Problem: Using freed memory after SpellFileMissing autocmd uses bwipe.
Solution: Bail out if the window no longer exists.
// SpellFileMissing autocommands may do anything, including
- // destroying the buffer we are using...
- if (!bufref_valid(&bufref))
+ // destroying the buffer we are using or closing the window.
+ if (!bufref_valid(&bufref) || !win_valid_any_tab(wp))
ret_msg = N_(e_spellfilemising_autocommand_deleted_buffer);
goto theend;
+func Test_spell_file_missing_bwipe()
+ " this was using a window that was wiped out in a SpellFileMissing autocmd
+ set spelllang=xy
+ au SpellFileMissing * n0
+ set spell
+ au SpellFileMissing * bw
+ snext somefile
+ au! SpellFileMissing
+ bwipe!
+ set nospell spelllang=en
func Test_spelldump()
" In case the spell file is not found avoid getting the download dialog, we
" would get stuck at the prompt.
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 882,