collection). (Alexandru Patranescu, Nikita, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #77877 (call_user_func() passes $this to static methods).
- . Implemented request #76148 (Add array_key_exists() to the list of
- specially compiled functions). (Majkl578)
+ . Implemented FR #76148 (Add array_key_exists() to the list of specially
+ compiled functions). (Majkl578)
. Fixed bug #76430 (__METHOD__ inconsistent outside of method).
(Ryan McCullagh, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75921 (Inconsistent: No warning in some cases when stdObj is
created on the fly). (David Walker)
. Fixed bug #71030 (Self-assignment in list() may have inconsistent behavior).
+ . Implemented FR #62397 (disable_functions does not work with eval). (Benjamin
+ Eberlei).
- CLI:
. The built-in CLI server now reports the request method in log files.
. Support for WeakReferences has been added.
+ . The eval() can be now disabled via disable_functions INI directive.
. CURLFile now supports stream wrappers in addition to plain file names, if
the extension has been built against libcurl >= 7.56.0. The streams may