-export([start/2, stop/1, depends/2, muc_online_rooms/1,
muc_unregister_nick/1, create_room/3, destroy_room/2,
+ create_room_with_opts/4,
create_rooms_file/1, destroy_rooms_file/1,
rooms_unused_list/2, rooms_unused_destroy/2,
get_user_rooms/2, get_room_occupants/2,
module = ?MODULE, function = create_rooms_file,
args = [{file, string}],
result = {res, rescode}},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = create_room_with_opts, tags = [muc_room],
+ desc = "Create a MUC room name@service in host with given options",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = create_room_with_opts,
+ args = [{name, binary}, {service, binary},
+ {host, binary},
+ {options, {list,
+ {option, {tuple,
+ [{name, binary},
+ {value, binary}
+ ]}}
+ }}],
+ result = {res, rescode}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = destroy_rooms_file, tags = [muc],
desc = "Destroy the rooms indicated in file",
longdesc = "Provide one room JID per line.",
%% ok | error
%% @doc Create a room immediately with the default options.
create_room(Name1, Host1, ServerHost) ->
+ create_room_with_opts(Name1, Host1, ServerHost, []).
+create_room_with_opts(Name1, Host1, ServerHost, CustomRoomOpts) ->
Name = jid:nodeprep(Name1),
Host = jid:nodeprep(Host1),
%% Get the default room options from the muc configuration
DefRoomOpts = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc,
default_room_options, fun(X) -> X end, []),
+ %% Change default room options as required
+ FormattedRoomOpts = [format_room_option(Opt, Val) || {Opt, Val}<-CustomRoomOpts],
+ RoomOpts = lists:ukeymerge(1,
+ lists:keysort(1, FormattedRoomOpts),
+ lists:keysort(1, DefRoomOpts)),
%% Store the room on the server, it is not started yet though at this point
- mod_muc:store_room(ServerHost, Host, Name, DefRoomOpts),
+ mod_muc:store_room(ServerHost, Host, Name, RoomOpts),
%% Get all remaining mod_muc parameters that might be utilized
Access = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_muc, access, fun(X) -> X end, all),
- DefRoomOpts),
+ RoomOpts),
{atomic, ok} = register_room(Host, Name, Pid),
_ ->
%% the option to change (for example title or max_users),
%% and the value to assign to the new option.
%% For example:
-%% change_room_option("testroom", "conference.localhost", "title", "Test Room")
-change_room_option(Name, Service, Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) ->
- Pid = get_room_pid(Name, Service),
- {ok, _} = change_room_option(Pid, Option, Value),
- ok;
+%% change_room_option(<<"testroom">>, <<"conference.localhost">>, <<"title">>, <<"Test Room">>)
change_room_option(Name, Service, OptionString, ValueString) ->
+ case get_room_pid(Name, Service) of
+ room_not_found ->
+ room_not_found;
+ Pid ->
+ {Option, Value} = format_room_option(OptionString, ValueString),
+ Config = get_room_config(Pid),
+ Config2 = change_option(Option, Value, Config),
+ {ok, _} = gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {change_config, Config2}),
+ ok
+ end.
+format_room_option(OptionString, ValueString) ->
Option = jlib:binary_to_atom(OptionString),
Value = case Option of
title -> ValueString;
max_users -> jlib:binary_to_integer(ValueString);
_ -> jlib:binary_to_atom(ValueString)
- change_room_option(Name, Service, Option, Value).
-change_room_option(Pid, Option, Value) ->
- Config = get_room_config(Pid),
- Config2 = change_option(Option, Value, Config),
- gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {change_config, Config2}).
+ {Option, Value}.
%% @doc Get the Pid of an existing MUC room, or 'room_not_found'.
get_room_pid(Name, Service) ->