typedefString += "\n";
typedefString += "typedef struct objc_object ";
typedefString += ForwardDecl->getNameAsString();
+ // typedef struct { } _objc_exc_Classname;
+ typedefString += ";\ntypedef struct {} _objc_exc_";
+ typedefString += ForwardDecl->getNameAsString();
typedefString += ";\n#endif\n";
std::string ResultStr;
if (!ObjCWrittenInterfaces.count(ClassDecl->getCanonicalDecl())) {
// we haven't seen a forward decl - generate a typedef.
- ResultStr = "#ifndef _REWRITER_typedef_";
- ResultStr += ClassDecl->getNameAsString();
- ResultStr += "\n";
- ResultStr += "#define _REWRITER_typedef_";
- ResultStr += ClassDecl->getNameAsString();
- ResultStr += "\n";
- ResultStr += "typedef struct objc_object ";
- ResultStr += ClassDecl->getNameAsString();
- ResultStr += ";\n#endif\n";
+ RewriteOneForwardClassDecl(ClassDecl, ResultStr);
RewriteIvarOffsetSymbols(ClassDecl, ResultStr);
RewriteObjCInternalStruct(ClassDecl, ResultStr);
const char *startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);
assert((*startBuf == '@') && "bogus @try location");
+ // @try -> try
+ ReplaceText(startLoc, 1, "");
- std::string buf;
- // declare a new scope with two variables, _stack and _rethrow.
- buf = "/* @try scope begin */ { struct _objc_exception_data {\n";
- buf += "int buf[18/*32-bit i386*/];\n";
- buf += "char *pointers[4];} _stack;\n";
- buf += "id volatile _rethrow = 0;\n";
- buf += "objc_exception_try_enter(&_stack);\n";
- buf += "if (!_setjmp(_stack.buf)) /* @try block continue */\n";
- ReplaceText(startLoc, 4, buf);
- startLoc = S->getTryBody()->getLocEnd();
- startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);
- assert((*startBuf == '}') && "bogus @try block");
- SourceLocation lastCurlyLoc = startLoc;
- if (S->getNumCatchStmts()) {
- startLoc = startLoc.getLocWithOffset(1);
- buf = " /* @catch begin */ else {\n";
- buf += " id _caught = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);\n";
- buf += " objc_exception_try_enter (&_stack);\n";
- buf += " if (_setjmp(_stack.buf))\n";
- buf += " _rethrow = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);\n";
- buf += " else { /* @catch continue */";
- InsertText(startLoc, buf);
- } else { /* no catch list */
- buf = "}\nelse {\n";
- buf += " _rethrow = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);\n";
- buf += "}";
- ReplaceText(lastCurlyLoc, 1, buf);
- }
- Stmt *lastCatchBody = 0;
for (unsigned I = 0, N = S->getNumCatchStmts(); I != N; ++I) {
ObjCAtCatchStmt *Catch = S->getCatchStmt(I);
- VarDecl *catchDecl = Catch->getCatchParamDecl();
- if (I == 0)
- buf = "if ("; // we are generating code for the first catch clause
- else
- buf = "else if (";
startLoc = Catch->getLocStart();
startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);
assert((*startBuf == '@') && "bogus @catch location");
- const char *lParenLoc = strchr(startBuf, '(');
- if (Catch->hasEllipsis()) {
- // Now rewrite the body...
- lastCatchBody = Catch->getCatchBody();
- SourceLocation bodyLoc = lastCatchBody->getLocStart();
- const char *bodyBuf = SM->getCharacterData(bodyLoc);
- assert(*SM->getCharacterData(Catch->getRParenLoc()) == ')' &&
- "bogus @catch paren location");
- assert((*bodyBuf == '{') && "bogus @catch body location");
- buf += "1) { id _tmp = _caught;";
- Rewrite.ReplaceText(startLoc, bodyBuf-startBuf+1, buf);
- } else if (catchDecl) {
- QualType t = catchDecl->getType();
- if (t == Context->getObjCIdType()) {
- buf += "1) { ";
- ReplaceText(startLoc, lParenLoc-startBuf+1, buf);
- } else if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *Ptr =
- t->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>()) {
- // Should be a pointer to a class.
- ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl = Ptr->getObjectType()->getInterface();
- if (IDecl) {
- buf += "objc_exception_match((struct objc_class *)objc_getClass(\"";
- buf += IDecl->getNameAsString();
- buf += "\"), (struct objc_object *)_caught)) { ";
- ReplaceText(startLoc, lParenLoc-startBuf+1, buf);
- }
- }
- // Now rewrite the body...
- lastCatchBody = Catch->getCatchBody();
- SourceLocation rParenLoc = Catch->getRParenLoc();
- SourceLocation bodyLoc = lastCatchBody->getLocStart();
- const char *bodyBuf = SM->getCharacterData(bodyLoc);
- const char *rParenBuf = SM->getCharacterData(rParenLoc);
- assert((*rParenBuf == ')') && "bogus @catch paren location");
- assert((*bodyBuf == '{') && "bogus @catch body location");
- // Here we replace ") {" with "= _caught;" (which initializes and
- // declares the @catch parameter).
- ReplaceText(rParenLoc, bodyBuf-rParenBuf+1, " = _caught;");
- } else {
- llvm_unreachable("@catch rewrite bug");
- }
+ // @catch -> catch
+ ReplaceText(startLoc, 1, "");
- // Complete the catch list...
- if (lastCatchBody) {
- SourceLocation bodyLoc = lastCatchBody->getLocEnd();
- assert(*SM->getCharacterData(bodyLoc) == '}' &&
- "bogus @catch body location");
- // Insert the last (implicit) else clause *before* the right curly brace.
- bodyLoc = bodyLoc.getLocWithOffset(-1);
- buf = "} /* last catch end */\n";
- buf += "else {\n";
- buf += " _rethrow = _caught;\n";
- buf += " objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);\n";
- buf += "} } /* @catch end */\n";
- if (!S->getFinallyStmt())
- buf += "}\n";
- InsertText(bodyLoc, buf);
- // Set lastCurlyLoc
- lastCurlyLoc = lastCatchBody->getLocEnd();
- }
- if (ObjCAtFinallyStmt *finalStmt = S->getFinallyStmt()) {
- startLoc = finalStmt->getLocStart();
- startBuf = SM->getCharacterData(startLoc);
- assert((*startBuf == '@') && "bogus @finally start");
- ReplaceText(startLoc, 8, "/* @finally */");
- Stmt *body = finalStmt->getFinallyBody();
- SourceLocation startLoc = body->getLocStart();
- SourceLocation endLoc = body->getLocEnd();
- assert(*SM->getCharacterData(startLoc) == '{' &&
- "bogus @finally body location");
- assert(*SM->getCharacterData(endLoc) == '}' &&
- "bogus @finally body location");
- startLoc = startLoc.getLocWithOffset(1);
- InsertText(startLoc, " if (!_rethrow) objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);\n");
- endLoc = endLoc.getLocWithOffset(-1);
- InsertText(endLoc, " if (_rethrow) objc_exception_throw(_rethrow);\n");
- // Set lastCurlyLoc
- lastCurlyLoc = body->getLocEnd();
- // Now check for any return/continue/go statements within the @try.
- WarnAboutReturnGotoStmts(S->getTryBody());
- } else { /* no finally clause - make sure we synthesize an implicit one */
- buf = "{ /* implicit finally clause */\n";
- buf += " if (!_rethrow) objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);\n";
- buf += " if (_rethrow) objc_exception_throw(_rethrow);\n";
- buf += "}";
- ReplaceText(lastCurlyLoc, 1, buf);
- // Now check for any return/continue/go statements within the @try.
- // The implicit finally clause won't called if the @try contains any
- // jump statements.
- bool hasReturns = false;
- HasReturnStmts(S->getTryBody(), hasReturns);
- if (hasReturns)
- RewriteTryReturnStmts(S->getTryBody());
- }
- // Now emit the final closing curly brace...
- lastCurlyLoc = lastCurlyLoc.getLocWithOffset(1);
- InsertText(lastCurlyLoc, " } /* @try scope end */\n");
return 0;