettype => 'bool',
proname => 'pg_mcv_list_send', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'bytea',
proargtypes => 'pg_mcv_list', prosrc => 'pg_mcv_list_send' },
-{ oid => '3427',
- descr => 'details about MCV list items',
- proname => 'pg_mcv_list_items', prorows => '1000', proisstrict => 't',
- proretset => 't', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'record',
- proargtypes => 'pg_mcv_list',
+{ oid => '3427', descr => 'details about MCV list items',
+ proname => 'pg_mcv_list_items', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
+ provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'pg_mcv_list',
proallargtypes => '{pg_mcv_list,int4,text,_bool,float8,float8}',
proargmodes => '{i,o,o,o,o,o}',
proargnames => '{mcv_list,index,values,nulls,frequency,base_frequency}',
proname => 'pg_stat_get_db_checksum_failures', provolatile => 's',
proparallel => 'r', prorettype => 'int8', proargtypes => 'oid',
prosrc => 'pg_stat_get_db_checksum_failures' },
-{ oid => '8394',
+{ oid => '3428',
descr => 'statistics: when last checksum failure was detected in database',
proname => 'pg_stat_get_db_checksum_last_failure', provolatile => 's',
proparallel => 'r', prorettype => 'timestamptz', proargtypes => 'oid',
proname => 'jsonpath_in', prorettype => 'jsonpath', proargtypes => 'cstring',
prosrc => 'jsonpath_in' },
{ oid => '4002', descr => 'I/O',
- proname => 'jsonpath_recv', prorettype => 'jsonpath', proargtypes => 'internal',
- prosrc => 'jsonpath_recv' },
+ proname => 'jsonpath_recv', prorettype => 'jsonpath',
+ proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'jsonpath_recv' },
{ oid => '4003', descr => 'I/O',
proname => 'jsonpath_out', prorettype => 'cstring', proargtypes => 'jsonpath',
prosrc => 'jsonpath_out' },
prosrc => 'jsonb_path_query_array' },
{ oid => '4008', descr => 'jsonpath query first item',
proname => 'jsonb_path_query_first', prorettype => 'jsonb',
- proargtypes => 'jsonb jsonpath jsonb bool', prosrc => 'jsonb_path_query_first' },
-{ oid => '4009', descr => 'jsonpath match', proname => 'jsonb_path_match',
- prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'jsonb jsonpath jsonb bool',
- prosrc => 'jsonb_path_match' },
+ proargtypes => 'jsonb jsonpath jsonb bool',
+ prosrc => 'jsonb_path_query_first' },
+{ oid => '4009', descr => 'jsonpath match',
+ proname => 'jsonb_path_match', prorettype => 'bool',
+ proargtypes => 'jsonb jsonpath jsonb bool', prosrc => 'jsonb_path_match' },
{ oid => '4010', descr => 'implementation of @? operator',
proname => 'jsonb_path_exists_opr', prorettype => 'bool',
proargmodes => '{i,i,i,o,o}',
proargnames => '{slot_name,immediately_reserve,temporary,slot_name,lsn}',
prosrc => 'pg_create_physical_replication_slot' },
-{ oid => '4220', descr => 'copy a physical replication slot, changing temporality',
+{ oid => '4220',
+ descr => 'copy a physical replication slot, changing temporality',
proname => 'pg_copy_physical_replication_slot', provolatile => 'v',
proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'name name bool',
proallargtypes => '{name,name,bool,name,pg_lsn}',
{ oid => '4221', descr => 'copy a physical replication slot',
proname => 'pg_copy_physical_replication_slot', provolatile => 'v',
proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'name name',
- proallargtypes => '{name,name,name,pg_lsn}',
- proargmodes => '{i,i,o,o}',
+ proallargtypes => '{name,name,name,pg_lsn}', proargmodes => '{i,i,o,o}',
proargnames => '{src_slot_name,dst_slot_name,slot_name,lsn}',
