#include "signingpipe.hh"
#include "dns_random.hh"
#include <fstream>
+#include <termios.h> //termios, TCSANOW, ECHO, ICANON
#include <sodium.h>
#include "ssqlite3.hh"
#include "bind-dnssec.schema.sqlite3.sql.h"
+#include <curses.h>
StatBag S;
PacketCache PC;
cout<<"Rectified "<<domainInfo.size()<<" zones."<<endl;
-int checkZone(DNSSECKeeper &dk, UeberBackend &B, const DNSName& zone)
+int checkZone(DNSSECKeeper &dk, UeberBackend &B, const DNSName& zone, const vector<DNSResourceRecord>* suppliedrecords=0)
SOAData sd;
if(!B.getSOAUncached(zone, sd)) {
bool hasNsAtApex = false;
set<DNSName> tlsas, cnames, noncnames, glue, checkglue;
- set<string> records;
+ set<string> recordcontents;
map<string, unsigned int> ttl;
ostringstream content;
pair<map<string, unsigned int>::iterator,bool> ret;
- sd.db->list(zone, sd.domain_id, false);
+ vector<DNSResourceRecord> records;
+ if(!suppliedrecords) {
+ sd.db->list(zone, sd.domain_id, false);
+ while(sd.db->get(rr)) {
+ records.push_back(rr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ records=*suppliedrecords;
- while(sd.db->get(rr)) {
+ for(auto rr : records) { // we modify this
content<<rr.qname.toString()<<" "<<rr.qtype.getName()<<" "<<rr.content;
- if (records.count(toLower(content.str()))) {
+ if (recordcontents.count(toLower(content.str()))) {
cout<<"[Error] Duplicate record found in rrset: '"<<rr.qname.toString()<<" IN "<<rr.qtype.getName()<<" "<<rr.content<<"'"<<endl;
} else
- records.insert(toLower(content.str()));
+ recordcontents.insert(toLower(content.str()));
content<<rr.qname.toString()<<" "<<rr.qtype.getName();
return 0;
+// lovingly copied from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1798511/how-to-avoid-press-enter-with-any-getchar
+int read1char(){
+ int c;
+ static struct termios oldt, newt;
+ /*tcgetattr gets the parameters of the current terminal
+ STDIN_FILENO will tell tcgetattr that it should write the settings
+ of stdin to oldt*/
+ tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &oldt);
+ /*now the settings will be copied*/
+ newt = oldt;
+ /*ICANON normally takes care that one line at a time will be processed
+ that means it will return if it sees a "\n" or an EOF or an EOL*/
+ newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON);
+ /*Those new settings will be set to STDIN
+ TCSANOW tells tcsetattr to change attributes immediately. */
+ tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt);
+ c=getchar();
+ /*restore the old settings*/
+ tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt);
+ return c;
+int editZone(DNSSECKeeper& dk, const DNSName &zone) {
+ UeberBackend B;
+ DomainInfo di;
+ if (! B.getDomainInfo(zone, di)) {
+ cerr<<"Domain '"<<zone.toString()<<"' not found!"<<endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ vector<DNSRecord> pre, post;
+ char tmpnam[]="/tmp/pdnsutil-XXXXXX";
+ int tmpfd=mkstemp(tmpnam);
+ if(tmpfd < 0)
+ unixDie("Making temporary filename in "+string(tmpnam));
+ struct deleteme {
+ ~deleteme() { unlink(d_name.c_str()); }
+ deleteme(string name) : d_name(name) {}
+ string d_name;
+ } dm(tmpnam);
+ bool first=true;
+ vector<DNSResourceRecord> checkrr;
+ int gotoline=0;
+ string editor="editor";
+ if(auto e=getenv("EDITOR")) // <3
+ editor=e;
+ string cmdline;
+ editAgain:;
+ di.backend->list(zone, di.id);
+ pre.clear(); post.clear();
+ DNSResourceRecord rr;
+ {
+ if(tmpfd < 0 && (tmpfd=open(tmpnam, O_WRONLY, 0600)) < 0)
+ unixDie("Error reopening temporary file "+string(tmpnam));
+ string header("; Warning - all zone names in this file are ABSOLUTE!\n$ORIGIN .\n");
+ if(write(tmpfd, header.c_str(), header.length()) < 0)
+ unixDie("Writing zone to temporary file");
+ while(di.backend->get(rr)) {
+ DNSRecord dr(rr);
+ pre.push_back(dr);
+ ostringstream os;
+ os<<dr.d_name<<"\t"<<dr.d_ttl<<"\tIN\t"<<DNSRecordContent::NumberToType(dr.d_type)<<"\t"<<dr.d_content->getZoneRepresentation(true)<<endl;
+ if(write(tmpfd, os.str().c_str(), os.str().length()) < 0)
