static Expected<Object> create(const object::MinidumpFile &File);
-/// Serialize the minidump file represented by Obj to OS in binary form.
-void writeAsBinary(Object &Obj, raw_ostream &OS);
-/// Serialize the yaml string as a minidump file to OS in binary form.
-Error writeAsBinary(StringRef Yaml, raw_ostream &OS);
} // namespace MinidumpYAML
namespace yaml {
#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/MinidumpYAML.h"
#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::minidump;
+using namespace llvm::MinidumpYAML;
+namespace {
+/// A helper class to manage the placement of various structures into the final
+/// minidump binary. Space for objects can be allocated via various allocate***
+/// methods, while the final minidump file is written by calling the writeTo
+/// method. The plain versions of allocation functions take a reference to the
+/// data which is to be written (and hence the data must be available until
+/// writeTo is called), while the "New" versions allocate the data in an
+/// allocator-managed buffer, which is available until the allocator object is
+/// destroyed. For both kinds of functions, it is possible to modify the
+/// data for which the space has been "allocated" until the final writeTo call.
+/// This is useful for "linking" the allocated structures via their offsets.
+class BlobAllocator {
+ size_t tell() const { return NextOffset; }
+ size_t allocateCallback(size_t Size,
+ std::function<void(raw_ostream &)> Callback) {
+ size_t Offset = NextOffset;
+ NextOffset += Size;
+ Callbacks.push_back(std::move(Callback));
+ return Offset;
+ }
+ size_t allocateBytes(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
+ return allocateCallback(
+ Data.size(), [Data](raw_ostream &OS) { OS << toStringRef(Data); });
+ }
+ size_t allocateBytes(yaml::BinaryRef Data) {
+ return allocateCallback(Data.binary_size(), [Data](raw_ostream &OS) {
+ Data.writeAsBinary(OS);
+ });
+ }
+ template <typename T> size_t allocateArray(ArrayRef<T> Data) {
+ return allocateBytes({reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
+ sizeof(T) * Data.size()});
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename RangeType>
+ std::pair<size_t, MutableArrayRef<T>>
+ allocateNewArray(const iterator_range<RangeType> &Range);
+ template <typename T> size_t allocateObject(const T &Data) {
+ return allocateArray(makeArrayRef(Data));
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename... Types>
+ std::pair<size_t, T *> allocateNewObject(Types &&... Args) {
+ T *Object = new (Temporaries.Allocate<T>()) T(std::forward<Types>(Args)...);
+ return {allocateObject(*Object), Object};
+ }
+ size_t allocateString(StringRef Str);
+ void writeTo(raw_ostream &OS) const;
+ size_t NextOffset = 0;
+ BumpPtrAllocator Temporaries;
+ std::vector<std::function<void(raw_ostream &)>> Callbacks;
+} // namespace
+template <typename T, typename RangeType>
+std::pair<size_t, MutableArrayRef<T>>
+BlobAllocator::allocateNewArray(const iterator_range<RangeType> &Range) {
+ size_t Num = std::distance(Range.begin(), Range.end());
+ MutableArrayRef<T> Array(Temporaries.Allocate<T>(Num), Num);
+ std::uninitialized_copy(Range.begin(), Range.end(), Array.begin());
+ return {allocateArray(Array), Array};
+size_t BlobAllocator::allocateString(StringRef Str) {
+ SmallVector<UTF16, 32> WStr;
+ bool OK = convertUTF8ToUTF16String(Str, WStr);
+ assert(OK && "Invalid UTF8 in Str?");
+ (void)OK;
+ // The utf16 string is null-terminated, but the terminator is not counted in
+ // the string size.
