* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- * $Id: outfuncs.c,v 1.52 1998/12/14 08:11:09 scrappy Exp $
+ * $Id: outfuncs.c,v 1.53 1998/12/15 02:24:15 scrappy Exp $
* Every (plan) node in POSTGRES has an associated "out" routine which
static void
_outTypeName(StringInfo str, TypeName *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " TYPENAME ");
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " TYPENAME :name %s :timezone %s :setof %s typmod %d :arrayBounds ",
+ node->name,
+ node->timezone ? "true" : "false,
+ node->setof ? "true" : "false",
+ node->typemod);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :name ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->name);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :timezone ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->timezone ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :setof ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->setof ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :typmod ");
- snprintf(buf, 500, " %d ", node->typmod);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
appendStringInfo(str, " :arrayBounds ");
_outNode(str, node->arrayBounds);
static void
_outIndexElem(StringInfo str, IndexElem *node)
- appendStringInfo(str, " INDEXELEM ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :name ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->name);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :args ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " INDEXELEM :name %s :args ", node->name);
_outNode(str, node->args);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :class ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->class);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :typename ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :class %s :typename ", node->class);
_outNode(str, node->typename);
static void
_outQuery(StringInfo str, Query *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " QUERY ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :command ");
- snprintf(buf, 500, " %d ", node->commandType);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " QUERY :command %d ", node->commandType);
if (node->utilityStmt)
switch (nodeTag(node->utilityStmt))
case T_CreateStmt:
- appendStringInfo(str, " :create ");
- appendStringInfo(str, ((CreateStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :create %s ",
+ ((CreateStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
_outNode(str, node->utilityStmt);
case T_IndexStmt:
- appendStringInfo(str, " :index ");
- appendStringInfo(str, ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->idxname);
- appendStringInfo(str, " on ");
- appendStringInfo(str, ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :index %s on %s ",
+ ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->idxname,
+ ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
_outNode(str, node->utilityStmt);
case T_NotifyStmt:
- appendStringInfo(str, " :utility ");
- appendStringInfo(str, ((NotifyStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :utility %s ",
+ ((NotifyStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :utility ");
- appendStringInfo(str, NULL);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :utility %s", NULL);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :resultRelation ");
- snprintf(buf, 500, " %d ", node->resultRelation);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :into ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->into);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :isPortal ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->isPortal ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :isBinary ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->isBinary ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :unionall ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->unionall ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :unique ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->uniqueFlag);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :sortClause ");
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " :resultRelation %d :into %s :isPortal %s :isBinary %s :unionall %s ",
+ node->resultRelation,
+ node->into,
+ node->isPortal ? "true" : "false",
+ node->isBinary ? "true" : "false",
+ node->unionall ? "true" : "false");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :unique %s :sortClause ", node->uniqueFlag);
_outNode(str, node->sortClause);
appendStringInfo(str, " :rtable ");
_outNode(str, node->rtable);
appendStringInfo(str, " :targetlist ");
_outNode(str, node->targetList);
appendStringInfo(str, " :qual ");
_outNode(str, node->qual);
appendStringInfo(str, " :groupClause ");
_outNode(str, node->groupClause);
appendStringInfo(str, " :havingQual ");
_outNode(str, node->havingQual);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :hasAggs ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->hasAggs ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :hasSubLinks ");
- appendStringInfo(str, (node->hasSubLinks ? "true" : "false"));
- appendStringInfo(str, " :unionClause ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :hasAggs %s :hasSubLinks %s :unionClause ",
+ node->hasAggs ? "true" : "false",
+ node->hasSubLinks ? "true" : "false");
_outNode(str, node->unionClause);
appendStringInfo(str, " :limitOffset ");
_outNode(str, node->limitOffset);
appendStringInfo(str, " :limitCount ");
_outNode(str, node->limitCount);
static void
_outSortClause(StringInfo str, SortClause *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " SORTCLAUSE ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :resdom ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " SORTCLAUSE :resdom ");
_outNode(str, node->resdom);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :opoid ");
- snprintf(buf, 500, " %u ", node->opoid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :opoid %u ", node->opoid);
static void
_outGroupClause(StringInfo str, GroupClause *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " GROUPCLAUSE ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :entry ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " GROUPCLAUSE :entry ");
