B<sudo> versions 1.8.4 and higher support a flexible debugging
framework that can help track down what B<sudo> is doing internally
-when there is a problem.
+if there is a problem.
A C<Debug> line consists of the C<Debug> keyword, followed by the
name of the program to debug (B<sudo>, B<visudo>, B<sudoreplay>),
C<Debug> lines and/or support for multiple debugging files for a
single program.
-For reference, the priorities supported by the B<sudo> front end and
-I<sudoers> are: I<crit>, I<err>, I<warn>, I<notice>, I<diag>,
-I<info>, I<trace> and I<debug>.
+The priorities used by the B<sudo> front end, in order of decreasing
+severity, are: I<crit>, I<err>, I<warn>, I<notice>, I<diag>, I<info>,
+I<trace> and I<debug>. Each priority, when specified, also includes
+all priorities higher than it. For example, a priority of I<notice>
+would include debug messages logged at I<notice> and higher.
-The following subsystems are defined: I<main>, I<memory>, I<args>,
-I<exec>, I<pty>, I<utmp>, I<conv>, I<pcomm>, I<util>, I<list>,
-I<netif>, I<audit>, I<edit>, I<selinux>, I<ldap>, I<match>, I<parser>,
-I<alias>, I<defaults>, I<auth>, I<env>, I<logging>, I<nss>, I<rbtree>,
-I<perms>, I<plugin>. The subsystem I<all> includes every subsystem.
+The following subsystems are used by B<sudo>:
+=over 10
+=item I<all>
+matches every subsystem
+=item I<args>
+command line argument processing
+=item I<conv>
+user conversation
+=item I<edit>
+=item I<exec>
+command execution
+=item I<main>
+B<sudo> main function
+=item I<netif>
+network interface handling
+=item I<pcomm>
+communication with the plugin
+=item I<plugin>
+plugin configuration
+=item I<pty>
+pseudo-tty related code
+=item I<selinux>
+SELinux-specific handling
+=item I<util>
+utility functions
+=item I<utmp>
+utmp handling
editor, a safer approach is to give the user permission to run
+Versions 1.8.4 and higher of the I<sudoers> plugin supports a
+debugging framework that can help track down what the plugin is
+doing internally if there is a problem. This can be configured in
+the F<@sysconfdir@/sudo.conf> file as described in L<sudo(8)>.
+The I<sudoers> plugin uses the same debug flag format as B<sudo>
+itself: I<subsystem>@I<priority>.
+The priorities used by I<sudoers>, in order of decreasing severity,
+are: I<crit>, I<err>, I<warn>, I<notice>, I<diag>, I<info>, I<trace>
+and I<debug>. Each priority, when specified, also includes all
+priorities higher than it. For example, a priority of I<notice>
+would include debug messages logged at I<notice> and higher.
+The following subsystems are used by I<sudoers>:
+=over 10
+=item I<alias>
+C<User_Alias>, C<Runas_Alias>, C<Host_Alias> and C<Cmnd_Alias> processing
+=item I<all>
+matches every subsystem
+=item I<audit>
+BSM and Linux audit code
+=item I<auth>
+user authentication
+=item I<defaults>
+I<sudoers> I<Defaults> settings
+=item I<env>
+environment handling
+=item I<ldap>
+LDAP-based sudoers
+=item I<logging>
+logging support
+=item I<match>
+matching of users, groups, hosts and netgroups in I<sudoers>
+=item I<netif>
+network interface handling
+=item I<nss>
+network service switch handling in I<sudoers>
+=item I<parser>
+I<sudoers> file parsing
+=item I<perms>
+permission setting
+=item I<plugin>
+The equivalent of I<main> for the plugin.
+=item I<pty>
+pseudo-tty related code
+=item I<rbtree>
+redblack tree internals
+=item I<util>
+utility functions
I<sudoers> will check the ownership of its time stamp directory