+ WStr.push_back(0);
+ size_t Result =
+ allocateNewObject<support::ulittle32_t>(2 * (WStr.size() - 1)).first;
+ allocateNewArray<support::ulittle16_t>(make_range(WStr.begin(), WStr.end()));
+ return Result;
+void BlobAllocator::writeTo(raw_ostream &OS) const {
+ size_t BeginOffset = OS.tell();
+ for (const auto &Callback : Callbacks)
+ Callback(OS);
+ assert(OS.tell() == BeginOffset + NextOffset &&
+ "Callbacks wrote an unexpected number of bytes.");
+ (void)BeginOffset;
+static LocationDescriptor layout(BlobAllocator &File, yaml::BinaryRef Data) {
+ return {support::ulittle32_t(Data.binary_size()),
+ support::ulittle32_t(File.allocateBytes(Data))};
+static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, MemoryListStream::entry_type &Range) {
+ Range.Entry.Memory = layout(File, Range.Content);
+static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, ModuleListStream::entry_type &M) {
+ M.Entry.ModuleNameRVA = File.allocateString(M.Name);
+ M.Entry.CvRecord = layout(File, M.CvRecord);
+ M.Entry.MiscRecord = layout(File, M.MiscRecord);
+static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, ThreadListStream::entry_type &T) {
+ T.Entry.Stack.Memory = layout(File, T.Stack);
+ T.Entry.Context = layout(File, T.Context);
+template <typename EntryT>
+static size_t layout(BlobAllocator &File,
+ MinidumpYAML::detail::ListStream<EntryT> &S) {
+ File.allocateNewObject<support::ulittle32_t>(S.Entries.size());
+ for (auto &E : S.Entries)
+ File.allocateObject(E.Entry);
+ size_t DataEnd = File.tell();
+ // Lay out the auxiliary data, (which is not a part of the stream).
+ DataEnd = File.tell();
+ for (auto &E : S.Entries)
+ layout(File, E);
+ return DataEnd;
+static Directory layout(BlobAllocator &File, Stream &S) {
+ Directory Result;
+ Result.Type = S.Type;
+ Result.Location.RVA = File.tell();
+ Optional<size_t> DataEnd;
+ switch (S.Kind) {
+ case Stream::StreamKind::MemoryList:
+ DataEnd = layout(File, cast<MemoryListStream>(S));
+ break;
+ case Stream::StreamKind::ModuleList:
+ DataEnd = layout(File, cast<ModuleListStream>(S));
+ break;
+ case Stream::StreamKind::RawContent: {
+ RawContentStream &Raw = cast<RawContentStream>(S);
+ File.allocateCallback(Raw.Size, [&Raw](raw_ostream &OS) {
+ Raw.Content.writeAsBinary(OS);
+ assert(Raw.Content.binary_size() <= Raw.Size);
+ OS << std::string(Raw.Size - Raw.Content.binary_size(), '\0');
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ case Stream::StreamKind::SystemInfo: {
+ SystemInfoStream &SystemInfo = cast<SystemInfoStream>(S);
+ File.allocateObject(SystemInfo.Info);
+ // The CSD string is not a part of the stream.
+ DataEnd = File.tell();
+ SystemInfo.Info.CSDVersionRVA = File.allocateString(SystemInfo.CSDVersion);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Stream::StreamKind::TextContent:
+ File.allocateArray(arrayRefFromStringRef(cast<TextContentStream>(S).Text));
+ break;
+ case Stream::StreamKind::ThreadList:
+ DataEnd = layout(File, cast<ThreadListStream>(S));
+ break;
+ }
+ // If DataEnd is not set, we assume everything we generated is a part of the
+ // stream.
+ Result.Location.DataSize =
+ DataEnd.getValueOr(File.tell()) - Result.Location.RVA;
+ return Result;
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
-int yaml2minidump(MinidumpYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
- writeAsBinary(Doc, Out);
+int yaml2minidump(MinidumpYAML::Object &Obj, raw_ostream &Out) {
+ BlobAllocator File;
+ File.allocateObject(Obj.Header);
+ std::vector<Directory> StreamDirectory(Obj.Streams.size());
+ Obj.Header.StreamDirectoryRVA =
+ File.allocateArray(makeArrayRef(StreamDirectory));
+ Obj.Header.NumberOfStreams = StreamDirectory.size();
+ for (auto &Stream : enumerate(Obj.Streams))
+ StreamDirectory[Stream.index()] = layout(File, *Stream.value());
+ File.writeTo(Out);
return 0;
#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/MinidumpYAML.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::MinidumpYAML;
using namespace llvm::minidump;
-namespace {
-/// A helper class to manage the placement of various structures into the final
-/// minidump binary. Space for objects can be allocated via various allocate***
-/// methods, while the final minidump file is written by calling the writeTo
-/// method. The plain versions of allocation functions take a reference to the
-/// data which is to be written (and hence the data must be available until
-/// writeTo is called), while the "New" versions allocate the data in an
-/// allocator-managed buffer, which is available until the allocator object is
-/// destroyed. For both kinds of functions, it is possible to modify the
-/// data for which the space has been "allocated" until the final writeTo call.
