// Init a separate instance of libhb for the queue
_core = [[HBCore alloc] initWithLogLevel:loggingLevel name:@"QueueCore"];
+ _core.automaticallyPreventSleep = NO;
// Load the queue from disk.
_jobs = [[HBDistributedArray alloc] initWithURL:queueURL];
// since we have completed an encode, we go to the next
if (self.stop)
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"Queue manually stopped"];
self.stop = NO;
+ [self.core allowSleep];
// Since there are no more items to encode, go to queueCompletedAlerts
// for user specified alerts after queue completed
[self queueCompletedAlerts];
+ [self.core allowSleep];
[self.jobs commit];
// or shut down when encoding is finished
[self remindUserOfSleepOrShutdown];
+ [self.core preventSleep];
[self encodeNextQueueItem];
if (s == HBStatePaused)
[self.core resume];
+ [self.core preventSleep];
else if (s == HBStateWorking || s == HBStateMuxing)
[self.core pause];
+ [self.core allowSleep];