" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-" Last Change: 2019 May 06
+" Last Change: 2019 Jul 27
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
" HTML (.shtml and .stm for server side)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html,*.htm,*.shtml,*.stm call dist#ft#FThtml()
-" Vue.js Single File Component
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue setf vuejs
-" Vue.js Single File Component
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue setf vue
" HTML with Ruby - eRuby
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.erb,*.rhtml setf eruby
" Vroom (vim testing and executable documentation)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vroom setf vroom
-" Webmacro
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wm setf webmacro
+" Vue.js Single File Component
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vue setf vue
" WebAssembly
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wast,*.wat setf wast
+" Webmacro
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wm setf webmacro
" Wget config
au BufNewFile,BufRead .wgetrc,wgetrc setf wget
" Filetypes detected just from matching the file name.
let s:filename_checks = {
+ \ '8th': ['file.8th'],
\ 'a2ps': ['/etc/a2ps.cfg', '/etc/a2ps/file.cfg', 'a2psrc', '.a2psrc'],
\ 'a65': ['file.a65'],
+ \ 'aap': ['file.aap'],
\ 'abap': ['file.abap'],
\ 'abc': ['file.abc'],
\ 'abel': ['file.abl'],
\ 'aml': ['file.aml'],
\ 'ampl': ['file.run'],
\ 'ant': ['build.xml'],
- \ 'apache': ['.htaccess', '/etc/httpd/file.conf'],
+ \ 'apache': ['.htaccess', '/etc/httpd/file.conf', '/etc/apache2/sites-2/file.com', '/etc/apache2/some.config', '/etc/apache2/conf.file/conf', '/etc/apache2/mods-some/file', '/etc/apache2/sites-some/file', '/etc/httpd/conf.d/file.config'],
+ \ 'apachestyle': ['/etc/proftpd/file.config,/etc/proftpd/conf.file/file'],
\ 'applescript': ['file.scpt'],
\ 'aptconf': ['apt.conf', '/.aptitude/config'],
\ 'arch': ['.arch-inventory'],
\ 'c': ['enlightenment/file.cfg', 'file.qc', 'file.c'],
\ 'cabal': ['file.cabal'],
\ 'calendar': ['calendar'],
- \ 'catalog': ['catalog'],
+ \ 'catalog': ['catalog', 'sgml.catalogfile'],
\ 'cdl': ['file.cdl'],
\ 'cdrdaoconf': ['/etc/cdrdao.conf', '/etc/defaults/cdrdao', '/etc/default/cdrdao', '.cdrdao'],
\ 'cdrtoc': ['file.toc'],
\ 'svg': ['file.svg'],
\ 'svn': ['svn-commitfile.tmp'],
\ 'sysctl': ['/etc/sysctl.conf', '/etc/sysctl.d/file.conf'],
- \ 'systemd': ['any/systemd/file.automount', 'any/systemd/file.mount', 'any/systemd/file.path', 'any/systemd/file.service', 'any/systemd/file.socket', 'any/systemd/file.swap', 'any/systemd/file.target', 'any/systemd/file.timer'],
+ \ 'systemd': ['any/systemd/file.automount', 'any/systemd/file.mount', 'any/systemd/file.path', 'any/systemd/file.service', 'any/systemd/file.socket', 'any/systemd/file.swap', 'any/systemd/file.target', 'any/systemd/file.timer', '/etc/systemd/system/some.d/file.conf', '/etc/systemd/system/some.d/.#file'],
\ 'systemverilog': ['file.sv', 'file.svh'],
\ 'tags': ['tags'],
\ 'tak': ['file.tak'],
\ 'verilog': ['file.v'],
\ 'verilogams': ['file.va', 'file.vams'],
\ 'vgrindefs': ['vgrindefs'],
- \ 'vhdl': ['file.hdl', 'file.vhd', 'file.vhdl', 'file.vbe', 'file.vst'],
+ \ 'vhdl': ['file.hdl', 'file.vhd', 'file.vhdl', 'file.vbe', 'file.vst', 'file.vhdl_123'],
\ 'vim': ['file.vim', 'file.vba', '.exrc', '_exrc'],
\ 'viminfo': ['.viminfo', '_viminfo'],
\ 'vmasm': ['file.mar'],
\ 'zimbutempl': ['file.zut'],
\ 'zsh': ['.zprofile', '/etc/zprofile', '.zfbfmarks', 'file.zsh'],
- \ 'aap': ['file.aap'],
\ 'help': [$VIMRUNTIME . '/doc/help.txt'],
\ 'xpm': ['file.xpm'],
\ }
for i in range(0, len(names) - 1)
- exe 'edit ' . names[i]
+ exe 'edit ' . fnameescape(names[i])
call assert_report('cannot edit "' . names[i] . '": ' . v:errmsg)