-/// This is useful for "linking" the allocated structures via their offsets.
-class BlobAllocator {
- size_t tell() const { return NextOffset; }
- size_t allocateCallback(size_t Size,
- std::function<void(raw_ostream &)> Callback) {
- size_t Offset = NextOffset;
- NextOffset += Size;
- Callbacks.push_back(std::move(Callback));
- return Offset;
- }
- size_t allocateBytes(ArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
- return allocateCallback(
- Data.size(), [Data](raw_ostream &OS) { OS << toStringRef(Data); });
- }
- size_t allocateBytes(yaml::BinaryRef Data) {
- return allocateCallback(Data.binary_size(), [Data](raw_ostream &OS) {
- Data.writeAsBinary(OS);
- });
- }
- template <typename T> size_t allocateArray(ArrayRef<T> Data) {
- return allocateBytes({reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,
- sizeof(T) * Data.size()});
- }
- template <typename T, typename RangeType>
- std::pair<size_t, MutableArrayRef<T>>
- allocateNewArray(const iterator_range<RangeType> &Range);
- template <typename T> size_t allocateObject(const T &Data) {
- return allocateArray(makeArrayRef(Data));
- }
- template <typename T, typename... Types>
- std::pair<size_t, T *> allocateNewObject(Types &&... Args) {
- T *Object = new (Temporaries.Allocate<T>()) T(std::forward<Types>(Args)...);
- return {allocateObject(*Object), Object};
- }
- size_t allocateString(StringRef Str);
- void writeTo(raw_ostream &OS) const;
- size_t NextOffset = 0;
- BumpPtrAllocator Temporaries;
- std::vector<std::function<void(raw_ostream &)>> Callbacks;
-} // namespace
-template <typename T, typename RangeType>
-std::pair<size_t, MutableArrayRef<T>>
-BlobAllocator::allocateNewArray(const iterator_range<RangeType> &Range) {
- size_t Num = std::distance(Range.begin(), Range.end());
- MutableArrayRef<T> Array(Temporaries.Allocate<T>(Num), Num);
- std::uninitialized_copy(Range.begin(), Range.end(), Array.begin());
- return {allocateArray(Array), Array};
-size_t BlobAllocator::allocateString(StringRef Str) {
- SmallVector<UTF16, 32> WStr;
- bool OK = convertUTF8ToUTF16String(Str, WStr);
- assert(OK && "Invalid UTF8 in Str?");
- (void)OK;
- // The utf16 string is null-terminated, but the terminator is not counted in
- // the string size.
- WStr.push_back(0);
- size_t Result =
- allocateNewObject<support::ulittle32_t>(2 * (WStr.size() - 1)).first;
- allocateNewArray<support::ulittle16_t>(make_range(WStr.begin(), WStr.end()));
- return Result;
-void BlobAllocator::writeTo(raw_ostream &OS) const {
- size_t BeginOffset = OS.tell();
- for (const auto &Callback : Callbacks)
- Callback(OS);
- assert(OS.tell() == BeginOffset + NextOffset &&
- "Callbacks wrote an unexpected number of bytes.");
- (void)BeginOffset;
/// Perform an optional yaml-mapping of an endian-aware type EndianType. The
/// only purpose of this function is to avoid casting the Default value to the
/// endian type;
IO.mapRequired("Streams", O.Streams);
-static LocationDescriptor layout(BlobAllocator &File, yaml::BinaryRef Data) {
- return {support::ulittle32_t(Data.binary_size()),
- support::ulittle32_t(File.allocateBytes(Data))};
-static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, MemoryListStream::entry_type &Range) {
- Range.Entry.Memory = layout(File, Range.Content);
-static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, ModuleListStream::entry_type &M) {
- M.Entry.ModuleNameRVA = File.allocateString(M.Name);
- M.Entry.CvRecord = layout(File, M.CvRecord);
- M.Entry.MiscRecord = layout(File, M.MiscRecord);
-static void layout(BlobAllocator &File, ThreadListStream::entry_type &T) {
- T.Entry.Stack.Memory = layout(File, T.Stack);
- T.Entry.Context = layout(File, T.Context);
-template <typename EntryT>
-static size_t layout(BlobAllocator &File,
- MinidumpYAML::detail::ListStream<EntryT> &S) {
- File.allocateNewObject<support::ulittle32_t>(S.Entries.size());
- for (auto &E : S.Entries)
- File.allocateObject(E.Entry);
- size_t DataEnd = File.tell();
- // Lay out the auxiliary data, (which is not a part of the stream).