_outNode(str, node->entry);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :grpOpoid ");
- snprintf(buf, 500, " %u ", node->grpOpoid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :grpOpoid %u ", node->grpOpoid);
static void
_outPlanInfo(StringInfo str, Plan *node)
- char buf[500];
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :cost %g ", node->cost);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :size %d ", node->plan_size);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :width %d ", node->plan_width);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :state ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->state ? "not-NULL" : "<>");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :qptargetlist ");
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ ":cost %g :size %d :width %d :state %s :qptargetlist ",
+ node->cost,
+ node->plan_size,
+ node->plan_width,
+ node->state ? "not-NULL" : "<>");
_outNode(str, node->targetlist);
appendStringInfo(str, " :qpqual ");
_outNode(str, node->qual);
appendStringInfo(str, " :lefttree ");
_outNode(str, node->lefttree);
appendStringInfo(str, " :righttree ");
_outNode(str, node->righttree);
appendStringInfo(str, " :extprm ");
_outIntList(str, node->extParam);
appendStringInfo(str, " :locprm ");
_outIntList(str, node->locParam);
appendStringInfo(str, " :initplan ");
_outNode(str, node->initPlan);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :nprm %d ", node->nParamExec);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :nprm %d ", node-nParamExec);
static void
_outAppend(StringInfo str, Append *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " APPEND ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
appendStringInfo(str, " :unionrtables ");
_outNode(str, node->unionrtables);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :inheritrelid %d ", node->inheritrelid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :inheritrtable ");
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " :inheritrelid %d :inheritrtable ",
+ node->inheritrelid);
_outNode(str, node->inheritrtable);
static void
_outMergeJoin(StringInfo str, MergeJoin *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " MERGEJOIN ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
_outNode(str, node->mergeclauses);
snprintf(buf, 500, " :mergejoinop %u ", node->mergejoinop);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :mergerightorder %u ", node->mergerightorder[0]);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- snprintf(buf, 500, " :mergeleftorder %u ", node->mergeleftorder[0]);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " :mergejoinop %u :mergerightorder %u :mergeleftorder %u ",
+ node->mergejoinop,
+ node->mergerightorder,
+ node->mergeleftorder);
static void
_outHashJoin(StringInfo str, HashJoin *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " HASHJOIN ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
appendStringInfo(str, " :hashclauses ");
_outNode(str, node->hashclauses);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashjoinop %u ", node->hashjoinop);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashjointable 0x%x ", (int) node->hashjointable);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashjointablekey %d ", node->hashjointablekey);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashjointablesize %d ", node->hashjointablesize);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashdone %d ", node->hashdone);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " :hashjoinop %u :hashjointable 0x%x :hashjointablekey %d ",
+ node->hashjoinop,
+ (int) node->hashjointable,
+ node->hashjointablekey);
+ appendStringInfo(str,
+ " :hashjointablesize %d :hashdone %d ",
+ node->hashjointablesize,
+ node->hashdone);
static void
_outSubPlan(StringInfo str, SubPlan *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " SUBPLAN ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :plan ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " SUBPLAN :plan ");
_outNode(str, node->plan);
- sprintf(buf, " :planid %u ", node->plan_id);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :rtable ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :planid %u :rtable ", node->plan_id);
_outNode(str, node->rtable);
appendStringInfo(str, " :setprm ");
_outIntList(str, node->setParam);
appendStringInfo(str, " :parprm ");
_outIntList(str, node->parParam);
appendStringInfo(str, " :slink ");
_outNode(str, node->sublink);
static void
_outScan(StringInfo str, Scan *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " SCAN ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid);
static void
_outSeqScan(StringInfo str, SeqScan *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " SEQSCAN ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid);
static void
_outIndexScan(StringInfo str, IndexScan *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " INDEXSCAN ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scan.scanrelid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :indxid ");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :scanrelid %d :indxid ", node->scan.scanrelid);
_outIntList(str, node->indxid);
appendStringInfo(str, " :indxqual ");
static void
_outTemp(StringInfo str, Temp *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " TEMP ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :tempid %u :keycount %d ",
+ node->tempid,
+ node->keycount);
static void
_outSort(StringInfo str, Sort *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " SORT ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :tempid %u :keycount %d ",
+ node->tempid,
+ node->keycount);
static void
static void
_outGroup(StringInfo str, Group *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " GRP ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
/* the actual Group fields */
- sprintf(buf, " :numCols %d ", node->numCols);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :tuplePerGroup ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->tuplePerGroup ? "true" : "false");
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :numCols %d :tuplePerGroup %s,
+ node->numCols,
+ node->tuplePerGroup ? "true" : "false");
* For some reason, unique is a subclass of Temp.