prosrc => 'pg_copy_physical_replication_slot_b' },
{ oid => '3780', descr => 'drop a replication slot',
proargmodes => '{i,i,i,o,o}',
proargnames => '{slot_name,plugin,temporary,slot_name,lsn}',
prosrc => 'pg_create_logical_replication_slot' },
-{ oid => '4222', descr => 'copy a logical replication slot, changing temporality and plugin',
+{ oid => '4222',
+ descr => 'copy a logical replication slot, changing temporality and plugin',
proname => 'pg_copy_logical_replication_slot', provolatile => 'v',
- proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'name name bool name',
+ proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record',
+ proargtypes => 'name name bool name',
proallargtypes => '{name,name,bool,name,name,pg_lsn}',
proargmodes => '{i,i,i,i,o,o}',
proargnames => '{src_slot_name,dst_slot_name,temporary,plugin,slot_name,lsn}',
prosrc => 'pg_copy_logical_replication_slot_a' },
-{ oid => '4223', descr => 'copy a logical replication slot, changing temporality',
+{ oid => '4223',
+ descr => 'copy a logical replication slot, changing temporality',
proname => 'pg_copy_logical_replication_slot', provolatile => 'v',
proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'name name bool',
proallargtypes => '{name,name,bool,name,pg_lsn}',
{ oid => '4224', descr => 'copy a logical replication slot',
proname => 'pg_copy_logical_replication_slot', provolatile => 'v',
proparallel => 'u', prorettype => 'record', proargtypes => 'name name',
- proallargtypes => '{name,name,name,pg_lsn}',
- proargmodes => '{i,i,o,o}',
+ proallargtypes => '{name,name,name,pg_lsn}', proargmodes => '{i,i,o,o}',
proargnames => '{src_slot_name,dst_slot_name,slot_name,lsn}',
prosrc => 'pg_copy_logical_replication_slot_c' },
{ oid => '3782', descr => 'get changes from replication slot',
typcollation => 'default' },
{ oid => '5017', oid_symbol => 'PGMCVLISTOID',
descr => 'multivariate MCV list',
- typname => 'pg_mcv_list', typlen => '-1', typbyval => 'f',
- typcategory => 'S', typinput => 'pg_mcv_list_in',
- typoutput => 'pg_mcv_list_out', typreceive => 'pg_mcv_list_recv',
- typsend => 'pg_mcv_list_send', typalign => 'i', typstorage => 'x',
- typcollation => 'default' },
+ typname => 'pg_mcv_list', typlen => '-1', typbyval => 'f', typcategory => 'S',
+ typinput => 'pg_mcv_list_in', typoutput => 'pg_mcv_list_out',
+ typreceive => 'pg_mcv_list_recv', typsend => 'pg_mcv_list_send',
+ typalign => 'i', typstorage => 'x', typcollation => 'default' },
{ oid => '32', oid_symbol => 'PGDDLCOMMANDOID',
descr => 'internal type for passing CollectedCommand',
typname => 'pg_ddl_command', typlen => 'SIZEOF_POINTER', typbyval => 't',
typname => 'jsonb', typlen => '-1', typbyval => 'f', typcategory => 'U',
typinput => 'jsonb_in', typoutput => 'jsonb_out', typreceive => 'jsonb_recv',
typsend => 'jsonb_send', typalign => 'i', typstorage => 'x' },
-{ oid => '4072', array_type_oid => '4073', descr => 'JSON path',
+{ oid => '4072', array_type_oid => '4073', descr => 'JSON path',
typname => 'jsonpath', typlen => '-1', typbyval => 'f', typcategory => 'U',
- typarray => '_jsonpath', typinput => 'jsonpath_in',
- typoutput => 'jsonpath_out', typreceive => '-', typsend => '-',
- typalign => 'i', typstorage => 'x' },
+ typinput => 'jsonpath_in', typoutput => 'jsonpath_out',
+ typreceive => 'jsonpath_recv', typsend => 'jsonpath_send', typalign => 'i',
+ typstorage => 'x' },
{ oid => '2970', array_type_oid => '2949', descr => 'txid snapshot',
typname => 'txid_snapshot', typlen => '-1', typbyval => 'f',