- DataEnd = File.tell();
- for (auto &E : S.Entries)
- layout(File, E);
- return DataEnd;
-static Directory layout(BlobAllocator &File, Stream &S) {
- Directory Result;
- Result.Type = S.Type;
- Result.Location.RVA = File.tell();
- Optional<size_t> DataEnd;
- switch (S.Kind) {
- case Stream::StreamKind::MemoryList:
- DataEnd = layout(File, cast<MemoryListStream>(S));
- break;
- case Stream::StreamKind::ModuleList:
- DataEnd = layout(File, cast<ModuleListStream>(S));
- break;
- case Stream::StreamKind::RawContent: {
- RawContentStream &Raw = cast<RawContentStream>(S);
- File.allocateCallback(Raw.Size, [&Raw](raw_ostream &OS) {
- Raw.Content.writeAsBinary(OS);
- assert(Raw.Content.binary_size() <= Raw.Size);
- OS << std::string(Raw.Size - Raw.Content.binary_size(), '\0');
- });
- break;
- }
- case Stream::StreamKind::SystemInfo: {
- SystemInfoStream &SystemInfo = cast<SystemInfoStream>(S);
- File.allocateObject(SystemInfo.Info);
- // The CSD string is not a part of the stream.
- DataEnd = File.tell();
- SystemInfo.Info.CSDVersionRVA = File.allocateString(SystemInfo.CSDVersion);
- break;
- }
- case Stream::StreamKind::TextContent:
- File.allocateArray(arrayRefFromStringRef(cast<TextContentStream>(S).Text));
- break;
- case Stream::StreamKind::ThreadList:
- DataEnd = layout(File, cast<ThreadListStream>(S));
- break;
- }
- // If DataEnd is not set, we assume everything we generated is a part of the
- // stream.
- Result.Location.DataSize =
- DataEnd.getValueOr(File.tell()) - Result.Location.RVA;
- return Result;
-void MinidumpYAML::writeAsBinary(Object &Obj, raw_ostream &OS) {
- BlobAllocator File;
- File.allocateObject(Obj.Header);
- std::vector<Directory> StreamDirectory(Obj.Streams.size());
- Obj.Header.StreamDirectoryRVA =
- File.allocateArray(makeArrayRef(StreamDirectory));
- Obj.Header.NumberOfStreams = StreamDirectory.size();
- for (auto &Stream : enumerate(Obj.Streams))
- StreamDirectory[Stream.index()] = layout(File, *Stream.value());
- File.writeTo(OS);
-Error MinidumpYAML::writeAsBinary(StringRef Yaml, raw_ostream &OS) {
- yaml::Input Input(Yaml);
- Object Obj;
- Input >> Obj;
- if (std::error_code EC = Input.error())
- return errorCodeToError(EC);
- writeAsBinary(Obj, OS);
- return Error::success();
Stream::create(const Directory &StreamDesc, const object::MinidumpFile &File) {
StreamKind Kind = getKind(StreamDesc.Type);
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/MinidumpYAML.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Minidump.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
toBinary(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Storage, StringRef Yaml) {
raw_svector_ostream OS(Storage);
- if (Error E = MinidumpYAML::writeAsBinary(Yaml, OS))
+ yaml::Input YIn(Yaml);
+ if (Error E = yaml::convertYAML(YIn, OS))
return std::move(E);
return object::MinidumpFile::create(MemoryBufferRef(OS.str(), "Binary"));