static void
_outUnique(StringInfo str, Unique *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " UNIQUE ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :tempid %u :keycount %d ",
+ node->tempid,
+ node->keycount);
static void
_outHash(StringInfo str, Hash *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " HASH ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
_outNode(str, node->hashkey);
sprintf(buf, " :hashtable 0x%x ", (int) (node->hashtable));
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashtablekey %d ", node->hashtablekey);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :hashtablesize %d ", node->hashtablesize);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :hashtable 0x%x :hashtablekey %d :hashtablesize %d ",
+ (int) node->hashtable,
+ node->hashtablekey,
+ node->hashtablesize);
static void
_outTee(StringInfo str, Tee *node)
- char buf[500];
appendStringInfo(str, " TEE ");
_outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node);
- sprintf(buf, " :leftParent %X ", (int) (node->leftParent));
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :rightParent %X ", (int) (node->rightParent));
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :leftParent %X :rightParent %X ",
+ (int) node->leftParent,
+ (int) node->rightParent);
appendStringInfo(str, " :rtentries ");
_outNode(str, node->rtentries);
* Stuff from primnodes.h.
* Resdom is a subclass of Node
static void
_outResdom(StringInfo str, Resdom *node)
- char buf[500];
- appendStringInfo(str, " RESDOM ");
- sprintf(buf, " :resno %d ", node->resno);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :restype %u ", node->restype);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :restypmod %d ", node->restypmod);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :resname ");
- sprintf(buf, "\"%s\"", node->resname); /* fix for SELECT col AS
- * "my name" */
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :reskey %d ", node->reskey);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :reskeyop %u ", node->reskeyop);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
- sprintf(buf, " :resjunk %d ", node->resjunk);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " RESDOM :resno %d :restype %u :restypmod %d ",
+ node->resno,
+ node->restype,
+ node->restypmod);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :resname \"%s\" :reskey %d :reskeyop %u :resjunk %d",
+ node->resname,
+ node->reskey,
+ node->reskeyop,
+ node->resjunk);
static void
_outFjoin(StringInfo str, Fjoin *node)
- char buf[500];
int i;
- appendStringInfo(str, " FJOIN ");
- appendStringInfo(str, " :initialized ");
- appendStringInfo(str, node->fj_initialized ? "true" : "false");
- sprintf(buf, " :nNodes %d ", node->fj_nNodes);
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " FJOIN :initialized %s :nNodes %d ",
+ node->fj_initialized ? "true" : "false",
+ node->fj_nNodes);
appendStringInfo(str, " :innerNode ");
_outNode(str, node->fj_innerNode);
- sprintf(buf, " :results @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->fj_results));
- appendStringInfo(str, buf);
+ appendStringInfo(str, " :results @ 0x%x :alwaysdone",
+ (int) node->fj_results);
- appendStringInfo(str, " :alwaysdone ");
for (i = 0; i < node->fj_nNodes; i++)
appendStringInfo(str, (node->fj_alwaysDone[i]) ? "true" : "false");