+ unixDie("Writing zone to temporary file");
+ }
+ sort(pre.begin(), pre.end());
+ close(tmpfd);
+ tmpfd=-1;
+ }
+ editMore:;
+ struct stat statbefore, statafter;
+ stat(tmpnam,&statbefore);
+ cmdline=editor+" ";
+ if(gotoline > 0)
+ cmdline+="+"+std::to_string(gotoline)+" ";
+ cmdline += tmpnam;
+ if(system(cmdline.c_str()) < 0) {
+ unixDie("Editing file with: "+cmdline);
+ }
+ cmdline.clear();
+ stat(tmpnam,&statafter);
+ if(first && statbefore.st_ctime == statafter.st_ctime) {
+ cout<<"No change to file"<<endl;
+ return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ first=false;
+ ZoneParserTNG zpt(tmpnam, DNSName("."));
+ map<pair<DNSName,uint16_t>, vector<DNSRecord> > grouped;
+ while(zpt.get(rr)) {
+ try {
+ DNSRecord dr(rr);
+ post.push_back(dr);
+ grouped[{dr.d_name,dr.d_type}].push_back(dr);
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& e) {
+ cerr<<"Problem "<<e.what()<<" "<<zpt.getLineOfFile()<<endl;
+ auto fnum = zpt.getLineNumAndFile();
+ gotoline = fnum.second;
+ goto reAsk;
+ }
+ }
+ sort(post.begin(), post.end());
+ checkrr.clear();
+ for(const DNSRecord& rr : post) {
+ DNSResourceRecord drr(rr);
+ drr.domain_id = di.id;
+ checkrr.push_back(drr);
+ }
+ if(checkZone(dk, B, zone, &checkrr)) {
+ reAsk:;
+ cerr<<"\x1b[31;1mThere was a problem with your zone\x1b[0m\nOptions are: (e)dit your changes, (r)etry with original zone, (a)pply change anyhow, (q)uit: "<<endl;
+ int c=read1char();
+ cerr<<"\n";
+ post.clear();
+ if(c=='e')
+ goto editMore;
+ else if(c=='r')
+ goto editAgain;
+ else if(c=='q')
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ else if(c!='a')
+ goto reAsk;
+ }
+ cout<<"Detected the following changes:\n"<<endl;
+ vector<DNSRecord> diff;
+ set<pair<DNSName,uint16_t>> changed;
+ set_difference(pre.cbegin(), pre.cend(), post.cbegin(), post.cend(), back_inserter(diff));
+ for(const auto& d : diff) {
+ changed.insert({d.d_name,d.d_type});
+ cout<<'-'<< d.d_name <<" "<<d.d_ttl<<" IN "<<DNSRecordContent::NumberToType(d.d_type)<<" "<<d.d_content->getZoneRepresentation(true)<<endl;
+ }
+ diff.clear();
+ set_difference(post.cbegin(), post.cend(), pre.cbegin(), pre.cend(), back_inserter(diff));
+ for(const auto& d : diff) {
+ changed.insert({d.d_name,d.d_type});
+ cout<<'+'<< d.d_name <<" "<<d.d_ttl<<" IN "<<DNSRecordContent::NumberToType(d.d_type)<<" "<<d.d_content->getZoneRepresentation(true)<<endl;
+ }
+ reAsk2:;
+ cout<<"\n(a)pply these changes, (e)dit again, (r)etry with original zone, (q)uit: ";
+ int c=read1char();
+ post.clear();
+ cerr<<'\n';
+ if(c=='q')
+ return(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ else if(c=='e')
+ goto editMore;
+ else if(c=='r')
+ goto editAgain;
+ else if(c!='a')
+ goto reAsk2;
+ for(const auto& c : changed) {
+ vector<DNSResourceRecord> vrr;
+ for(const DNSRecord& rr : grouped[c]) {
+ DNSResourceRecord drr(rr);
+ drr.domain_id = di.id;
+ vrr.push_back(drr);
+ }
+ di.backend->replaceRRSet(di.id, c.first, QType(c.second), vrr);
+ }
+ return 0;
int loadZone(DNSName zone, const string& fname) {
UeberBackend B;
DomainInfo di;
cerr<<"delete-tsig-key NAME Delete TSIG key (warning! will not unmap key!)"<<endl;
cerr<<"delete-zone ZONE Delete the zone"<<endl;
cerr<<"disable-dnssec ZONE Deactivate all keys and unset PRESIGNED in ZONE"<<endl;
+ cerr<<"edit-zone ZONE Edit zone contents using $EDITOR"<<endl;
cerr<<"export-zone-dnskey ZONE KEY-ID Export to stdout the public DNSKEY described"<<endl;
cerr<<"export-zone-key ZONE KEY-ID Export to stdout the private key described"<<endl;
cerr<<"generate-tsig-key NAME ALGORITHM Generate new TSIG key"<<endl;
+ else if(cmds[0] == "edit-zone") {
+ if(cmds.size() != 2) {
+ cerr<<"Syntax: pdnsutil edit-zone ZONE"<<endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(cmds[1]==".")
+ cmds[1].clear();
+ exit(editZone(dk, DNSName(cmds[1])));
+ }
else if(cmds[0] == "list-keys") {
if(cmds.size() > 2) {
cerr<<"Syntax: pdnsutil list-keys [ZONE]"<<endl;