coutflag => "/Fo",
rc => "rc",
rcoutflag => "/fo",
- lib_cflags => sub { join(" ",
- ($disabled{shared} ? "/Zl" : ()),
- "/Zi /Fdlib") },
+ lib_cflags => add("/Zi /Fdlib"),
dso_cflags => "/Zi",
bin_cflags => "/Zi /Fdapp",
lflags => add("/debug"),
- shared_cflag => "-D_WINDLL",
shared_ldflag => "/dll",
shared_target => "win-shared", # meaningless except it gives Configure a hint
thread_scheme => "winthreads",
cflags => add(picker(default => "-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE",
debug =>
sub {
- ($disabled{shared} ? "/MT" : "/MD")
- ."d /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG";
+ ($disabled{shared} ? "" : "/MDd")
+ ." /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG";
release =>
sub {
- ($disabled{shared} ? "/MT" : "/MD")
+ ($disabled{shared} ? "" : "/MD")
." /Ox /O2 /Ob2";
+ lib_cflags => add(sub { $disabled{shared} ? "/MT /Zl" : () }),
+ # Following might/should appears controversial, i.e. defining
+ # /MDd without evaluating $disabled{shared}. It works in
+ # non-shared build because static library is compiled with /Zl
+ # and bares no reference to specific RTL. And it works in
+ # shared build because multiple /MDd options are not prohibited.
+ # But why /MDd in static build? Well, basically this is just a
+ # reference point, which allows to catch eventual errors that
+ # would prevent those who want to wrap OpenSSL into own .DLL.
+ # Why not /MD in release build then? Well, some are likely to
+ # prefer [non-debug] openssl.exe to be free from Micorosoft RTL
+ # redistributable.
+ bin_cflags => add(picker(debug => "/MDd",
+ release => sub { $disabled{shared} ? "/MT" : () },
+ )),
bin_lflags => add("/subsystem:console /opt:ref"),
ex_libs => sub {
my @ex_libs = ();